Going to my first prerelease (and my first time playing limited) tomorrrow, planning to pick Ojutai. Any tips?
Choose 2 colors, don't try splashing for anything, use a 40 card deck and have about 17 lands and 23 non lands (preferably 13 - 17 of them creatures). In sealed there's going to be alot of big creatures/bombs so try to make sure you have Removal of some kind (Pacifism in white, Epic Confrontation in green, reduce in Stature in Blue).
Have a good idea of what you want out of your sideboard. If your green your probably weak to flyers, blue your probably weak on the ground.
Have cards that can break board stalls but not too many of them. 1 or 2 cards that can help you get through those final few points of damage are great in sealed cause it tends to go slower.
The most important thing is to read the cards, make sure you know what every card on the table can do, in sealed/prerelease just knowing how the cards work is a huge advantage