(favourite Modern card)
(favourite Eternal card)
(favourite artwork)
(favourite land artwork)
I started off just picking whatever card was best, but quickly went with Rakdos after I received a foil Flamewake Phoenix from the player next to me ( He picked Dromoka, the Eternal for a deck he was building for Standard ), picked up an Orc Sureshot and noticed that two Typhoid Rats had made it all the way around the table to me without anyone picking them. I ended up with five Typhoid Rats and two Orc Sureshot, and all four Bloodfell Caves made it all the way around the table and back to me. I lost my first game due to not getting my Swamps in time, so I switched out a Mardu Scout and two Mountains for a Battle Brawler and two Swamps.
No, Tarkir is not Zendikar. The Zendikar block and Khans of Tarkir set take place within a few years of each other at most, and Sarkhan visited both planes, for one thing, not to mention that both planes are completely different.I'm not following the story, but is Tarkir actually Zendikar in an alternate timeline? That was what I selected in the Godbook survey because I'm not really sure.
They only started posting them in the same place as the articles starting with Theros block, I believe, but yeah, they always do this. It's a big component of how they get customer data for the sets, after all.Cool, do they always do this? First one I've taken part.
Sarkhan brought back a small hedron from Zendikar and used it to heal Ugin. You can see it on his spear in the Khans of Tarkir trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIC1M_eKagk#t=33sI'm not following the story, but is Tarkir actually Zendikar in an alternate timeline? That was what I selected in the Godbook survey because I'm not really sure.
Sarkhan brought back a small hedron from Zendikar and used it to heal Ugin. You can see it on his spear in the Khans of Tarkir trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIC1M_eKagk#t=33s
Junk is a terrible name but so is Team America.
I'm not following the story, but is Tarkir actually Zendikar in an alternate timeline? That was what I selected in the Godbook survey because I'm not really sure.
(First serious competitive deck, first pointlessly over-elaborate combo deck, SUPER SECRET SPECIAL ORIGIN of my username, best card from the best guild in the best set that got me playing again.)
A few of you might remember that my handle here used to be Halycon, which was a (accidentally) mispelling of Halcyon, which I took from this card that I was running in my casual Ravnica deck at the time.
WHAT an origin story.
Erhnamgeddon! damn feels like yesterday.
Harpy->bounce that 1/1 that drains each player for 1 infinite times w/ Soul Warden in play ftw.Aluren? getoutofhere
Dragons of Tarkir is confirmed to be a reprint of Khans of Tarkir, except without Sarkhan!bobonfire1 asked: Did you consider have sarkhan fail and the third set be a reprint of Khans?
Thats one possibility. : )
Fate Stay/Night is on hiatus for the season so no ban risk for a while.Yay Grimace is back!
Yay Grimmace is back!
Post #11544Let me guess: God's Beard won every tournament in the last month.
scrub do you even magic?Yeah, it means I didn't get to talk about my prerelease where I got Sage Eye Avengers, Torrent Elemental, Yasova Dragonclaw, Arcbond, Supplant Form and Crater's Claws as my rares in a Temur pack. I somehow lost a round to some dude who had that annoying white manifest factory enchantment.
scrub do you even magic?
It does suck, though.
More viewers, more $, but way shittier because HS is so much less fun.I got the impression it was money based too since he gets financial support from esports types for Hearthstone streaming that he doesn't when he streams MODO.
Well, he did help in designing Ascension which I do like. Is it dead? Wiki isn't much help.
Well, he did help in designing Ascension which I do like. Is it dead? Wiki isn't much help.
Side tangent, but the latest set for Ascension (realms unravelled) is the best one they have made in ages.
Apparently the physical version has an utterly broken enlightened card in it, but that was replaced in the Ipad version and I find myself playing it daily. Love that game!
The best rare in the format.Yeah, it means I didn't get to talk about my prerelease where I got Sage Eye Avengers, Torrent Elemental, Yasova Dragonclaw, Arcbond, Supplant Form and Crater's Claws as my rares in a Temur pack. I somehow lost a round to some dude who had that annoying white manifest factory enchantment.
The best part of the MTGO beta is the amazing decks you get to build out of the craziest "packs" ever. The worst is that sometimes it doesn't work right, and you only get to play one match (after all, you're expected to be a tester, not to just play free Magic). But sometimes you get sweet stuff to toy with. I just got to play a deck with Survival, Genesis, Living Death, Soulfire Grand Master, Archangel of Thune, Mana Vault, Crux of Fate, Goblin Heelcutter, and some assorted dragons and removal. Plus four Vivids and three trilands to make sure everything works.
I bet you didnt even see the receipts i posted for you in response to your last post.I bet that happened.