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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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Last pricing I saw on eBay for Alt was like $90-$100
I don't think that price can hold given the amount of prereleases all over the world. If it was a full art foil Ugin though...

Damnit; I'm cursed by the MTGO Legacy Cube! Drafted the nuts White Weenie and got mana-screwed then mana-flooded to finish with yet another 2-1. MTGO is trolling me with this cube at this point. :)
Funny you should mention it. I 3-0'd a queue yesterday with... mono red. I didn't have the best deck (only had one one-drop), but apparently my opponents had even worse decks and I just burned them out every time. I even managed to ultimate Koth. Tokens in red are a trap. Burn em earn em. Green matchups are so much easier when you can burn their ramp. I lost another queue when my opponent ramped with Rofellos and Gaea's Cradle and I was sitting there helpless with my savannah lions and assorted weenies. Green Sun Zenith is so good in that deck. Doesn't dissuade me from forcing white weenie the next time however. Probably splashing red if I can. :)


These cards working together won me so many damn games.


Flamerush rider copying these cards meant that I got a bunch of spirit fliers and was able to bolster pretty much any thing I was able to put down. Not to mention I was able to tap down any big blockers they might have. It's soo damn good. With all three attacking you can get some pretty big swings pretty damn early and almost overwhelm any hard removal.


I went Jeskai again and went 3-1 again. I abandon red though and switched out to Esper after would lose my first match. Esper was just way better. There are actually quite a bit of removals (Whisk Away, Douse in Gloom, Sandblast) in this set and quite a few cantrips (Pressure Point, Refocus),Jeskai Infiltrator has been pretty underwhelming. The clause just holds it back too much. Jeskai Sage is a great chump blocker. I did not ever mind chumping to get a draw. Tasigur never got the chance to do anything.

Pulled a Monastery Mentor in my prize packs. I'm satisfied lol.


I've been brewing terrible standard decks again (ever since I won a gameday with mazes end), this time with the aim of mill in mind:


There is a lot of creatures with large butts that play nicely with Phenax, and I could quite easily take this in a few other directions but tried to focus on the mill kill while keeping this as competitive as possible. The deck seems a little weak to whip and hornet queen in particular, but seems to hold up okay against the rest of the field. Suggestions?


What time is the banning announcement?
Fingers crossed they don't ban Dig. They should ban Ascendancy though, and they might ban cruise but I hope they don't. Always the same people complaining Modern needs to be made fresh, then get annoyed at wizards for printing powerful cards. Innistrad was similar in power and people just accept those cards now.

Unbannings I'm not that fussed, I think it would be fine and interesting to take off Bloodbraid.
Funny you should mention it. I 3-0'd a queue yesterday with... mono red. I didn't have the best deck (only had one one-drop), but apparently my opponents had even worse decks and I just burned them out every time. I even managed to ultimate Koth. Tokens in red are a trap. Burn em earn em. Green matchups are so much easier when you can burn their ramp. I lost another queue when my opponent ramped with Rofellos and Gaea's Cradle and I was sitting there helpless with my savannah lions and assorted weenies. Green Sun Zenith is so good in that deck. Doesn't dissuade me from forcing white weenie the next time however. Probably splashing red if I can. :)

I never forced WW last go around, but it was clearly the best deck. So this time for my first crack at the cube I took P1P1 Armageddon over Upheaval, since it's much, much harder to make Upheaval work in this iteration of the cube. Of course, I was passed Dynamo, Gilded Lotus, and some other goodies, so - punished I guess.

The "mana screw" game I kept 1 land, Mom, Vanguard, Seeker, Crusade, and some other business. I win that game easy if I hit land three even by turn 5; I didn't until turn 7. I got blown out in the dumbest way possible: putting Angelic Destiny on a Silverblade Paladin with him at 14 life. Rather than win the game, he cast Momentary Blink on his Duplicant. Ugh. Game two I just drew plains after plains, and he drew Wrath, Verdict, Snapcaster. It happens.

It wasn't the ultimate nuts (no Figure, Student, or Spiritkeeper), but it was very good. Also, I never wanted to cast Armageddon in any board state I drew it in, but to be fair, one of those games Winter Orb had already done the job.

I had an Opposition in my sideboard. I decided that since I didn't have any duals, it was going to stay in the board. Sad, but almost certainly right.
Didn't I tell you Armageddon and Ravages of War are not great in cube? Let that be a lesson to you!

I still haven't rationalized in my head why Winter Orb and Tangle Wire are so good and Ravages doesn't do it. I guess Ravages is really a Selesnya card that you support with elves, not white weenie card.
A Stoneforge unbanning would be a ballsy move. I can't believe any "leak" that doesn't ban Jeskai Ascendancy though.

Regarding Pod: I've said for years that its ban is inevitable - it's just a matter of time. With how Wizards keeps printing creatures with spells attached, at some point it'll get to be too much and Pod will have to go. I'm not convinced now is the right time though.
I swapped out two of my Haunted Plate Mails for a pair of Hewed Stone Retainers in my affinity deck and they've been pretty great. I might try adding a third.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
A birthing pod ban right now would be straight nonsense. Exactly the type of unwarranted ban that would keep people from ever buying into a deck in modern again. It's an archetype at this point and banning an entire archetype without a solid reason (IE unbeatable or straight up unfair like Tinker or something) would be crazy to do. It's not healthy to ban deck archetypes just to shake up the format and that's all this would be at this time. Also, every single deck would not be some UR variation, or maybe, maybe some fringe tron decks.

tl;dr: I hope that Reddit post is fake.


A birthing pod ban right now would be straight nonsense. Exactly the type of unwarranted ban that would keep people from ever buying into a deck in modern again. It's an archetype at this point and banning an entire archetype without a solid reason (IE unbeatable or straight up unfair like Tinker or something) would be crazy to do. It's not healthy to ban deck archetypes just to shake up the format and that's all this would be at this time. Also, every single deck would not be some UR variation, or maybe, maybe some fringe tron decks.

tl;dr: I hope that Reddit post is fake.
It is.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm sure it is, but I don't have prerelease here so, hey. But if Bloodbraid is unbanned and Treasure Cruise isn't banned, I'm going RUG so fast.


Could only make it to one prerelease this weekend and ended up 3-1 with a mediocre URw pile. A decent number of Prowess creatures to go on the offensive but I had no way to deal with any decent-sized creature. The first round was fun through since my opponent had the black Khan/Dragon enchantment which drained for 2 each turn, so the second game when he dropped that after hitting twice with the 5/5 hasty flying dragon was a fun scramble to win.

Treasure Cruise, Dig, and Birthing Pod banned in Modern. Golgari Grave-Troll unbanned.

Treasure Cruise banned in Legacy. Worldgorger Dragon unbanned.

Treasure Cruise restricted in Vintage.
I hate how everyone always complains about their sealed pools. Sure, you didn't get what you were looking for and sealed in general is garbage, but it's pointless to complain about. All you can do is try and build it in a way that covers as many weaknesses as you can and hope for the best.

One day I'll be as stoic as my limited hero william jensen, just you watch.


Dat banlist tho.

Birthing Pod, Treasure Cruise, Dig Through Time banned, Golgari Grave-Troll unbanned in Modern
Treasure Cruise banned, Worldgorger Dragon unbanned in Legacy
Treasure Cruise restricted, Gifts Ungiven unrestricted in Vintage


EDIT: Too slow :(


Damn, so many changes, my twitter and facebook feeds are going nuts right now. About fucking time Worldgorger Dragon was unbanned, that was always dumb.


TC and not brainstorm banned. Meta will stay as blue as always. Survival still banned is stupid too, that card would give us a good non-blue deck but i guess that's a no-no for wizards. Also Twist, Earthcraft and Vise still banned at this point is just a joke.


How am supposed to go back to playing blue without Dig.

Junk is laughing it's way to the bank.

Sucks they are setting this precedent for bannings. No new good cards except big dumb creatures.
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