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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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I still don't know why Vendilion Clique is legendary. I mean, it's a clique, and has no real name attached to it. That's like making Llanowar Elves legendary.
No, they don't. I certainly count myself among that non-pro level. My Modern deck of choice right now is Polymorph Tokens and I'm building a Modern Manifest deck for Christ's sake. But I don't like how a focus on interesting and fun decks can run the price up on otherwise bulk cards. I have no real interest in speculation, that ship has sailed. If a deck is casual fun I want to build and play it. Not pay an arm and a leg for it.

You like interesting and fun decks... but you don't want people to show them off? I don't get it.


No, they don't. I certainly count myself among that non-pro level. My Modern deck of choice right now is Polymorph Tokens and I'm building a Modern Manifest deck for Christ's sake. But I don't like how a focus on interesting and fun decks can run the price up on otherwise bulk cards. I have no real interest in speculation, that ship has sailed. If a deck is casual fun I want to build and play it. Not pay an arm and a leg for it.

Not sure I get what you're trying to say. If there's a fun casual deck, chances are a bunch of people want to give it a go and that will naturally drive up the price of the constituent cards. I'm must be missing something here.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
This is not even a little surprising. I wonder if it being at Mythic will affect its price at all.

Its not even played in Twin as much as it used to but the price hasn't moved because prices in paper magic are not nearly as fluid as they are on MTGO where people actually try to move product. In paper the stores just hoard shit over the long haul and refuse to budge on price. The price graph on old staples is just a flat line, whereas on MTGO you actually see it move around as the bots adjust prices to what will move product.

I still don't know why Vendilion Clique is legendary. I mean, it's a clique, and has no real name attached to it. That's like making Llanowar Elves legendary.

Most of the Clique are named for things they do, like Mistbinding, Fencing, Puppeteer. The Vendilion Clique is three specific faeries named Veesa, Endry and Iliona. (V+End+ilion)


Not sure I get what you're trying to say. If there's a fun casual deck, chances are a bunch of people want to give it a go and that will naturally drive up the price of the constituent cards. I'm must be missing something here.

I don't have a fully formed conspiracy theory, so please don't mistake this as 'the sky is falling' talk. But I know that decks like Woo's, if they show even a glimmer of promise, can spur buyouts of cards that have otherwise gone overlooked and unused for years, sometimes decades. Fist of Suns, for example, is one such card that languished in obscurity before jumping because of a random deck (I think it was Woo? Maybe it was Dzyl? I can't remember). It's come down some since, but even still it's higher than it really needs to be.

I get that supply and demand are real things, but a price hike in Magic is often not a price hike due to natural interest. I dislike that there's a community with the ability and desire to go out and buy up a card real quick in the face of it being interesting, and I dislike that sites like StarCity are almost always somehow ahead of the curve on these buyouts. It feels like there's a back room of people "in the know" and they get out ahead of the jump because they know the content before it goes up. You also saw this with the Bitterblossom unbanning, where right before it was removed from the list, a huge buyout happened.

It's inevitable, I guess. We can't change it back. I really am 'old man yells at cloud' here, but it's how I feel.

Edit: And I know I'm not alone in this thinking. Tiny Leaders is often chided on this board as a price hike format. I kind of agree. I get that it's business, but then don't run Finance articles where you're giving people "tips". It's two-faced and untrustworthy.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Really hope this is a step towards making Angels/Demons of both genders. The White = Angel/Female, Black = Demon/Male thing plays into a lot of tropes in a way that's probably not a positive.

There is a male angel! Actually there are two of them.
dat thirst

"I am no one's servant," said Sarkhan. "I am your friend—or was, and hope to be again."


Narset frowned, as though searching for words.

"Were you…close?"

"We might have been, given time," said Sarkhan.


"You're not planning to leave Tarkir again?" asked Sarkhan. "There are multitudes of worlds to explore, and you cannot have seen them all."

"Someday I will," said Narset, looking back over her shoulder. "But this world has secrets enough. For right now…I'm right where I want to be."

Sarkhan smiled and looked out from under his fedora. In the distance, dragons soared.

"I know exactly what you mean."
Given that he's a crazy dragon man, I don't think being awkward around women is all that unusual. Still, Sarkhan Unbound seems like it has plenty of room for a fedora.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I just find it funny he was literally too crazy to even speak when he met Narset the first time and now he's all Arthur Fonzarelli.
I just find it funny he was literally too crazy to even speak when he met Narset the first time and now he's all Arthur Fonzarelli.

He missed the chance to do the "time traveler" prank for real. He coulda gone out and bought a ring and just slipped it on before meeting her.

"My wife Narset... she died so so the dragons could live"

Joe Molotov

There is actually one female demon, although originally just a "Summon Legend". And what a powerhouse she is.



Lady Orca would have Haste, Flying and Trample if it were printed today, along with an awesome ability or two. Maybe even a brutal ETB like Atarka 2.0. Gotta staple those spells somewhere for seven mana.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
lol found it


There is no way succubi/inccubi are going to be showing up in the game...ever. That flip card from Innistrad w/ the bow is the closest you'll get.

They already have Liliana

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";161128090]The real question is what percentage of MM2 has to be good to justify a $30 draft.

Because that's "rare land in every pack" prices, Aka bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Don't purchase MM15 hoping to get your money back. As I said earlier, stores often refuse to take a bath on anything they've invested in and just refuse to drop prices, so unless they are directly playable in existing Modern decks, the prices you see don't mean anyone will buy it for that.

I would be relatively surprised if Bitterblossom doesn't get a reprint here. But that doesn't mean it will go down in price despite nobody playing it. Also, will almost assuredly have inferior non-Guay art.


For you guys playing with Esper Dragons, are you guys prefering dragonlord Silumgar or the regular one in the main?
Since Jeskai Tokens is getting less popular, I figured the switch could make sense.


Don't ever deal with Green Lake Games. I still haven't gotten a bunch of DTK cards I pre-ordered from them, and when I contacted them about it they're all like "We're sorry, they must have gotten lost in the mail but we'll resend them for you but we've also lost your address, can you send us your address again?" like they couldn't have just gotten that shit through Amazon where placed the order. :rolleyes

Now I'm stuck trying to decide if it's worth waiting another week or two to see if they really ship this time, or just getting my money back. At least I didn't have a lot of money tied up in this.

BTW, this wasn't just one order, it was two separate orders that this happened to. The first one, they didn't give me a tracking number, but the second order they did, and it just shows the postage as being pre-paid for, but the package never actually being received by USPS. These aren't even super spicy cards that I was ordering either, that would have been quickly sold-out and/or shot up in price. They were mostly just bulk rares and commons that I wanted to mess around with since I didn't plan on buying a lot of sealed DTK product. I mean, if you can't even get me a couple of Pitiless Hordes and a Ire Shaman within 4 weeks, then don't take my money.

As part of a continuing saga with Green Lake Games I sent them another email a day ago asking if they had any tracking information on the orders they promised were being shipped out the last time I emailed them. The answer to yesterdays enquiry? A form letter that they sent me during the last series of emails.


Thank you for your continued patience, and I apologize for the delays you have experienced. I would be happy to reship your order for you! Before I do, could I please verify your shipping address? Sometimes our computer hiccups and causes address glitches.

Thank you, and I apologize again for the delay. I will work to get this to you as quickly as possible!

Alaura Mae
General Manager
Green Lake Games

Look familiar? I'm sure it does since it's probably the same thing they're sending to everyone that sends them a message asking where their order is on Amazon. I wonder if I email them again in a week if they'll send me the same shit a third time.


For you guys playing with Esper Dragons, are you guys prefering dragonlord Silumgar or the regular one in the main?
Since Jeskai Tokens is getting less popular, I figured the switch could make sense.

I don't play it, but I had way more trouble playing against Silumgar, the Drifting Death at Game Day. The hexproof is a real issue - Dragonlord Silumgar just eats removal if you tap out for it. Drifting Death made my awesome 4/4 first strike flier useless for blocking Ojutai, too.

I noticed this card for the first time in a while yesterday


and for some reason want to build a deck that uses my favorite pet card of the last year


Something is wrong with me. Help.

Do it and you can be awesome like me!

Joe Molotov

Look familiar? I'm sure it does since it's probably the same thing they're sending to everyone that sends them a message asking where their order is on Amazon. I wonder if I email them again in a week if they'll send me the same shit a third time.

Yep, that's the one. :(

I sent them another message yesterday, and they haven't responded yet. I think it's probably safe to give up on these guys.


Just push for a refund immediately. I got mine without complaint from there- something has obviously happened and they are trying to push off the negative consequences as much as possible.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Key control cards always do that and frequently are mythics. Sphinx's Revelation being Mythic kind of fucked up prices for that whole deck last year. I think the most played creature other than Ojutai from the set is what, Thunderbreak Regent? And that's in the Event Deck.


Just push for a refund immediately. I got mine without complaint from there- something has obviously happened and they are trying to push off the negative consequences as much as possible.

I'm less interested in a refund at this point than I am in making sure I leave a scathing review and complain directly to Amazon as this is not the only shit show I've had to deal with on the Amazon marketplace. If I'm going to loan out money for a short period I can think of better places to lend my money than Amazon, since that's essentially what I've done with several orders recently.


For you guys playing with Esper Dragons, are you guys prefering dragonlord Silumgar or the regular one in the main?
Since Jeskai Tokens is getting less popular, I figured the switch could make sense.

I've been playing it pretty extensively lately and easily easily easily it's Drifting Death. I can't tell you how often my opponent had a dead removal in their hand. My opponents would once reveals 4 removals after his defeat lol. Hexproof, flying, and that huge body makes it the easy pick to mb.


The whole point of plastic booster wrapping is to keep moisture out. These look like they won't do that at all.

Soggy cards inc.


For you guys playing with Esper Dragons, are you guys prefering dragonlord Silumgar or the regular one in the main?
Since Jeskai Tokens is getting less popular, I figured the switch could make sense.
Definitely Drifting Death. Hexproof means it's almost impossible to get rid of. It's likely to remove a bunch of critters if you attack with it and Ojutai together and it completely stops Elspeth from doing anything useful.


With the limited nature of modern masters, can regular joes buy a booster box online for msrp, or will it be all speculators and resellers?

Supposedly there's going to be a larger supply this time but who cares. I somehow got a box of MM1 for $175 and I still didn't feel great about it, even though I pulled a Dark Confidant. $10 a pack is absurd, Wizards should feel ashamed.


I can't find the picture anymore, but a dude on another forum I post on posted his Goblin Rabblemaster spec where he bought like 2,000 Goblin Rabblemaster when it was $2.50. He had a picture of boxes and boxes of Rabblemasters.

The question is, who does he sell 2000 Rabblemasters to? Will SCG even take in that volume of cards from a single person in one go?
Well, that Ojutai news makes me feel horrible for the trade I made on Sunday. My Dragonlord Ojutai for his Monastery Mentor. Oh well, lessons learned about trading.
Lady Orca would have Haste, Flying and Trample if it were printed today, along with an awesome ability or two.

I kind of always wished they would do a set where they made non-shitty versions of some of the characters from Legends with cool names and/or looks.

lol found it


Don't purchase MM15 sealed product hoping to get your money back.

What it really comes down to.

The Recyclable MM2015 Boosters

WotC (unsurprisingly) haven't emphasized this, but the real benefit of this packaging is that it makes it dramatically harder to open and reseal product. (Gonna be weird fidgeting with these before a draft tho.)


The question is, who does he sell 2000 Rabblemasters to? Will SCG even take in that volume of cards from a single person in one go?

SCG would probably buy at half the value so they'd need to be able to sell at least 1k rabblemasters in order to break even. They'd need to do it pretty soon because they'll rotate out in September and I don't think these cards are used in modern all that much.

So the question they'd ask is whether they could sell 1k rabblemasters in that time.

For the dude...he bought 2k rabblemasters at $2.50...meaning he spent 5k...he'd need to sell 325 in order to break even, and 650 at SCG buy prices to break even.

All in all it seems like an incredibly silly thing to do unless he has the market/selling power.

Of course this all goes out the window if it is actually modern playable, or if by some chance it is reprinted in Magic Origins.
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