It sounds like they're considering making standard 8 sets, with the 1 incoming replacing the one outgoing.
It was on the dailyMTG survey "Do cards rotate out of Standard too fast?" and Aaron shot down 3-year block rotations on twitter earlier - this is the only viable alternative to what we have now. It would force standard to change every season.Where are you seeing this?
It sounds like they're considering making standard 8 sets, with the 1 incoming replacing the one outgoing.
It was on the dailyMTG survey "Do cards rotate out of Standard too fast?" and Aaron shot down 3-year block rotations on twitter earlier - this is the only viable alternative to what we have now. It would force standard to change every season.
They need it to be dynamic. The last few years have been the opposite of that.Let's not make Standard into Modern shall we?
The results from this PT say otherwise. SCG Opens are lol.
Yeah, they don't tell the whole story.PT results aren't the be-all, end all, due to the fact that you can go 6-0 in limited, 6-4 in constructed and still make the top 8. or go 10-0 in constructed but 0-6 in limited and not top 8.
Oh, and for all the talk of making everything Standard to show off the new set? The only M15 cards in the finals were 2 copies of Sunblade elf, and 3 copies of Divination (and was already standard legal) among the 2 lists of 75.
Ironic after you said this.
There was an SCG open this same weekend- 3 Mono Blue decks in the top 4.
To clarify, this is not Black Devotion splashing white. This is an entirely different archetypeOrzhov midrange. With a Legacy owing to the deck Patrick Chapin and I used with great effect last fall in Dublin, this latest incarnation has evolved significantly to incorporate black staples like Pack Rat and Desecration Demon. The concept is that you trade some resources and then knock them out with one of your 5cc or 6cc haymakers (or clean up with Pack Rats). Specifically, Blood Baron of Vizkopa is a card we feel is especially well-positioned in this particular metagame, which we expect to be full of Black Devotion variants, white/green aggro, andDetention Spheres. In addition, Elspeth, Suns Champion is a criminally underplayed card in Standard.
Where are you seeing this?
Oh, and for all the talk of making everything Standard to show off the new set? The only M15 cards in the finals were 2 copies of Sunblade elf, and 3 copies of Divination (and was already standard legal) among the 2 lists of 75.
We are making 2 separate arguments here. I'm arguing that it's stupid to kill modern to "market" your new sets with the Pro Tour, as the top 8, which is the showcase day for the event (People work Friday, there are only 5 rounds of Standard on Saturday, and they show every game on Sunday) did a bad job of showing off Magic 2015. Why not just make the Core Set PT Modern? It never shifts the format (I went back and checked the SCG Invi from last year as their was no pro tour, and while the top 8 being Legacy makes it hard to judge the quality of Standard, it seems like people just jammed Scavenging Ooze into their existing decks and called it a day).It's a core set. What more do you want?
We are making 2 separate arguments here. I'm arguing that it's stupid to kill modern to "market" your new sets with the Pro Tour, as the top 8, which is the showcase day for the event (People work Friday, there are only 5 rounds of Standard on Saturday, and they show every game on Sunday) did a bad job of showing off Magic 2015. Why not just make the Core Set PT Modern? It never shifts the format (I went back and checked the SCG Invi from last year as their was no pro tour, and while the top 8 being Legacy makes it hard to judge the quality of Standard, it seems like people just jammed Scavenging Ooze into their existing decks and called it a day).
The argument of the quality of standard is separate from that. Regardless of weather a W-B deck is different from a Black Devotion deck, it's still the fact that I've seen Sphinx's Revelation for 2 years, Pack Rat for 2 years (impressively, doing it's first year of damage ruining limited, and the latter year ruining standard), a year of Turn 1 Thoughtsieze basically ending matches sometimes, and more. Even if it is a "new deck", it's still cards we are used to seeing, and are sick of.
It sounds like they're considering making standard 8 sets, with the 1 incoming replacing the one outgoing.
That would be fucking bizarre. Gatecrash and Maze legal without RtR?
How does one even beat that card without Thoughtseizing or Duressing it first? (This is a similar question I had to what a U/R storm deck does if you play Leyline of the Void)
I read that and then remember that your five color deck is bogles. Then I laugh and laugh.
The only tool against Thoughtseize is another Thoughtseize. That's a problem.
By that definition, the only way to get around Wasteland is playing basics only.
In standard what are the tools to combat a turn one Thoughtseize? On either the play or draw.
There isn't one. That's why I wish they'd do Trap cards again, but like, one or two that automatically trigger something when discard spells are played.
Here's an idea:
Can of Snakes GGG
Creature - Snake
If an opponent plays a spell that looks
at your hand, put Can of Snakes directly
into play.
It's not a hugely imposing creature, but a free 2/3 creature on turn 1 or 2 wouldn't be the worst payoff for being Thoughtseized.
How is that comparable? Wasteland is a tool to keep the format from becoming magical mana Christmasland and in Legacy often times you will want to capitalize on opposing wasteland that was used for mana to protect your own mana base.
People play Wasteland in Legacy to Wasteland other Wastelands. What?
At any rate, the point stands. You can't do much, if anything, against Wastelands, apart from Stifle, or playing basics. That doesn't mean losing a land is the same as losing the game. Just like losing a card doesn't mean it's an auto loss. Or do you actually think Wasteland is healthy for the format, but Thoughtseize isn't?
They should just print Stifle in Standard along with fetchlands. That'd teach 'em.
I understand the humor angle but since I'm being somewhat serious:
New players don't realize how good fetchlands are because of the 1 life cost associated with them so to print them along with a one mana counter to them (effectively one CC land destruction) would be absolutely devastating. They won't even print Stone Rain anymore because it's not fun.
Speaking of fetchlands, I feel like this could be a neat hoser that has an innocuous effect at first that really builds up over time.
Dwarf Claimjumper - R
Creature - Dwarf
Nonbasic lands enter the battlefield tapped unless its owner has Dwarf Claimjumper deal 2 damage to him or her.
A fetch->shock untapped play goes from a loss of 3 life to 7 life.
Also, unrelated, I feel like this could be a neat thing for red to do:
Roam - R
Gain control of target land until end of turn. Untap that land.
If the opponent had just enough mana open for a counter or a buff or something, he or she will be forced to either cast it early or not cast it. Plus, this can be color fixing in a pinch.
I understand the humor angle but since I'm being somewhat serious:
New players don't realize how good fetchlands are because of the 1 life cost associated with them so to print them along with a one mana counter to them (effectively one CC land destruction) would be absolutely devastating. They won't even print Stone Rain anymore because it's not fun.
Shadow of Doubt is the best "troll your fetch" card.
Where the hell did I say that? I said sometimes it happens. Have you ever seen a RUG mirror because one of the deciding factors is if a deck gets cut off from a color or not.
And Wasteland is absolutely healthy for Legacy. Thoughtseize is detrimental to Standard. You disagree?
They both have the same function: to disrupt the opponent and throw off his or her game with a one-for-one. It's just that Thoughtseize is incredibly efficient at what it does. It is therefore powerful, but not format stifling without a strong follow-up such as Pack Rat. Pack Rat literally takes over games when left alone. Obviously, R&D won't make the same mistake again.
In a situation where you Thoughtseize and lose 2 life you still gain information that your opponent has jack shit.
Aggro is the only matchup where Thoughtseize is weak because aggro is centered around redundancy in creatures and removal/burn/etc. Any other non-aggro match up Thoughtseize is the best card you can have in your opening 7. Thoughtseize also makes mulligans even shittier in the current standard.
So I imagine this was probably would have been your argument back during Lorywn Standard:
"Thoughtseize is powerful but not format stifling without a strong follow-up such as Bitterblossom. Bitterblossom literally takes over games when left alone. Obviously, R&D won't make the same mistake again."
Faeries was such a beast deck, for real. I stopped playing a bit after Shadowmoor so I dunno if anything in the last few years has been as powerful, but that thing was versatile as hell.