Went 4-0 last night with Esper Control. The land base can support it.

The white is really only there for Narset, Otiujai Dragonlord/Command, and Elspeth, so white lands aren't necessary early on at all. I actually didn't run any Narsets and never thought "if only Narset was in play to help close this game." While minusing a DTT can be cute, I was rather happy to draw my win condition over her.
Match 1 vs 5-color Chromanticore
He easily got to 5 mana every game vs control and it was silly how close the games were lol.
Match 2 vs Abzan Reanimator
Ashidon Rider and Soul of Innistrad were some notable cards in his deck.
Match 3 vs R/G aggro
It was pretty much Mono Red splash Green for Atarka's Command and Become Immense. Felt like an infect deck lol. Side boarded in 3 Drown in Sorrows, a Duress, a Negate, a Foul-Tongue Invocation, and a Surge of Righteousness. That life gain from that last two card doe. Probably gonna run 2 in the sb now.
Match 4 vs G/W Devotion
Dragons flew over his stuff to win. Didn't hurt that he was able to bring back all his Deathmist Raptors from the graveyard to get this scary state, only for me to Ugin minus 3 the next turn to completely wipe out his entire board lol.