Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I just need Goyfs, Bobs, Damnation, Zen fetches, Opal, 3 extra jobs, Heirarches and probably a life
The rares I want/need reprinted outside of Damnation (which is exceedingly unlikely) are less than $2 (Shadowmage Infiltrator, Mystic Snake and Call of the Herd), so I don't mind MM15 low value rares. I would mind Magmaw because wtf.
I'm really looking forward to the uncommons since I desperately need Avalanche Riders, Gemstone Mine and Mana Tithe.
I thought MM1 was one of the worst limited formats ever, so whatever. I'm only playing the GP so I can get a raffle ticket to win something actually valuable. I have no hopes to get any sort of decent sealed pool whatsoever. :lol
B/G being a token strategy doesn't mean Bitterblossom is being reprinted, obviously not guys <_< >_>
Mana Tithe is what...50 cents?
I thought MM1 was one of the worst limited formats ever, so whatever. I'm only playing the GP so I can get a raffle ticket to win something actually valuable. I have no hopes to get any sort of decent sealed pool whatsoever. :lol
They could at least exercise some market research and some creativity when filling out the jank spots. Fill a niche. Give people a tribe they like. Reprint something that enables a tier 3 modern deck. Bring back a beloved archetype.
Doesn't Thrulls actually fit those conditions?
We've never seen 10 dollar packs, either. That said, I don't have an expectation that there will be no jank, that doesn't make any sense in terms of the way MTG is branded and sold. If there was no jank at all, nobody would get any of the cards since the retailers would open the product and sell the singles.
I would be a little surprised to see Inkmoth, but not super-duper surprised. It feels like a card you'd just rare-draft and not necessarily have any wonderful reason to play.
does Richard Garfield still play an active role in Magic or has he moved on from that?
Colourshifted border (...I know).
Faeries and their queen are dumb, Aether Vial is even dumber and mono brown is one of the dumbest things you can allow in a limited environment. Like, having your entire deck lacking any major colour identity is everything that's NOT Magic. Magic is about mana which is made up of five colours. If they do go back to New Mirrodin I hope they've learned from their mistakes. Scars wasn't a disastrous limited format but it wasn't brilliant either.I'm curious to here what limited formats you liked, in that case. I thought MM limited was incredible, with only Chk/Chk/Bok being higher on my list
The rares I want/need reprinted outside of Damnation (which is exceedingly unlikely)
I'm curious to here what limited formats you liked, in that case. I thought MM limited was incredible, with only Chk/Chk/Bok being higher on my list
I never got why some people liked this format better with a pack of Betrayers. Can you explain?
oh good it's the time where we whine about janky rares because we've apparently never seen a magic set before
Participation avatars on MTGO for MM2015 are Dark Confidant and Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas, which are obviously in the set.
This is irritating to me given that there's absolutely no reason not to include the card in one of these. It's an elegant card, a little too good for Standard but totally reasonable for a draft environment at this power level, and it's up there at the top of the list of Modern-era cards that need a reprint. The Judge promo definitely signals that it's not in the set, but I don't get why they made it a promo when they're fixing the other big omission from MMA (Hierarch.)
Are they really doing new Dark Confidant art again? Or are those avatars always unique art?
Tezz will be mythic. Shadowmage will be rare. It's still possible.Nooo there goes my Shadowmage Infiltrator reprint (and I bought a UB Tezz last month).
Well unless they do it like they did with Izzet in MMA and put two Dimir cards instead of a gold and a hybrid. I won't give up hope!
Yeah I have no idea why they treat Damnation as something so special that can't be reprinted.
As for Damnation, I have a baseless theory that they want it in standard down the line.
That's not actually that big a deal because almost nobody is opening exactly one pack of this set; even at the higher price, people are generally gonna be drafting or else opening a full box plus.
The Judge promo definitely signals that it's not in the set, but I don't get why they made it a promo when they're fixing the other big omission from MMA (Hierarch.)
Tezz will be mythic. Shadowmage will be rare. It's still possible.
As for Damnation, I have a baseless theory that they want it in standard down the line.
I believe it was said in an article recently they don't want 4 mana standard board wipes without stipulations anymore.
I just hope MM2 takes a page from VMA and brings back Battle Screech!
I can't find a consistent price for a Foil Thoughtseize from Lorwyn set. What is the current accepted price?
I can't find a consistent price for a Foil Thoughtseize from Lorwyn set. What is the current accepted price?
I just hope MM2 takes a page from VMA and brings back Battle Screech!
I wish Thoughtseize was in the set with its original art, but it won't be since its standard legal. The funny part is that nobody would actually get upset to open a Thoughtseize in MM15, but they still wouldn't do it.
Of course, I own 7 copies of Thoughtseize as it is so I don't exactly need more of them.
They could at least exercise some market research and some creativity when filling out the jank spots. Fill a niche. Give people a tribe they like. Reprint something that enables a tier 3 modern deck. Bring back a beloved archetype.
Don't give players paying 10 bucks a pack a piece of shit rare that was just reprinted. Still, it's basically the one misstep so far. The value right now is looking to be way above what MM1 was, I think. Because fuck those stupid Kami-Dragons.
Faeries and their queen are dumb, Aether Vial is even dumber and mono brown is one of the dumbest things you can allow in a limited environment. Like, having your entire deck lacking any major colour identity is everything that's NOT Magic. Magic is about mana which is made up of five colours. If they do go back to New Mirrodin I hope they've learned from their mistakes. Scars wasn't a disastrous limited format but it wasn't brilliant either.
Yeah, you can drop. It's better than the alternative.So what are the rules for sealed pools at the MM15 GP.
If I open (to register) a ridic pool. Can I drop?
Or can I only drop after i register + pass then receive my "playable pool"
I haven't yet decided what my drop/pass threshold for a bonkers pool would be. Like, would I pass a non-foil Goyf? On a pure EV basis it probably is correct to drop in that case (unless the price really takes a dive), but traveling and then not even playing in the actual event is super lame.
They also said they didn't want to break land cycles up between blocks and then we didn't get all the fetched in Khans through Dragons. Things change.I believe it was said in an article recently they don't want 4 mana standard board wipes without stipulations anymore.
Can't you just pay to get a pre-registered pool? Doesn't that a) save you the trouble of registering a pool and b) removes that temptation? Or is that option only available if you have byes?
They also said they didn't want to break land cycles up between blocks and then we didn't get all the fetched in Khans through Dragons. Things change.
Faeries in Lorwyn block was a fun tribal-based archetype. What made it annoying in MM1 was Oona at rare (Oona was from Shadowmoor so you couldn't draft her with faeries from Lorwyn) and Bonesplitters at common. Suddenly those faeries can turn into 3/1 or 5/1 and hit like trucks. Aether Vial only made it worse. Now you could cheat tons of mana and worse is it fits in every deck because every deck has creatures. Yeah, it was now valued at rare, but it wasn't uncommon to see it in sealed pools in big events. Did I mention Bonesplitter at common? Which brings me toWhat are you even talking about? Fae were a reasonable limited archetype in both Lorwyn limited and MM1. Aether Vial was a rare put in just for the sake of Modern, that one rare didn't impact the limited format in any negative way.
By my count, there are 32 artifacts and 11 of them have coloured mana somewhere on the card. No, Sunburst doesn't count. My belief is that artifacts that work well together with other artifacts are extremely toxic to the game. That extends to both constructed and limited. Artifacts should be just what it says on the tin: artifacts. Tools or objects of (human) conception. Having artifacts in a set is fine, but artifacts should never be the main focus of a deck that doesn't really have to strain its mana base. Shards of Alara block fixed this issue by adding mana restrictions, so they worked like any other card only it has an additional type. What they did with MM1 is they added Frogmites, Myr Enforcers and Court Homunculuses nobody wanted except the mono brown player and made them fucking bonkers together. Sure, mono brown favoured U/W, but there were games that played out in a fashion where the mono brown player just vomitted his or her hand into play and wrecked people with powered up robots thanks to Bonesplitters. Affinity is the single dumbest keyword in the history of the game. At least Storm changed the game in an exciting way.Finally, most affinity decks in MM1 (especially MM1) and Mirrodin classic limited had colored cards and a color identity. Like if you're worried about constructed I don't think that will be an issue given how Scars of Mirrodin block fared but since we are talking about limited formats you just sound like a silly, rambling goose.
I think I said this before, but my top three are Ravnica-Guildpact-Dissension, Time Spiral-Time Spiral-Planar Chaos and Invasion-Planeshift-Apocalypse.Now answer the krev's question, what limited formats did you enjoy and why? (Granted, you don't actually have to answer that question but it would be nice it you stayed on topic)
I just don't trust what they say anymore. we'll see I guessThis is true. Don't get me wrong, I want to see damnation sooner rather than later, and wouldn't mind seeing it in standard.
Did you think the Magic community would have low expectations of a set with a prettty damn high MSRP?
In threads like these, full of folks angled more at competitive Magic, we forget exactly how large the casual, non-competitive crowd is and those are exactly the folks that won't draft the set but just open a few packs.
Do you think the Judge promo means we won't see it until MM2017?
I just hope MM2 takes a page from VMA and brings back Battle Screech!
By my count, there are 32 artifacts and 11 of them have coloured mana somewhere on the card. No, Sunburst doesn't count. My belief is that artifacts that work well together with other artifacts are extremely toxic to the game. That extends to both constructed and limited. Artifacts should be just what it says on the tin: artifacts. Tools or objects of (human) conception. Having artifacts in a set is fine, but artifacts should never be the main focus of a deck that doesn't really have to strain its mana base. Shards of Alara block fixed this issue by adding mana restrictions, so they worked like any other card only it has an additional type. What they did with MM1 is they added Frogmites, Myr Enforcers and Court Homunculuses nobody wanted except the mono brown player and made them fucking bonkers together. Sure, mono brown favoured U/W, but there were games that played out in a fashion where the mono brown player just vomitted his or her hand into play and wrecked people with powered up robots thanks to Bonesplitters. Affinity is the single dumbest keyword in the history of the game. At least Storm changed the game in an exciting way.
They also said they didn't want to break land cycles up between blocks and then we didn't get all the fetched in Khans through Dragons. Things change.