I intended to add one Ojutai and Dromoka'a Command, but then I realized the command is basically irrelevant when you don't have creatures in your deck. I also had one Banishing Light, but I left it out in the end as it clashes with Ugin.
The opponent can only have four Downfalls. At some point you're going to be drowning in card advantage, so much that you can safely play a win condition or several without the Downfalls being very relevant. I mean, the point of the deck is to rebound Dig Through Time at some point. Whisperwood Elemental is annoying if it resolves, but that's why the counterspells are there. I actually want to find room for more counters. Probably Negate.
New Judge promos, should put to rest the idea of a Damnation reprint in MM2 or anything else
That's just irritating. Damnation is the number one card they should be finding a way to mass reprint art this point.
The Wasteland promo seems out of place too. It already has TWO promos. They should have went with Rishadan Port or some other land with only 1 printing.
I'm a level 1 judge, though I haven't been one for very long (only a few months). Judging Regular REL events is fine, since I also get to play in them. Judging Competitive events is awful. Mainly because you have to spend all day watching other people play without being able to play yourself.Speaking of being a judge... Is anyone here a judge? If so, what is it like?
So you can't tuck Commanders anymore, eh?
That always did seem kind of vicious for everybody has fun social contract Commander-time. But I don't really have an informed viewpoint since the only time I've had fun playing Commander was borrowing someone's Animar deck, getting a nut draw and going off with Niv Mizzet 2, Prophet of Kruphix, and Temur Ascendancy after another guy had Living Deathed a billion things out his dredged up graveyard.
It's odd to change the rules so late into the game, but it makes a lot of sense. There wasn't much reason to leave "tucking" as a way to deal with commanders, considering how rare those effects were. It put a premium on very effects that weren't printed very often (Unravel the Aether, Chaos Warp, Hinder, etc), were disproportionately in certain colors, and created weird feel-bad moments. Now the rules are really simple - if the commander would leave the battlefield, you can put it into the Command Zone instead - period.
There's a risk that this makes certain commanders too good, but they can deal with that later. I think this will upset some people, but I think it's for the best long term.
This is very good for Standard set development. They had to stop using the mechanic on thing like Polymorphs (and use Exile instead) because of the format.So you can't tuck Commanders anymore, eh?
That always did seem kind of vicious for everybody has fun social contract Commander-time. But I don't really have an informed viewpoint since the only time I've had fun playing Commander was borrowing someone's Animar deck, getting a nut draw and going off with Niv Mizzet 2, Prophet of Kruphix, and Temur Ascendancy after another guy had Living Deathed a billion things out his dredged up graveyard.
It's odd to change the rules so late into the game, but it makes a lot of sense. There wasn't much reason to leave "tucking" as a way to deal with commanders, considering how rare those effects were. It put a premium on very effects that weren't printed very often (Unravel the Aether, Chaos Warp, Hinder, etc), were disproportionately in certain colors, and created weird feel-bad moments. Now the rules are really simple - if the commander would leave the battlefield, you can put it into the Command Zone instead - period.
There's a risk that this makes certain commanders too good, but they can deal with that later. I think this will upset some people, but I think it's for the best long term.
On one hand I don't like seeing a rules change this big, but on the other tuck was pretty stupid. There's no reason something like Condemn or Hinder should be such an amazing removal spell compared to similar cards that just send the card to the graveyard, and tuck really punishes White and Red as colors because they have much more trouble getting back a general after a tuck.So you can't tuck Commanders anymore, eh?
That always did seem kind of vicious for everybody has fun social contract Commander-time. But I don't really have an informed viewpoint since the only time I've had fun playing Commander was borrowing someone's Animar deck, getting a nut draw and going off with Niv Mizzet 2, Prophet of Kruphix, and Temur Ascendancy after another guy had Living Deathed a billion things out his dredged up graveyard.
Is it odd that I refuse to run no Whip in my midrange Sultai? It's just so... cliched? I'm a bit of a contrarian.
The deck is pretty f'n successful, considering I don't have Thoughtseize or Hero's Downfall in it. (This is a price factor, though. I need HD soon.)
It's odd to change the rules so late into the game, but it makes a lot of sense. There wasn't much reason to leave "tucking" as a way to deal with commanders, considering how rare those effects were. It put a premium on very effects that weren't printed very often (Unravel the Aether, Chaos Warp, Hinder, etc), were disproportionately in certain colors, and created weird feel-bad moments. Now the rules are really simple - if the commander would leave the battlefield, you can put it into the Command Zone instead - period.
There's a risk that this makes certain commanders too good, but they can deal with that later. I think this will upset some people, but I think it's for the best long term.
This is very good for Standard set development. They had to stop using the mechanic on thing like Polymorphs (and use Exile instead) because of the format.
I mean that's the issue. Because some people can't handle being without their commander for a bit, others get to recur their combo engines unobstructed. It's not the end of days but it is SUPER annoying.
WotC should only address commander balances in their official products. Designing cards to fit in a pool of nearly every card ever made, with rules they didn't design or have any control over and whose primary goal is to be as casual-broken as possible is madness. Let the EDH people worry about cultivating the ban and restricted list for their made-up format.
EDH is what you make of it. It's a casual, fun format that has the potential to be horrible, but is amazing with the right group of people.
I like that they inject things into the format via the precons. It's exciting. But I agree that they shouldn't bother considering EDH when designing non-EDH sets. The format will either correct itself or the Commander committee will make bans.I think it's a fine format, but I think it's just weird that WotC is worried about balancing the format with its core products. Obviously, they have to balance their precons, but other than that they should just leave it alone.
I mean, isn't that the entire point of Commander? The fact that you get to choose a card that you always have access to? The fact that the format is inherently unstable and broken and only "works" because of social contracts in playgroups is a completely different issue.
So Riftsweeper is unbanned?
Edit: Wait, there's a command zone now? How times have changed.
Yeah, Command Zone is the "no, you seriously can't touch this" zone. So Commanders and Conspiracies and other nonsense go there.
I've been playing EDH since before it became known as EDH. It was just called Highlander back then (there can be only one!) and generals/commanders didn't exist yet. I now only play it casually as I've always had, so I'm not really up to date to the current rules. I didn't play any Conspiracy either.That's been a thing for ages. IIRC aren't they using it in the official rules also? Isn't that where emblems go or something?
Like exile!
One of the few things I agree with Rosewater unilaterally on is the slope of interacting further with the exile zone. The current smattering of cards that can either get themselves back or cast themselves from exile is as far as it should go, full stop
On the flip side, I think they're using "exile" a bit too much on removal these days. I get why, but I think its a patch
I like Misthollow but I miss the days when Exile wasn't Graveyard 2.0
You can keep Torrent Elemental dead. You just have to make it stick in the GY.![]()
I found this example of a Whip-less Sultai and it seemed relatively solid:Is it odd that I refuse to run no Whip in my midrange Sultai? It's just so... cliched? I'm a bit of a contrarian.
The deck is pretty f'n successful, considering I don't have Thoughtseize or Hero's Downfall in it. (This is a price factor, though. I need HD soon.)
I found this example of a Whip-less Sultai and it seemed relatively solid:
Haven't seen any lists like this before or since, though. I like Whisperwood Elemental + Treasure Cruise for card advantage over Abzan midrange.
I legitimately haven't played a Whip deck in probably 2 months. Granted, I'd say I play 3 or 4 times more matches on MODO than paper, and MODO is utterly infected with RDW at the moment (and its only going to get so. much. worse with Roast, although its still a reasonably bad tempo play for them to spend 2 sorcery speed mana on kill your dude)