My decklist was very similar. What did you sb in and out in the key matchups?
Round 1: I played G/W Devotion. Sided out the Dissolves and Bile Blights and 1 Dig Through Time. Sided in 2 Ultimate Price, 1 Utter End, 1 Thoughtseize and 1 Drown in Sorrow.
My thinking here was that he wasn't going to have much worth countering that couldn't just be killed outright or picked away with thoughtseize. Utter End deals with both Mastery of the Unseen if he gets in under my counter magic, Deathmist Raptor and any planeswalkers. Drown in Sorrow also deals with any manifests shenanigans. Since I was killing his mana dorks right away, I knew his big spells would be stuck in his hand where I could just thoughseize them away.
Round 2: Against R/W Aggro. Sided out a Dig, Ugin, an Ultimate Price, Thoughtseizes and Dissolves. Sided in Negate, Foul-Tongue, 2 Bile Blight and 3 Drown in Sorrow.
We had actually played each other before the tournament as practice. Turned out he was running the full playset of Crater's Claws and managed to catch me with my pants down; which is why I sided the negate in. I also knew he was running chained to the rocks, so I could make sure not to attack with Ojutai unless I had counter magic or utter end available. Other than that, it was a pretty straight forward matchup. He was running some protection spells like Gods Willing in the side, but it couldn't do much against non-targeted removal like Foul-Tongue and Drown.
Round 3: Played against Abzan control. This matchup pretty much always came down to planeswalker vs. planeswalker, so I went lighter on removal and made sure to play all of my counterspells and thoughtseizes. I don't remember the specifics here, but Dragonlord Silumgar also went in. We ended up going to turns on Game 3, I could have forced the draw, but instead I decided to try for the win by stealing his 7 loyalty Elspeth, but he had the downfall (3 were in his yard at that point, so the odds seemed in my favor). It ended up costing me the match.
Round 4: Played a weird Abzan Reanimator/Constellation brew that ran Rally the Ancestors as an alternate win con. It was a super janky deck and he knew it; he'd just thrown it together a few hours before the tournament. Every single game, the only rallies he saw were being milled. After the match, I asked him if he was running Den Protectors to get back Rally. He said he hadn't thought of it, but he didn't own any anyway. He had extra bad luck, because he'd been paired up every single round after the first.
I don't remember how I sided for this match up, I think i just replaced the Bile Blights with Ultimate prices and took out both dissolves for a negate and a thoughseize.
Semifinals: Played Abzan Midrange. Took out Bile Blights for Ultimate Price and took out 1 Dig for an Utter End. I won game 1, punted Game 2 by taking a land rather than a Crux of Fate when I anticipated with 3 lands on the field and none in hand. He managed to get a raided Wingmate Roc and a Sorin online before I could find the removal to deal with them. Game 3, I changed some things. Don't remember what I took out, but I put in both thoughtseizes. I just kept the board clear until I got Ojutai and then just ripped up his hand or made sure to have counter magic whenever I attacked.
Finals: Same Abzan Control player from round 3. It was getting late and he decided he didn't want the playmat since he already has the Brainstorm one, so he just scooped to me outright.