Funny you should mention it. I 3-0'd a queue yesterday with... mono red. I didn't have the best deck (only had one one-drop), but apparently my opponents had even worse decks and I just burned them out every time. I even managed to ultimate Koth. Tokens in red are a trap. Burn em earn em. Green matchups are so much easier when you can burn their ramp. I lost another queue when my opponent ramped with Rofellos and Gaea's Cradle and I was sitting there helpless with my savannah lions and assorted weenies. Green Sun Zenith is so good in that deck. Doesn't dissuade me from forcing white weenie the next time however. Probably splashing red if I can.
I never forced WW last go around, but it was clearly the best deck. So this time for my first crack at the cube I took P1P1 Armageddon over Upheaval, since it's much, much harder to make Upheaval work in this iteration of the cube. Of course, I was passed Dynamo, Gilded Lotus, and some other goodies, so - punished I guess.
The "mana screw" game I kept 1 land, Mom, Vanguard, Seeker, Crusade, and some other business. I win that game easy if I hit land three even by turn 5; I didn't until turn 7. I got blown out in the dumbest way possible: putting Angelic Destiny on a Silverblade Paladin with him at 14 life. Rather than win the game, he cast Momentary Blink on his Duplicant. Ugh. Game two I just drew plains after plains, and he drew Wrath, Verdict, Snapcaster. It happens.
It wasn't the ultimate nuts (no Figure, Student, or Spiritkeeper), but it was very good. Also, I never wanted to cast Armageddon in any board state I drew it in, but to be fair, one of those games Winter Orb had already done the job.
I had an Opposition in my sideboard. I decided that since I didn't have any duals, it was going to stay in the board. Sad, but almost certainly right.