What is your gender?
What is your age?
How long (total time) have you regularly played Magic?
Around 15 years. Started with Urza's Legacy during the height of the Pokémon craze, stopped with Mirrodin, came back for Ravnica. Almost quite again when Scars of Mirrodin reared its ugly head. Basically, Mirrodin is the worst. Now let's never speak of it again.
How long have you posted on NeoGAF?
3 years. Used to lurk for a looooong time.
Do you generally play Magic on a computer (online) or in person (paper)?
Used to play paper exclusively. Now more online because I don't have time during the weekends.
Do you play MTGO?
What type of player would you consider yourself?
Johnny I guess? Not that I like to play combo decks. I just like to play decks that surprise my opponents so they have no clue what to do, with a tendency to U/R of course. Playing the best decks is boring.
How many events do you attend, both online and paper, on average per week?
How many GPs (Grand Prix) have you attended?
Too many to count. Never made day 2. So many 6-3s :lol
Who's your favorite MTG-GAF member?
Angry Grimace for being a neverending ball of positive energy. Not that angry kirby though. Not cute at all.
Started with 4th edition, stopped with Apocalypse, came back for Mirroden, stepped away with Coldsnap, came back for M11
That must have been rough.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";155443873]I posted a couple weeks ago about it, but I unistalled MODO because I was spending too much money and I had no interest in building a constructed deck. Even if you win a lot playing draft, you're basically always losing money and the entertainment value just wasn't enough for me. I haven't touched it since.
I was playing like 10 drafts and several pptq events every week, I had to stop. Even if you get the average cost of a draft down to like 5 bucks, that's still a ton of money for getting basically nothing in return other than a few hours of entertainment.[/QUOTE]
Win more. Lose less. Always losing money? C'mon the EV isn't that bad with a decent win percentage. Personally, I didn't put money in MTGO for the whole year. Of course I generally only play cube and don't enter pptqs. I'm currently out of packs and tix though. Stupid Fate Reforged. :lol