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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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I used to spend a lot of time playing SSF4 online and would probably be playing that instead of magic as my main hobby if there was any kind of local meetups/weeklies/tournaments. Playing online against random opponents just made me lose interest after a couple of years.

I can still play MtG casually though. But I do get frustrated when more inexperienced players don't even read the card. Like, playing a Lighting Strike and saying "Okay, you take 4."

Inexperienced players do a lot of random stuff that messes with the flow of the game. Two examples that I see most often are 1) people who don't understand the concept of 2nd main and untap and reach for their deck while I'm updating life totals after attacks and 2) the ones that will never signal that they're done with their turn until I ask them after a period of awkward silence.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm really sad that UMvC3 will never see the light of day on a modern console or (preferably) PC. It's the one fighting game I can go back to and always have fun playing. I lose interest in SF really quickly. Not enough flashing colors and comic book characters, ya know?



This card is disgusting and I have no idea why it's common. Had two in my pool and it basically wins games for you on its own; my round 5 opponent had three in his deck.

I have to agree. It's almost a 3 for 1. You will most likey kill off a big creature if they block, you gain life, and you regenerate, all at an instant speed. I will highly draft this.

Sorry to hear y'all getting burnt from MtG. I always get excited drafting new sets. It's sad but I can get pretty heated and almost get as excited in a close MtG match as I can in a fighting game match.
Went 3-2 at the Pre Release, which was really nice but I got no prizes(My local shop does Top 4 for Prizes when we had 28 people). Man did I have to work to get it to work. I picked Dromoka, only to have my Green Pool be mostly crap. I then opened packs, finding Sarkhan Unbroken. I so badly wanted to try and force him to work, but the only good colors I got were WU. So that was an experience.
I'm really sad that UMvC3 will never see the light of day on a modern console or (preferably) PC. It's the one fighting game I can go back to and always have fun playing. I lose interest in SF really quickly. Not enough flashing colors and comic book characters, ya know?
I'm really sad we're never going to see something as tight as CvS2. Morrigan sprite yea yea, but that game was so freakin' good.

Debating on going to a Dragons prerelease today, it's at noon. (- _ -) Not sure whether I wanna spend $30 on their entree fee or put it to singles or MtGO.
Re: competitive Magic:

I struggled for the longest time with finding a comfortable place with competitive and semi-competitive hobbies. The time of my life where I played Call of Duty regularly (MW2/Black Ops) was an eye-opening experience for me in terms of understanding myself and my compulsive and competitive nature. I have had to deliberately mellow myself out when it comes to gaming; the side of myself that compulsively needs to get better at everything I do has a very dark bent to it that can make me into a very unpleasant person. It was negatively affecting my relationship with my wife - but hey I was getting better, and the stats proved it! (Looking back, why I chose that as the thing to pour myself into still confuses me, but that's a different issue.)

I knew I needed to stop this behavior, but it took a while for me to figure out what was making me become such an asshole when engaging in these activities. I realized that the root of my frustrations came from a belief that I should be better at the game than I was. This was because I understood how to be better and what I was supposed to do, but I just wasn't getting the reps in to be able to execute on that knowledge. I was being an asshole with the game because I was frustrated at myself that my performance didn't match up to my expectations of myself, despite the fact that those expectations were completely unrealistic for someone who needed to maintain a healthy work-life-game balance.

With Magic, I've been very honest with myself and set expectations for myself that are reasonable for the amount of time that I have to dedicate to the hobby. This was part of the reason that I sold off my collection a year ago - I had to accept that because I had chosen to go back to school, I could not continue to play Constructed, and I was going to get some lasting value back out of that investment. My expectations for myself in Magic have been steadily lowered as my daughter grows up and my degree gets more intense (still two more years before graduation!), but I'm happy with where I am. That's what's important.

Regarding level of competition: I in general want what Kirblar said, although I feel I should clarify. I want my opponent to want to win. I hate playing opponents who clearly don't care, but I don't mind playing opponents who are new/bad if they're of the mindset that they want to get better. I don't feel a need to play against the best, but I do want to play against people who want to get better. Just please don't sit me next to the doofus at the draft table who grabs all of the cards with the gold rarity symbols and switches his colors four times throughout the draft because "who passes this!!?!"


Just please don't sit me next to the doofus at the draft table who grabs all of the cards with the gold rarity symbols and switches his colors four times throughout the draft because "who passes this!!?!"
Those are sometimes the best drafts though, especially in removal heavy formats. When a mate of mine sits next to me, it sometimes backfires since he knows my draft preferences. I usually keep an open mind and pick whatever is open, but I do prefer blue and/or red in most formats, with white and black behind depending on the format. Green is my least favourite colour in limited by far.

Even though I have never reached day two of a GP in my life, those are still my favourite tournaments to attend to. Just the sheer size of it, the amount of traders and the side events; it's always a blast to attend GPs (unless they're all nofunallowed Germans). I'll always find time to go to one if it's nearby. PTQs just don't have the same mystique, though now that they're big tournaments, I might change my opinion (should I ever qualify lol.)
So there are standard pptqs in the area this and next weekend, then a states championship and a couple GPTs for vegas after that. So I'll probably go to those. Other than that, it's clearing out the backlog time for my steam games ^_^

I also got American Gods by Neil Gaiman and The City and the City by China Mieville yesterday and I haven't read anything by either author so I'm pretty excited :3

Those are sometimes the best drafts though, especially in removal heavy formats. When a mate of mine sits next to me, it sometimes backfires since he knows my draft preferences.

One of my buddies that talks shit too much a while ago challenged me to an 8-man draft. He got seated to my right. I told him exactly what colors I was gonna draft, I drafted those colors, he drafted the same colors passing to me and I somehow wound up with a better deck and won lol

It was triple khans and I was like, I'm gonna draft Grixis. Dude was so mad he left the shop, dude had 4 scaldkins and like three of those bad looters and passed me a bunch of great cards lol

I won one pack. Wtf.


Went 1-2 with Silumgar today (lost to Kolaghan twice, beat Dromoka). I thought my deck was decent but I'm guessing my poor understanding of the format led to my mediocre showing. Anyway, I can say for sure that I don't like playing limited formats (or at least the very least, sealed). The format feels so slow and awkward. It felt like I was playing a terrible deck in DotP again.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Went 1-2 with Silumgar today (lost to Kolaghan twice, beat Dromoka). I thought my deck was decent but I'm guessing my poor understanding of the format led to my mediocre showing. Anyway, I can say for sure that I don't like playing limited formats (or at least the very least, sealed). The format feels so slow and awkward. It felt like I was playing a terrible deck in DotP again.

The problem with sealed is that even a bad pool has a "correct" deck in it, but its not always obvious in the amount of time you have in an unfamiliar set.
Went 4-2 with Atarka and 5-1 with mostly red Kolaghan deck. The 2/2 warrior that stops less than 2 creatures from blocking it is insane in limited.


The problem with sealed is that even a bad pool has a "correct" deck in it, but its not always obvious in the amount of time you have in an unfamiliar set.

I had a decent pool. Pulled 3 Flattening, 2 Butcher's Muse and 1 Ultimate Price. Bombs were Deathbringer Regent and Soulflayer. I guess my creatures just weren't good enough though I thought I had more than enough decent removal to make it up for it.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Went 1-2 with Silumgar today (lost to Kolaghan twice, beat Dromoka). I thought my deck was decent but I'm guessing my poor understanding of the format led to my mediocre showing. Anyway, I can say for sure that I don't like playing limited formats (or at least the very least, sealed). The format feels so slow and awkward. It felt like I was playing a terrible deck in DotP again.

That's my take on limited too. It doesn't help that I'm good at constructed naturally (not a brag, I'm not winning any PTs any time soon) but I just suck at limited. I could get better if I put the time in, but unless I decide to jump on the grind, I'm going to stick with what I can win at occasionally.
6 rounds sounds like burnout-zone from me.

Yeah it was really rough. That's why I'm not playing today haha. The person who won the entire tourney (and who I played against) was a woman, which was awesome since she was the only female in the tournament. She was also super smart / nice. Believe it or not, she was playing 4 color splash with Atarka and 3 Twin Bolt. Insane deck.


I was thinking of forcing high toughness as a draft theme, and then I noticed Fate Reforged has barely any high toughness creatures at common. Ugh. Still want to try it out though.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";156962800]I also got American Gods by Neil Gaiman and The City and the City by China Mieville yesterday and I haven't read anything by either author so I'm pretty excited :3
Oooh, you're in for a good time reading that one.


Went 1-2 with Silumgar today (lost to Kolaghan twice, beat Dromoka). I thought my deck was decent but I'm guessing my poor understanding of the format led to my mediocre showing. Anyway, I can say for sure that I don't like playing limited formats (or at least the very least, sealed). The format feels so slow and awkward. It felt like I was playing a terrible deck in DotP again.
You just gotta get lucky and know when/what to play. I've played against many limited bombs in my life and came over the top by playing smart. As a deck builder, limited is tons of fun. Some bombs are just unbeatable though like Wurmcoil Engine. And sometimes you just get a pool of nothing, but that's sealed.

One time, and probably only time, I got a sick sealed pool with Time Spiral at a GP trial. I got passed a pool consisting of Teferi, Draining Welk, Tendrils, Mystical Teachings, Careful Consideration, Think Twice. It was like I was playing a standard deck. The only things I was missing were Damnation and Urborg. :lol


Limited definitely does take work. You are having to put together a deck out of random cards in a limited about of time. It's my favorite format, but I'm only mediocre at it. It does the opposite for me and makes me want to play it more and get better at it.


Played in two pre-releases this weekend. First one I went with Silumgar but my Blue was still so terrible I decided to go BW warriors with Arashin Foremost and Curx of Fate as the only two rares in my deck. Second one I went Kolaghan and built a Dash theme deck. Promo rare (Boltwing Marauder) was the only rare I ran in the deck.

I never lost a match all weekend (10 -0), got about a box worth of packs in prizes. I've become a big fan of the Dash mechanic. I opened a bunch of commands and a Narset that I traded towards a Savannh. A good weekend over all :)

Mark Rosewater said:
Which leads to an interesting question. Let’s say we want to try another attempt at a top-down Japanese inspired world. Assuming we do not try to tie it mechanically to Kamigawa in any way, would you prefer a new name or call it Kamagawa?


I actually think that one is a legit question.

The tell is the phrasing "Would you all like "To return to Zendikar" "enemy manlands", etc" (something very obvious.)

Its specifics like this and "would the eldrazi need annhilator?" that are more "we're thinking about it." This one's been an open question for years, re: a 2nd japanese set. Definitely seems like they're in the process of trying to nail down the next MTG year of sets 2-3 years in the future.


Honestly? I would be fine with a complete mechanical overhaul of Kamigawa if they kept the name and the creative
I think you have to ditch a toooon of the creative. But setting it millenia in the future helps with that.

Would kinda like them to play off more modern anime/manga tropes a bit (without going anime artstyle, of course.)


I think you have to ditch a toooon of the creative. But setting it millenia in the future helps with that.

Would kinda like them to play off more modern anime/manga tropes a bit (without going anime artstyle, of course.)
I feel Kamigawa is such a great setting because it's so genuine. The setting takes its source material seriously while still creating its own ideas. Watering down the focus on Japanese folklore and moving to a modern flavor would remove what made me like Kamigawa in the first place.

Modernizing Kamigawa would probably make it more popular though.


If Kamigawa (or another Japanese world) comes back, Ninjas better stay. Ninjas are inherently awesome and always will be as long as the execution is on point (i.e. not Naruto)

I think you have to ditch a toooon of the creative. But setting it millenia in the future helps with that.

Would kinda like them to play off more modern anime/manga tropes a bit (without going anime artstyle, of course.)

Putting aside the fact that "anime/manga" represents a HUGE range of different artstyles and what not, I don't think art direction is really something to worry about with regards to Magic. Though a bit homogenous, its been pretty on the point for years now.
Went 3-3 at my prerelease yesterday. I played Kolaghan, and here's my deck:
==Black cards==
1x Shambling Goblin - Creature - B - This wasn't very helpful in this deck.
1x Defeat - Sorcery - 1B
1x Blood-Chin Rager - Creature - 1B - I never got this and the below out at the same time, and I had no other warriors. Actually, I only even got this out once.
1x Kolaghan Skirmisher - Creature - 1B
1x Vulturous Aven - Creature - 3B
2x Silumgar Butcher - Creature - 4B - I probably should have swapped the second for something else.
1x Death Wind - Instant - XB
= 8
==Red cards==
1x Kolaghan Stormsinger - Creature - R - I probably should have included a different card, since I didn't have any creatures I was real excited about giving haste that didn't already have it.
1x Zurgo Bellstriker - Creature - R
1x Draconic Roar - Instant - 1R - This once had its damage prevented by Dromaka's Command (after it was kicked by a dragon reveal), and that spell also put a counter on the creature I was trying to take out, which put me back quite a bit, but I still won that. This spell put in a lot of work.
1x Twin Bolt - Instant - 1R - I had a second one sideboarded.
1x Dragon Fodder - Sorcery - 1R
1x Roast - Sorcery - 1R - I never took out a 5-toughness creature with this, but plenty of 3-toughness and even a 4-toughness or two.
1x Crater Elemental - Creature - 2R - I never activated the Formidable ability, but it did block well and did destroy a few creatures.
1x Screamreach Brawler - Creature - 2R
1x Summit Prowler - Creature - 2RR
1x Pyrotechnics - Sorcery - 4R - I managed to pull off a lot of 3-for-1s with this.
1x Sprinting Warbrute - Creature - 4R
1x Stormcrag Elemental - Creature - 5R - This was a real all-star. I never cast it face up.
1x Stormwing Dragon - Creature - 5R - This was OK, I guess.
= 13
==Multicolored cards==
1x Kolaghan's Command - Instant - 1BR - Honestly, this was a bit disappointing. I only used the Shock + discard mode.
1x Dragonlord Kolaghan - Creature - 4BR - This was a good finisher... when it wasn't countered or killed by Death Wind.
10x Mountain
7x Swamp
I faced one Dromaka (won), two other Kolaghans (lost one, won the other), one Silumgar (lost), and two Silumgars that were splashing white (lost one, won the other). The pure Silumgar deck I lost against had at least two Dutiful Attendants (probably more, because he was telling his friend about how he had 4-ofs of multiple cards) that kept recurring each other to act as blockers. At least this actually made it so that Kolaghan's last ability was relevant against his deck, but I was colorscrewed for the beginning of that game, and brought her out too late to come back.

The Esper deck I lost against had Mastery of the Unseen and Secure the Wastes, which was a real beating. One thing that I'm hitting myself about is that I had resigned myself to the fact that I had no way to deal with a big flood of creatures on my opponent's side... even though I had Crux of Fate specifically sideboarded for those kinds of decks. And I didn't realize that I should probably have had it mainboard until the other Esper guy (who I beat easily) mentioned that he wished he had Crux of Fate to deal with my creatures.

There was a little kid who managed to open both Sarkhan and Thunderbreak Regent, but he hated those cards and was offering to trade both of them for my Kolaghan (who he referred to as Kohalagan); I said that a one-for-one trade was enough, though after thinking about it, I decided it would be better if I gave him multiple cards for his one Sarkhan. The guys around him had to convince him to actually put Thunderbreak Regent into his deck and that Sarkhan was worth a lot. The kid kept bothering me about the trade throughout the prerelease, but by the time it ended, he didn't actually try to trade with me; I presume because his father picked him up as soon as it ended.


There was a little kid who managed to open both Sarkhan and Thunderbreak Regent, but he hated those cards and was offering to trade both of them for my Kolaghan (who he referred to as Kohalagan); I said that a one-for-one trade was enough, though after thinking about it, I decided it would be better if I gave him multiple cards for his one Sarkhan. The guys around him had to convince him to actually put Thunderbreak Regent into his deck and that Sarkhan was worth a lot. The kid kept bothering me about the trade throughout the prerelease, but by the time it ended, he didn't actually try to trade with me; I presume because his father picked him up as soon as it ended.
You seem like a swell guy. Good on you for trying to give him a fair deal.

Though I'm kinda surprised a little kid didn't love a planeswalker and a dragon.


I think going back to Kamigawa and setting it in the far future would allow them to retain some of what they had built creatively but still allow them a chance to nail it.
I actually think that one is a legit question.

I don't remember if I said this earlier, but I think pretty much any question like this Rosewater asks is connected to something real, but the part that varies is where in the pipeline it is. When he's asking "how would you like another return block" right after Scars it's making sure people are gonna feel good about the block they already planned, but there's other questions about stuff like evergreen and returning mechanics, printing planeswalkers in supplemental sets, etc. that turn up at the point they're probably just starting to consider the idea.

With block themes or concepts specifically, they plan so far out (the last time Rosewater mentioned it, they had the next 10 penciled in) that when they start to pencil in "Japanese-themed block" for a slot five years down the line, questions like this could be one source of feedback to shape how they approach it when they get there.

I think you have to ditch a toooon of the creative. But setting it millenia in the future helps with that.

There's a few things you can keep. Moonfolk are okay.

I feel Kamigawa is such a great setting because it's so genuine. The setting takes its source material seriously while still creating its own ideas.

Eh. Kamigawa is right at the tail end of Magic's creative nadir. At that point the setting design strategy for new blocks was "And these people live under the blue sun, and these people live under the red sun, and..." Everything's artificially split into five overly-symmetrical groups and there's no room for interesting variations. In Kamigawa it's even worse because of the spirits -- like half the creatures in each set had to be spirits, which used up the room for interesting one-shot card concepts and meant that most of the creatures were these indistinguishable abstract messes. It's cool that they used some real elements but the result really is not a success.

If Kamigawa (or another Japanese world) comes back, Ninjas better stay. Ninjas are inherently awesome and always will be as long as the execution is on point (i.e. not Naruto)

The ninjitsu mechanic is one of the more popular things from Kamigawa and Rosewater's said they regretted saving ninjas for the second set when they're one of the primary things people wanted. They're definitely something we'd see again.

I will say that it really bugs me that Samurai and Ninja are creature types. A samurai is a knight or warrior, a ninja is a rogue. I don't like that Knight Exemplar is racist against Asians!


Eh. Kamigawa is right at the tail end of Magic's creative nadir. At that point the setting design strategy for new blocks was "And these people live under the blue sun, and these people live under the red sun, and..." Everything's artificially split into five overly-symmetrical groups and there's no room for interesting variations. In Kamigawa it's even worse because of the spirits -- like half the creatures in each set had to be spirits, which used up the room for interesting one-shot card concepts and meant that most of the creatures were these indistinguishable abstract messes. It's cool that they used some real elements but the result really is not a success.
The world-building of Kamigawa is extremely good. The colors really divide regions; within those regions are many different factions working against each other, often moreso than they interacted with the factions outside their colors. All the groups have their own motivations and cultures and ways of living, and that's something that you don't see in most Magic blocks. I have no clue how most of the people on Mirrodin live beyond conflicts with each other, yet I know how the people in Kamigawa live because we see it in the card art and writing.

It helps that some of the short stories written about Kamigawa are among the best in Magic's history.

For an example from the actual cards, look at Wandering Ones. The art and flavor text tell the sort of normal, everyday non-violent story you don't often see on Magic cards.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Rode a decent Dash pool to a disappointing 2-3.

Last three matches I couldn't topdeck the signature cards that make Dash more just mediocre to save my life.

Pity pack had some nonsense GG avatar dude. This set is dangerously low in value. I normally buy a box but the EV is atrocious and even then just driven by Planeswalkers that are clearly overpriced.


The ninjitsu mechanic is one of the more popular things from Kamigawa and Rosewater's said they regretted saving ninjas for the second set when they're one of the primary things people wanted. They're definitely something we'd see again.

I will say that it really bugs me that Samurai and Ninja are creature types. A samurai is a knight or warrior, a ninja is a rogue. I don't like that Knight Exemplar is racist against Asians!

A) I mean Rosewater has said several times they regret naming Bushido and Ninjitsu with so much Japanese flavor and that it endangers their return (despite the fact that they have some other mechanics that have strong European flavor but whatever). I guess if they do return to another Japanese world, re-using Japanese mechanics is a non-issue :p

B) Is that any worse say than Nagas being a creature type instead of just using Snake again?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
A) I mean Rosewater has said several times they regret naming Bushido and Ninjitsu with so much Japanese flavor and that it endangers their return (despite the fact that they have some other mechanics that have strong European flavor but whatever). I guess if they do return to another Japanese world, re-using Japanese mechanics is a non-issue :p

B) Is that any worse say than Nagas being a creature type instead of just using Snake again?

If either was a thing they were seriously considering bringing back, they'd just call it something else.

Joe Molotov

Pity pack had some nonsense GG avatar dude. This set is dangerously low in value. I normally buy a box but the EV is atrocious and even then just driven by Planeswalkers that are clearly overpriced.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna skip buying a box. Too many trash rares, no lands to add value, you just have to hope you pull a foil Narset or some shit.

I opened 12 packs at prerelease and got 2 rares that were worth a pack (Shaman of Forgotten Ways, Thunderbreak Regent)
Trying to recreate the dream of my Esper Control deck from last season:

Esper Control

  • 1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death

  • 3 Thoughtseize
  • 4 Anticipate
  • 2 Ultimate Price
  • 2 Disdainful Stroke
  • 4 Dissolve
  • 1 Utter End
  • 2 Perilous Vault
  • 2 End Hostilities
  • 2 Murderous Cut
  • 4 Dig Through Time

  • 2 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
  • 2 Narset Transcendant
  • 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
  • 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

  • 4 Temple of Silence
  • 4 Temple of Enlightenment
  • 4 Temple of Deceit
  • 2 Caves of Koilos
  • 4 Flooded Strand
  • 5 Island
  • 2 Plains
  • 1 Haven of the Spirit Dragon

  • 4 Duress
  • 1 Ultimate Price
  • 1 Disdainful Stroke
  • 2 Glare of Heresy
  • 1 Erase
  • 3 Surge of Righteousness
  • 2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
  • 1 Dragonlord Ojutai
The colors really divide regions; within those regions are many different factions working against each other, often moreso than they interacted with the factions outside their colors.

Yeah, I'm not feeling it. Look at, I dunno, all the blue cards in Champions. Every single creature falls into one of three buckets: a Human Wizard (the blue humans... love knowledge! and reading!), a Moonfolk Wizard (okay, technically one of them is a rogue, though it's a looter which is usually a wizard concept anyway), or a spirit.

The mortal side creatures all run together (is there anything about the name, concept, or illustration that tells you which ability belongs on Meloku the Clouded Mirror vs Uyo, Silent Prohpet?) When you look at the spirits, for every evocative bit like the Wandering Ones, there are multiple others that just produce a WTF: what is going on with River Kaijin? Or Kami of Twisted Reflection? Or Teller of Tales?

Then you can dig into the flavor text -- a few pieces provide evocative vignettes about how the spirits are cool and mysterious, but most of the others just fill in the basic premise -- there's a war with the spirits, the wizards are reading scrolls to try to deal with it. Paint by numbers.

I'll admit I didn't have a lot of patience left for this routine by the time we got to Kamigawa, since it was the exact same world-building strategy they'd applied in Odyssey, Onslaught, and Mirrodin.

Is that any worse say than Nagas being a creature type instead of just using Snake again?

Yes, because that doesn't have a weird Orientalism thing going on.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";157036270]Trying to recreate the dream of my Esper Control deck from last season:

Esper Control

  • 1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death

  • 3 Thoughtseize
  • 4 Anticipate
  • 2 Ultimate Price
  • 2 Disdainful Stroke
  • 4 Dissolve
  • 1 Utter End
  • 2 Perilous Vault
  • 2 End Hostilities
  • 2 Murderous Cut
  • 4 Dig Through Time

  • 2 Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
  • 2 Narset Transcendant
  • 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
  • 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

  • 4 Temple of Silence
  • 4 Temple of Enlightenment
  • 4 Temple of Deceit
  • 2 Caves of Koilos
  • 4 Flooded Strand
  • 5 Island
  • 2 Plains
  • 1 Haven of the Spirit Dragon

  • 4 Duress
  • 1 Ultimate Price
  • 1 Disdainful Stroke
  • 2 Glare of Heresy
  • 1 Erase
  • 3 Surge of Righteousness
  • 2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
  • 1 Dragonlord Ojutai

The landbase is too shitty for Esper; give it up.


2 more events today:

First I did Ojutai, but with my pool, BW warriors ended up being a lot better. Had 2 Dromoka's Heralds and all but 2 of my creatures were warriors. Also had a secure the wastes and a ton of removal. I pulled an Ugin in that pool, so i just jammed him in there even though he didn't fit (deck was extremely aggressive). There was a game where I flooded out and cast Ugin on turn 9 or so and, of course, he took over the game. I even got to Ultimate him and have him stick around.

Last event, I went Atarka and got a pretty good pool. I actually managed to build what felt like a Dragon deck. Here was my deck:


  • 1x Atarka Beastbreaker
  • 2x Guardian Shield-Bearer
  • 1x Den Protector
  • 1x Yasova Dragonclaw
  • 2x Hardened Berserker
  • 1x Atarka Efreet
  • 1x Salt Road Ambushers
  • 1x Formless Nurturing
  • 1x Thunderbreak Regent
  • 1x Summit Prowler
  • 1x Stampeding Elk Herd
  • 1x Herdchaser Dragon
  • 1x Stormcrag Elemental
  • 1x Scion of Ugin
  • 1x Savage Ventmaw
  • 2x Draconic Roar
  • 1x Epic Confrontation
  • 1x Tail Slash
  • 2x Sarkhan's Rage
  • Display of Dominance
  • Magmatic Chasm
  • Temur Battle Rage
  • Tread Upon
  • Dragonlord's Servant
  • Tormenting Voice
  • Sarkhan's Triumph
  • Press the Advantage
  • Volcanic Rush

Hitting their 3-drop on end step and dealing 3 to their face with Draconic Roar was such a huge tempo swing and I got to do it nearly ever game. Getting it back with Maternal Witness (or drawing another) a couple of turns later was hard to race.

The Berserkers with the Ventmaw just made for insane turns that were just about impossible to come back from. Even the one guy with Crux of Fate couldn't deal with it, because my board typically a mix of dragons and non-dragons.


Went 3-1 picking Atarka for my prerelease. Built what I thought was a pretty decent deck. Splashed black after pulling Crux of Fate, Swift Warkite and Dragonlord Kolaghan. Had 3 Tail Slashes , Pyrotechnics and Sarkhan's Rage for removal and 2 Hardened Berserkers that did heavy lifting, along with the Maternal Witness for some neat tricks.

Only played in one prerelease instead of the 2-3 I normally do, and felt oddly ok with that since I already ordered playsets of the cards I wanted for Modern.
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