Then print 3 or more mana removal. In Ravnica, you had Disembowel, Seal of Doom, Douse in Gloom, Wrecking Ball, Brainspoil, Faith Fetters, Seal of Fire, Fiery Conclusion, Pyromatics, Galvanic Arc, Cackling Flames at common alone, and upgraded removal Putrefy, Mortify, Lightning Helix Ribbons of Night, Electrolyze, Devouring Light, Savage Twister, Twinstrike at uncommon. And that's not counting creatures like Steamcore Weird and Rakdos Guildmage.Yeah, it's cards like Doom Blade/Pacifism that are problems in Limited. Two mana can undo six mana worth of work at card parity. If I can remove your thing and play my own thing, that's a huge blowout.
Once you start getting to 3 mana, it starts to be less of a disparity.
Ravnica was amazing, despite two mana rocks. More of that, please.