Just finished up watching VSL week 7.
Dredge now 0-7 this season. :lol
As it should be.Just finished up watching VSL week 7.Dredge now 0-7 this season. :lol
Just finished up watching VSL week 7.Dredge now 0-7 this season. :lol
My favorite part wasLSV later showing his list and showing that he had almost no sideboard for Dredge and would've lost in almost any other situation.
Ah they are doing that again? The store owner confused me then, asking which promo I wanted to go with and showed me all the dragons.
Last part of Dragons of Tarkir Planeswalker's Guide
More of the same; the broods are the clans but less interesting. There is more hinting of holdouts here than in the other part, though.
Last part of Dragons of Tarkir Planeswalker's Guide
More of the same; the broods are the clans but less interesting. There is more hinting of holdouts here than in the other part, though.
I liked what they did to Anafenza.
Turn her into an animu waifu ghost girl?
Needs more Corpseweft.
Sarkhan is starting to dip below 20.Anyone pre ordering any cards?
They Obiwan'd her.I liked what they did to Anafenza.
Anyone pre ordering any cards?
It mostly does silly things that never end up being useful.
Dark Deal with Corpseweft and Waste Not out just probably wins you the game, even if you just draw into Corpseweft vs. already having it out. Granted, you need a higher number of creatures to really enable it, but I think Whip, Empty the Pits and Crux are deader cards than you're imagining. You also need some kind of creatures that aren't super expensive or super expensive Delve spells.
I like where you're going though, it sounds interesting.
I kind of think this kind of deck should be B/G with some Wayfinders and Tasigur rather than mono-B. You can use stuff like Commune/Wayfinder to fetch up creatures and fill the yard , etc. and you can use Nyx-Weaver to pull win-cons out of your graveyard.
Of course, that probably just moves it off of the whole "Dark Deal-Waste Note combo" thing. But I think the ultimate point is that the combo of those two individually bad cards isn't super amazing.
hahaGurmag Angler over Tasigur in a BG deck bro
Gurmag Angler over Tasigur in a BG deck bro
It's not a zombie deck with only 2 zombies.
GB - 1, AG - 0, Griffyndor - 10
Corpseweft makes zombies
So, I've recently started getting into Magic, I've played a bit in the past but really only started buying cards recently and I have a couple questions.
1. What's the recommended ratio of Creature, Non-Creature Spells and Lands?
2. What's the recommended number of high cost spells?
3. What is the correct way to play Black?
4. Should I run more than one color?
Sorry if these are basic things, just figured this would be the easiest place to ask. Thanks.
So, I've recently started getting into Magic, I've played a bit in the past but really only started buying cards recently and I have a couple questions.
1. What's the recommended ratio of Creature, Non-Creature Spells and Lands?
2. What's the recommended number of high cost spells?
3. What is the correct way to play Black?
4. Should I run more than one color?
Sorry if these are basic things, just figured this would be the easiest place to ask. Thanks.
1. 20/20/20
2. None
3. Not playing siege rhino
4. No
So, I've recently started getting into Magic, I've played a bit in the past but really only started buying cards recently and I have a couple questions.
1. What's the recommended ratio of Creature, Non-Creature Spells and Lands?
2. What's the recommended number of high cost spells?
3. What is the correct way to play Black?
4. Should I run more than one color?
Sorry if these are basic things, just figured this would be the easiest place to ask. Thanks.
What? Mono red is a legit starting point to get into competitive magic. Saves money on lands too. Sure, I'm biased towards red. Sue me.Are you trying to get us NBA-GAF'd? No offense, but if a new guy comes in and asks questions, its just not cool to give inside-joke responses for the benefit of the thread regulars.
First comment? Grisly Salvage is not Standard legal. Or Murderous Cut. Basically, they can't be there together.
And the deck you're proposing I did very well with last standard. Fun as hell. Include Pharika for instant speed activations for good blocks.
I hate the new cube already. Vampires. Vampires everywhere.
Also I don't know how Chrome Mox works. It says nonartifact, nonland, so I exile an eldrazi. Can't tap it for mana. :lol
I know that now after I read the card. It's just that MTGO doesn't show the whole card text on screen unless you hover over the card.Eldrazi don't have colors, so there is no color for the Mox to tap for. Colorless is not a color, so it can't tap for colorless
First comment? Grisly Salvage is not Standard legal. Or Murderous Cut. Basically, they can't be there together.
And the deck you're proposing I did very well with last standard. Fun as hell. Include Pharika for instant speed activations for good blocks.
Cut is standard legal.