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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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Tomodachi wa Mahou
Been doing a ton of DTK drafts this past week and really have come around on RG being the two best colors. Green in Fate is total ass but I just like playing fat dudes. Find it works well against UB and the like where they are just playing smaller creatures. And I really do not like playing white unless its really open or I open a bomb.

Have had 2 drafts the past few days where a guy just ships me fetchland. Honestly puzzles me. What kind of value does a card need to have where you will automatically take it in a regular draft no matter what? For me I always drew the line at whether or not it was worth 1 booster (so roughly 3 tix) but honestly have no clue if thats the right approach or not.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160884643]Why?[/QUOTE]Serious answer? In 1-2 years I will resell it or draft it with friends at that cost if it's a fun draft environment. No other reason to buy a booster otherwise.

Like you, I'm more stoked with Origins than I am for MM2. I just got that offer and decided it couldn't be beat, especially since there won't be a second wave of MM2.


U/B is best combo in DTK-DTK-FRF. Bonus points if you draft Goblin Fodders for more exploit value. Honestly, once you start chaining it's almost impossible to lose. Unless you only drafted chaff I suppose. And the counterspells in this format are actually decent! Yay no more cancels!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Been doing a ton of DTK drafts this past week and really have come around on RG being the two best colors. Green in Fate is total ass but I just like playing fat dudes. Find it works well against UB and the like where they are just playing smaller creatures. And I really do not like playing white unless its really open or I open a bomb.

Have had 2 drafts the past few days where a guy just ships me fetchland. Honestly puzzles me. What kind of value does a card need to have where you will automatically take it in a regular draft no matter what? For me I always drew the line at whether or not it was worth 1 booster (so roughly 3 tix) but honestly have no clue if thats the right approach or not.

Fetches were like 2 tix on MODO and then KTK stopped being drafted and they immediately almost doubled.
Hmm how exactly we should use it them? =(

Mulligan until you get either Puresteel Paladin or Monastery Mentor in your opening hand. Once you get either out, cast a bunch of your zero-cost artifacts. If you have the former, keep drawing cards until you are able to cast Grapeshot for a high storm value. If you have the latter, attack with your big monks.

Joe Molotov

Mulligan until you get either Puresteel Paladin or Monastery Mentor in your opening hand. Once you get either out, cast a bunch of your zero-cost artifacts. If you have the former, keep drawing cards until you are able to cast Grapeshot for a high storm value. If you have the latter, attack with your big monks.

And of course, you play Retract to bounce them all back to your hand and play them again.


My decklist was very similar. What did you sb in and out in the key matchups?
Round 1: I played G/W Devotion. Sided out the Dissolves and Bile Blights and 1 Dig Through Time. Sided in 2 Ultimate Price, 1 Utter End, 1 Thoughtseize and 1 Drown in Sorrow.

My thinking here was that he wasn't going to have much worth countering that couldn't just be killed outright or picked away with thoughtseize. Utter End deals with both Mastery of the Unseen if he gets in under my counter magic, Deathmist Raptor and any planeswalkers. Drown in Sorrow also deals with any manifests shenanigans. Since I was killing his mana dorks right away, I knew his big spells would be stuck in his hand where I could just thoughseize them away.

Round 2: Against R/W Aggro. Sided out a Dig, Ugin, an Ultimate Price, Thoughtseizes and Dissolves. Sided in Negate, Foul-Tongue, 2 Bile Blight and 3 Drown in Sorrow.

We had actually played each other before the tournament as practice. Turned out he was running the full playset of Crater's Claws and managed to catch me with my pants down; which is why I sided the negate in. I also knew he was running chained to the rocks, so I could make sure not to attack with Ojutai unless I had counter magic or utter end available. Other than that, it was a pretty straight forward matchup. He was running some protection spells like Gods Willing in the side, but it couldn't do much against non-targeted removal like Foul-Tongue and Drown.

Round 3: Played against Abzan control. This matchup pretty much always came down to planeswalker vs. planeswalker, so I went lighter on removal and made sure to play all of my counterspells and thoughtseizes. I don't remember the specifics here, but Dragonlord Silumgar also went in. We ended up going to turns on Game 3, I could have forced the draw, but instead I decided to try for the win by stealing his 7 loyalty Elspeth, but he had the downfall (3 were in his yard at that point, so the odds seemed in my favor). It ended up costing me the match.

Round 4: Played a weird Abzan Reanimator/Constellation brew that ran Rally the Ancestors as an alternate win con. It was a super janky deck and he knew it; he'd just thrown it together a few hours before the tournament. Every single game, the only rallies he saw were being milled. After the match, I asked him if he was running Den Protectors to get back Rally. He said he hadn't thought of it, but he didn't own any anyway. He had extra bad luck, because he'd been paired up every single round after the first.

I don't remember how I sided for this match up, I think i just replaced the Bile Blights with Ultimate prices and took out both dissolves for a negate and a thoughseize.

Semifinals: Played Abzan Midrange. Took out Bile Blights for Ultimate Price and took out 1 Dig for an Utter End. I won game 1, punted Game 2 by taking a land rather than a Crux of Fate when I anticipated with 3 lands on the field and none in hand. He managed to get a raided Wingmate Roc and a Sorin online before I could find the removal to deal with them. Game 3, I changed some things. Don't remember what I took out, but I put in both thoughtseizes. I just kept the board clear until I got Ojutai and then just ripped up his hand or made sure to have counter magic whenever I attacked.

Finals: Same Abzan Control player from round 3. It was getting late and he decided he didn't want the playmat since he already has the Brainstorm one, so he just scooped to me outright.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160859626]Tinsman did Rise of Eldrazi. Game.[/QUOTE]

Tinsman was the lead designer. Lead developer on Rise was Matt Place, who... has never led another large set and left to work on WOW TCG, I guess?

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160881289]c) He designed Rise of Eldrazi


There are two or three formats with draft environments as good as ROE, but none with environments as terrible as AVR.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160884643]Since we're on the subject, what's the pick?[/QUOTE]

If you're me you take Growth Spasm and force the deck, lol.
If you're me you take Growth Spasm and force the deck, lol.

I wanna be with you on that, but passing the Tuskcaller and Predator is a relatively strong signal(as far as pick 2 signals go), and while passing flame slash isn't as big a deal, heat ray does work slightly better with green cards. I'm probably on Domestication for the pick. Blue is my favorite color in the draft, and while I'm happiest pairing it with green, I wouldn't be ashamed of going towards a vent sentinels control deck with mnemonic walls if it's open.

That said, if premiere green cards pop up I'll definitely snap them off. Domestication is a less replaceable effect than green ramp even if spasm is the best one, so that's the tiebreaker here for me.

Anyway, that's really just my justification for being open to crack an enclave cryptologist pack 2/3 :p


Kamigawa limited is fine, and generally well-liked, if we exclude Saviors of Kamigawa. So, yes, AVR is worse.

As a person with limited, er, Limited knowledge, which sets are regarded as the best, and which are the worst? I know AVR is toward the bottom if not on the floor, and Rise of Eldrazi is up toward the top.
Is it really considered the worst? Even compared to Kamigawa?

CHKx3 is actually an above average draft format -- interesting card decisions, relatively balanced colors, and some of the first really successful "alternative" draft archetypes.

AVR is an open, weeping sore. No removal, horrible color imbalance, miserable brute-force cards dominating every game -- basically every possible thing is wrong with it.

As a person with limited, er, Limited knowledge, which sets are regarded as the best, and which are the worst?

For widely considered great, in no particular order: ISDx3 (still the best implementation of alternate draft archetypes ever), M13x3 (lots of cool synergies in the cards, but enough removal and utility to keep options open), KTKx3 (again with large synergy plus utility), MMD (Mirrodin alone is fun but horribly color-balanced; one pack of Darksteel makes a huge difference there), MMAx3 (all the craziest old decks, but in draft form!), TPF (like MMA... on drugs), IPA and RGD (both just fun, midrange, anything-goes gold blocks.)

Decent video on some of those here. Just for myself, I always go out of my way to get some retro drafts in when Innistrad, Modern Masters, or Rise is up on MODO.

Worst? AVR is rock bottom, then after that... M12 was pretty awful (another no-removal set), M14 apparently wasn't great either, ZENx3 (the Oops! All Two-Drops format), CSPx3 ("let's make a small set that can draft by itself!" is one of R&D's dumbest ideas), Alara block (terrible fixing plus every worthwhile card is in the last pack), and MBS/SOM/SOM (I actually missed this one entirely but a lot of people tell me it sucks.)

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160938037]I wanna be with you on that, but passing the Tuskcaller and Predator is a relatively strong signal(as far as pick 2 signals go), and while passing flame slash isn't as big a deal, heat ray does work slightly better with green cards.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's not actually the right pick. :p I've never been all that successful with blue in ROE, but Domestication is the best option from a signaling perspective (you're giving the next two people a big push into red/green and might be able to choke blue off completely over the next few packs) and Heat Ray is probably the safest if I'm gonna risk going into a deep color in the pack. I just love the ramp deck so much! (And in my slight defense, I won my last ROE flashback this latest round by forcing that deck off a pack similar to this.)
Yeah, it's not actually the right pick. :p I've never been all that successful with blue in ROE, but Domestication is the best option from a signaling perspective (you're giving the next two people a big push into red/green and might be able to choke blue off completely over the next few packs) and Heat Ray is probably the safest if I'm gonna risk going into a deep color in the pack. I just love the ramp deck so much! (And in my slight defense, I won my last ROE flashback this latest round by forcing that deck off a pack similar to this.)

Ramp is definitely the best. I love blue, though. I won a bunch of flashback drafts by sticking five counters in my ramp deck lol

I don't care what anybody says, the regress + deprive/lay bare 1-2 punch can beat anything. Besides, nothing is more satisfying than having counters in the eldrazi ramp mirror.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I loved Zendikar block. The speed of the format is what made it interesting for me, its really unique.

Lorwyn is the worst block on every level. Horrible for limited, horrible for constructed. Low point for Magic imo.
Lorwyn is the worst block on every level. Horrible for limited, horrible for constructed. Low point for Magic imo.

Lorwyn block has some pretty serious problems in limited (all the brain-melting complexity of Time Spiral, with none of the fun!) but worst? C'mon. Nothing in Lorwyn is as bad as, like, basically any card in Prophecy.
What sets are largely considered to be the best sets in MTG history?

Innistrad and Ravnica (1.0) are the waaaaay-out frontrunners. After that it gets a lot hazier. Sets that I would expect a NeoGAF-type crowd to have fond memories of: Invasion, Time Spiral (and Future Sight), Invasion (and Apocalypse). It's easier to agree on the worst sets: Coldsnap, Saviors of Kamigawa, Mercadian Masques (and especially Prophecy), Homelands.


Innistrad and Ravnica (1.0) are the waaaaay-out frontrunners. After that it gets a lot hazier. Sets that I would expect a NeoGAF-type crowd to have fond memories of: Invasion, Time Spiral (and Future Sight), Invasion (and Apocalypse). It's easier to agree on the worst sets: Coldsnap, Saviors of Kamigawa, Mercadian Masques (and especially Prophecy), Homelands.

Interesting, I would've assumed Mirrodin would've been up there.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What sets are largely considered to be the best sets in MTG history?

Sets that come to mind: Time Spiral, Ravnica: City of Guilds, Innistrad.

Personally hated Ice Age, Homelands, Fallen Empires, the Dark, pretty much everything that came out around Third Edition was garbage, really. I'm not even sure how the game survived its rough adolescent phase with sets like the Dark through Ice Age.


I loved Zendikar block. The speed of the format is what made it interesting for me, its really unique.

Lorwyn is the worst block on every level. Horrible for limited, horrible for constructed. Low point for Magic imo.
My brother.
It wasn't that bad. I had fun once drafting latchkey fairies. Worst block has to be Mirrodin.

What sets are largely considered to be the best sets in MTG history?
For limited? Top 3 are: Ravnica-Guildpact-Dissension, Time Spiral-Time Spiral-Planar Chaos and Invasion-Planeshift-Apocalypse. 3x Innistrad falls just outside the top 3. Some say every colour combination is viable, but in reality some of them are one or two notches below the rest (R/W, R/G, U/R, B/W, B/G). And Invisible Stalker and to a lesser extent Falkenrath Noble at uncommon was an awful decision. Flavour was fantastic though.
Most classically good formats are, in fact, overrated. Magic players love hyperbole, and that extends to their favorite draft formats as well.

One of the real problems with INNx3 is that you can't go back anymore. When you draft it online during flashbacks, all anyone wants to do is draft the gimmicky decks. If you weren't there, you basically just missed the flashpoint and you're not going to be able to get the same experience.


I loved Zendikar block. The speed of the format is what made it interesting for me, its really unique.

Lorwyn is the worst block on every level. Horrible for limited, horrible for constructed. Low point for Magic imo.


Most classically good formats are, in fact, overrated. Magic players love hyperbole, and that extends to their favorite draft formats as well.

One of the real problems with INNx3 is that you can't go back anymore. When you draft it online during flashbacks, all anyone wants to do is draft the gimmicky decks. If you weren't there, you basically just missed the flashpoint and you're not going to be able to get the same experience.

Well luckily I was there on the ground floor. All y'all late scrubs can get rekted :p

You're right though it kind of sucks for those who want to experience the fun via flashback drafts. Not really anything you can do though - you can't put the genie back in the bottle.


Whelp. Gotta find a new LGS. Past few weeks the store owner has started making group posts blaming the players for lack of participation at fnm. Sunday he hosted a 2nd game day that only had 5 players show up. Instead of giving them promos for showing up and supporting the store he told them there weren't enough players, tough luck and sent them on their way. This was all after at prerelease the same store owner called someone a "Oddbox Pussy" (Oddbox being the name of other LGS in area) after they paid for a prerelease box and left before rounds started. Shit drives me insane.


Whelp. Gotta find a new LGS. Past few weeks the store owner has started making group posts blaming the players for lack of participation at fnm. Sunday he hosted a 2nd game day that only had 5 players show up. Instead of giving them promos for showing up and supporting the store he told them there weren't enough players, tough luck and sent them on their way. This was all after at prerelease the same store owner called someone a "Oddbox Pussy" (Oddbox being the name of other LGS in area) after they paid for a prerelease box and left before rounds started. Shit drives me insane.

What a loser.

Let me know if he wants to sell his store.


Whelp. Gotta find a new LGS. Past few weeks the store owner has started making group posts blaming the players for lack of participation at fnm. Sunday he hosted a 2nd game day that only had 5 players show up. Instead of giving them promos for showing up and supporting the store he told them there weren't enough players, tough luck and sent them on their way. This was all after at prerelease the same store owner called someone a "Oddbox Pussy" (Oddbox being the name of other LGS in area) after they paid for a prerelease box and left before rounds started. Shit drives me insane.

Sounds like one of my local store owners. He used to do a lot of anti-customer shit but got away with it due to being the only store for a town of 50,000. Any constructive criticism like pointing out that expensive entry and poor prizes was hurting attendance or missed opportunities like refusal to host IQs or GPTs was met with a long rant about the difficulty of his life and how we should be lucky that tournaments get prizes at all. A few of the 40K players actually split off and opened up a store of their own and ended up with most of the regulars from the other one.


Round 1: I played G/W Devotion. Sided out the Dissolves and Bile Blights and 1 Dig Through Time. Sided in 2 Ultimate Price, 1 Utter End, 1 Thoughtseize and 1 Drown in Sorrow.

My thinking here was that he wasn't going to have much worth countering that couldn't just be killed outright or picked away with thoughtseize. Utter End deals with both Mastery of the Unseen if he gets in under my counter magic, Deathmist Raptor and any planeswalkers. Drown in Sorrow also deals with any manifests shenanigans. Since I was killing his mana dorks right away, I knew his big spells would be stuck in his hand where I could just thoughseize them away.

Round 2: Against R/W Aggro. Sided out a Dig, Ugin, an Ultimate Price, Thoughtseizes and Dissolves. Sided in Negate, Foul-Tongue, 2 Bile Blight and 3 Drown in Sorrow.

We had actually played each other before the tournament as practice. Turned out he was running the full playset of Crater's Claws and managed to catch me with my pants down; which is why I sided the negate in. I also knew he was running chained to the rocks, so I could make sure not to attack with Ojutai unless I had counter magic or utter end available. Other than that, it was a pretty straight forward matchup. He was running some protection spells like Gods Willing in the side, but it couldn't do much against non-targeted removal like Foul-Tongue and Drown.

Round 3: Played against Abzan control. This matchup pretty much always came down to planeswalker vs. planeswalker, so I went lighter on removal and made sure to play all of my counterspells and thoughtseizes. I don't remember the specifics here, but Dragonlord Silumgar also went in. We ended up going to turns on Game 3, I could have forced the draw, but instead I decided to try for the win by stealing his 7 loyalty Elspeth, but he had the downfall (3 were in his yard at that point, so the odds seemed in my favor). It ended up costing me the match.

Round 4: Played a weird Abzan Reanimator/Constellation brew that ran Rally the Ancestors as an alternate win con. It was a super janky deck and he knew it; he'd just thrown it together a few hours before the tournament. Every single game, the only rallies he saw were being milled. After the match, I asked him if he was running Den Protectors to get back Rally. He said he hadn't thought of it, but he didn't own any anyway. He had extra bad luck, because he'd been paired up every single round after the first.

I don't remember how I sided for this match up, I think i just replaced the Bile Blights with Ultimate prices and took out both dissolves for a negate and a thoughseize.

Semifinals: Played Abzan Midrange. Took out Bile Blights for Ultimate Price and took out 1 Dig for an Utter End. I won game 1, punted Game 2 by taking a land rather than a Crux of Fate when I anticipated with 3 lands on the field and none in hand. He managed to get a raided Wingmate Roc and a Sorin online before I could find the removal to deal with them. Game 3, I changed some things. Don't remember what I took out, but I put in both thoughtseizes. I just kept the board clear until I got Ojutai and then just ripped up his hand or made sure to have counter magic whenever I attacked.

Finals: Same Abzan Control player from round 3. It was getting late and he decided he didn't want the playmat since he already has the Brainstorm one, so he just scooped to me outright.

Ah there was never a time you sided in Tasigur or Silumgar Dragonlord? I did in a few matches and it worked really well. Why bring in Ultimate Price against Abzan midrange? Is Siege Rhino the only multicolored creature midrange runs vs aggro which runs a lot more multicolored creatures? My roommate got 2nd on Sunday's gameday and also ran Esper, except he had Clerics and Otujai's Command in the sb for RDW decks. Bringing a cleric back from the graveyard with Otujai's Command and using the gain 4 life mode is 7 lifegain right off the bat. I may try this solely as tech vs RDW.

Whelp. Gotta find a new LGS. Past few weeks the store owner has started making group posts blaming the players for lack of participation at fnm. Sunday he hosted a 2nd game day that only had 5 players show up. Instead of giving them promos for showing up and supporting the store he told them there weren't enough players, tough luck and sent them on their way. This was all after at prerelease the same store owner called someone a "Oddbox Pussy" (Oddbox being the name of other LGS in area) after they paid for a prerelease box and left before rounds started. Shit drives me insane.

How is the store owner going to blame the clientele for not bringing in costumers in his own store? Sounds like my previous LGS that shut down. Dude had a shitty attitude towards customers and then blame the loyal few who would go.

So interesting thing about the Commands - the order of the modes actually matter.
Take this card for instance.

Say you had a Siege Rhino and the opponent controls a Courser and a Mastery. You cast the command wanting to fight Courser and having them sac an enchantment. Doesn't work that way. Because the sac an enchantment mode comes first, the opponent can decide to sac Courser, keeping his Mastery intact, and then the fight mode happens, but there's nothing to fight. I confirmed it with 2 judges on gameday out of curiosity when watching two G/W devotion players duking it out (terrible match to watch still). It may come into play.


Ah there was never a time you sided in Tasigur or Silumgar Dragonlord? I did in a few matches and it worked really well. Why bring in Ultimate Price against Abzan midrange? Is Siege Rhino the only multicolored creature midrange runs vs aggro which runs a lot more multicolored creatures? My roommate got 2nd on Sunday's gameday and also ran Esper, except he had Clerics and Otujai's Command in the sb for RDW decks. Bringing a cleric back from the graveyard with Otujai's Command and using the gain 4 life mode is 7 lifegain right off the bat. I may try this solely as tech vs RDW.
I didn't have Tasigur in the board. I only put in Dragonlord Silumgar against Abzan control. Generally, I'd rather kill their things than steal them.

As far as life gain goes, Foul-Tongue Invocation was enough. It doubles as both removal and gains me life. I tried to avoid running many white cards since it was just a splash. Ojutai was never a problem because of the two Haven of the Spirit Dragons. Utter End was my only other white card and it was a one-of in the main board, so I never stumbled on colors.
To me, the only match where Dragonlord Silumgar really shines is RG Dragons. And I don't think that's enough. I cut him from my whip deck.
Hey guys, I don't post here much but I've been playing WB Tokens for about as long as I've been playing Magic (2-3 years now) and I'm really happy with where I am now on my decklist... just wanted to share and maybe get some feedback.


No bitterblossoms? No interest in a singleton murderous cut? It doesn't seem like you have a ton of ways to use your graveyard, and delve can help shrink a tarmogoyf.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160987030]

No bitterblossoms? No interest in a singleton murderous cut? It doesn't seem like you have a ton of ways to use your graveyard, and delve can help shrink a tarmogoyf.[/QUOTE]

I like Raise the Alarm instead of Bitterblossom. It's faster early on, can catch people off guard when they attack early and allows me to keep mana open for other things if I need to. Also, it gives Honor of the Pure a lot more value.

Murderous Cut is a nice idea though, I will try that out. I tend to play against Storm, Affinity, Tron, Bogles, and Twin a lot with my friends so I don't see a ton of Goyfs, but more utility is always good.


Whelp. Gotta find a new LGS. Past few weeks the store owner has started making group posts blaming the players for lack of participation at fnm. Sunday he hosted a 2nd game day that only had 5 players show up. Instead of giving them promos for showing up and supporting the store he told them there weren't enough players, tough luck and sent them on their way. This was all after at prerelease the same store owner called someone a "Oddbox Pussy" (Oddbox being the name of other LGS in area) after they paid for a prerelease box and left before rounds started. Shit drives me insane.

Bail out on shitty stores. I bailed on my former regular store and I am way happier that I did so.


I didn't have Tasigur in the board. I only put in Dragonlord Silumgar against Abzan control. Generally, I'd rather kill their things than steal them.

As far as life gain goes, Foul-Tongue Invocation was enough. It doubles as both removal and gains me life. I tried to avoid running many white cards since it was just a splash. Ojutai was never a problem because of the two Haven of the Spirit Dragons. Utter End was my only other white card and it was a one-of in the main board, so I never stumbled on colors.

I think both Tasigur and Dragonlord Silumgar are great in game two where players are more likely to side out removals against control, so I was able to safely steal creatures.

Foul-Tongue is great if you can get there. Mono red is so fast though. If you can't survive the first 3 turns, it's a crazy uphill battle. You are either playing tapped lands or pinging yourself for untapped lands with fetches. Plus they have so many different cheap threats and plays Dragon's Fodder and Hordeling Outburst, giving them plenty of creature to sac. I do agree that I don't want to throwing in more white lands, but I'll just have to tweak the manabase to support cleric and Otujai's Command from the sb if I go that route. Yeah, I play this match enough to want to alter the deck against it lol.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160987030]To me, the only match where Dragonlord Silumgar really shines is RG Dragons. And I don't think that's enough. I cut him from my whip deck.[/QUOTE]
It depends on the deck it's in. It's what I mentioned above, in a control deck, players tends to side out their removals vs control, so it can go into more matches.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";160992973]Somebody sell me their snapcaster mages :-([/QUOTE]

$56 and sold out on SCG jesus fucking christ. I bought mine for $35 last year but this situation is utterly absurd. And with all the talk on fakes going around, it's even more absurd.


How is the store owner going to blame the clientele for not bringing in costumers in his own store? Sounds like my previous LGS that shut down. Dude had a shitty attitude towards customers and then blame the loyal few who would go.

Don't ask me. Every week he posts on the Facebook page that says something along the lines of "I host the events, I can't help it if you guys don't show up". Guy has been on a downward spiral ever since he lost his store partner, she kind of held FNM together. Now its just a man yelling about how he has the best store around and bashing everyone who decides to try a different store or even talk about a different store. Its pathetic.

Joe Molotov

Don't ever deal with Green Lake Games. I still haven't gotten a bunch of DTK cards I pre-ordered from them, and when I contacted them about it they're all like "We're sorry, they must have gotten lost in the mail but we'll resend them for you but we've also lost your address, can you send us your address again?" like they couldn't have just gotten that shit through Amazon where placed the order. :rolleyes

Now I'm stuck trying to decide if it's worth waiting another week or two to see if they really ship this time, or just getting my money back. At least I didn't have a lot of money tied up in this.

BTW, this wasn't just one order, it was two separate orders that this happened to. The first one, they didn't give me a tracking number, but the second order they did, and it just shows the postage as being pre-paid for, but the package never actually being received by USPS. These aren't even super spicy cards that I was ordering either, that would have been quickly sold-out and/or shot up in price. They were mostly just bulk rares and commons that I wanted to mess around with since I didn't plan on buying a lot of sealed DTK product. I mean, if you can't even get me a couple of Pitiless Hordes and a Ire Shaman within 4 weeks, then don't take my money.


I've got 2 snapcasters sitting in edh decks right now.. They aren't getting reprinted in MM2015 though, they're just gonna keep going up.


Innistrad is just so ridiculously overrated.

Kamigawa block is the worst block, btw. It's a fact.
Could you expand on your opinion of Innistrad?

As for Kamigawa, if you could take Champions of Kamigawa on it's own without Betrayers (and especially without Saviors) it would be seen in a much more favorable light today. Designing a set around not casting cards in your hand was a really, really terrible idea.
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