Cawblade maybe?
I wasn't playing during that.. although the internet seems to indicate it was a lot more oppressive than Faeries. To be fair, Faeries had a pretty high skill cap. I was awful at playing it.
Cawblade maybe?
Yes, it is.
Faeries didn't even play Thoughtseize until Ancestral Visions rotated out, which pretty much crippled it. Turns out Ancestral Visions is a better card than Thoughtseize!
Taking Modern out of the PT isn't "killing" Modern. The only people who watch PTs are hardcore players anyways. Seems like a pretty simple money-making decision to me.
It's already been printed, but it's banned in Modern.So you're implying that to combat Thoughtseize all Wizards needs to do is print a more broken card?
This actually sounds like more reason to keep Modern in PT if the people who are watching the streams will already be very aware of the new sets and what they offer.
Faeries was such a beast deck, for real. I stopped playing a bit after Shadowmoor so I dunno if anything in the last few years has been as powerful, but that thing was versatile as hell.
The problem is that a new set is highly unlikely to impact any eternal format because the format's first tier is degenerate combos, which is what I think Wizards doesn't want on camera, even if some people like playing it.
Played against a five-color superfriends deck yesterday who ran Xenagos, Kiora, Jace, Liliana, Garruk, Vraska and Chandra. I was Esper Control. Took game 1 but lost game 2 and 3. I'm not sure what I could have done. I didn't have Planar Cleansing and only two Hero's Downfall. Despite removing Supreme Verdict and boarding in a bunch of creatures, I still couldn't deal with the flood of PWs quickly enough especially with Liliana discarding my hand and Kiora disabling my creatures. Maybe, I shouldn't have boarded in my creatures nd kept Supreme Verdict in to help remove creature tokens to buy time.
New set doesn't always have any meaningful impact on standard either as we've seen through most of this past year. Also the most hardcore players aka the viewers are aware of Splinter Twin and Melira Pod so the shock of infinite combos won't make them want to quit mtg altogether.
I'm not sure how you can argue nothing in Theros block had a meaningful impact on Standard.
Obviously I'm not talking about Theros. Outside of corner cases like Banishing Light, mana fixing is the best the other 3 (including M15) have brought to the format until rotation.
Obviously I'm not talking about Theros. Outside of corner cases like Banishing Light, mana fixing is the best the other 3 (including M15) have brought to the format until rotation.
My decklist is pretty much a carbon copy of the one you posted here when I asked you about it couple of weeks back. Only difference is that I replaced the two Syncopates with two Hero's Downfall because of the prevalence of RG monsters around here (which run plenty of Xenagos and Domri) plus I needed an answer to Obzedat which your main deck did not have at all (apart from counters).
My sideboard was a mess for a while and I experimented with Nyx-Fleece and Ashiok but was not satisfied with the results I was getting. Since a week or two ago, I began running the SB you posted and the results have been great. I like being able to board in cards like Fiendslayer and Obzedat to catch opponents off-guard in game 2s.
For the superfriends match, I removed the Last Breaths and Verdicts and boarded in 2 Fiendslayer and 4 Blood Barons. He was running Dreadbore so I figured those two would likely work well in swinging at his PWs. But Fiendslayer never showed up in my hand and Blood Baron got disabled by Kiora in both games. I didn't think Nightveil Specter would work too well since I wouldn't be able to cast most of his spells with my manabase. Perhaps that was a mistake.
I mean, wrong, but okay.
Future Future Sight
1. Standard rotation Change is possible
2. Modern Masters 2
3. The Fetchlands are comng
4. Reign of the Eldrazi
I will be switching to UW control next week to see how that works out. I like the easier mana fix and the answers that Planar Cleansing will provide. Will probably be using a tweaked version of Floch's decklist. Currently thinking of adding 1-of Aetherling and Elspeth but not sure where to cut yet. Also, I am thinking of replacing the Azorius guildgates with off-color Temples just for the bluff factor.
Floch also knew he had +10 minutes per round.
How is it wrong? The same few decks are still dominating since fall. The best the new sets have brought are small improvements. Hardly needed every PT to be standard to show off the impact of Banishing Light or Temple of Enlightenment. How many Pack Rats and Revs needed to be cast this past year?
2 Standard and 2 Modern should be what they're aiming for. (Hopefully) gives Standard some time to develop over the block while giving much needed exposure to the other fast growing FNM format.
Yeah the clock is my biggest concern with Floch's deck as well which is why I wanted to add 1-of Elspeth and Aetherling. The deck just seems to have answers to everything and it might be suitable for my LGS where the meta is a mix of tier 1s and brews.
So you're implying that to combat Thoughtseize all Wizards needs to do is print a more broken card?
No, what I'm saying is Thoughtseize, while incredibly efficient, is a very linear card. Jace the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic were not linear cards. If they didn't ban Bloodbraid Elf, I doubt they're going to ban Thoughtseize.
Doesn't work. Jace's ultimate has to be a nonland card.Oh god, how the hell does his deck beat Mazes end? I'm guessing that sticking an early Jace and protecting it to Ultimate and stealing a 1-of Gate would get a concession, but that's about it.
Lands (24)
1 Blood Crypt
3 Forest
2 Mutavault
3 Llanowar Wastes
2 Overgrown Tomb
4 Stomping Ground
4 Temple of Abandon
1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
Creatures (15)
3 Courser of Kruphix
3 Elvish Mystic
3 Stormbreath Dragon
4 Sylvan Caryatid
2 Polukranos, World Eater
Spells (12)
1 Abrupt Decay
3 Dreadbore
2 Mizzium Mortars
2 Putrefy
2 Rakdos's Return
2 Read the Bones
Planeswalkers (9)
2 Chandra Pyromaster
2 Garruk, Apex Predator
2 Vraska, the Unseen
3 Xenagos, the Reveler
2 Destructive Revelry
2 Devour Flesh
2 Duress
1 Golgari Charm
2 Magma Spray
3 Mistcutter Hydra
1 Mizzium Mortars
2 Thoughtseize
It doesn't. Ever. You might be able to pithing needle mazes end and run out some crazy counters + AEtherling rush, but even that's probably way too slow.Oh god, how the hell does his deck beat Mazes end? I'm guessing that sticking an early Jace and protecting it to Ultimate and stealing a 1-of Gate would get a concession, but that's about it.
Doesn't work. Jace's ultimate has to be a nonland card.
I've had Garruk underperform and Nissa overperform. Also, you seem closer to monsters than superfriends. If you really want to play Garruk, you need 4 Coursers. I want to say that you should cut the Polukas for Thoughtseize, but the deck does lose pretty bad to aggro.Several Standard events coming up in my area, been testing a Jund Superfriends list. Thoughts?
Yup. Her plus is insane. It's the best card in the deck even when you can only use 1/3rd of her abilities. It blanks everything from abrupt decay to lifebane zombie and ultimate price.I played a jund list almost exactly like that 2 weeks ago. It did fine against control and even beat out a constellation deck. It was murdered by any aggro deck (monoU, red, or GW) and torn apart by mono black variants.
GB, is your plan with you list to just plus Nissa forever? Her plusses are good but not enough to 4-of her. Her ult can go get all of 1 card from your deck. I love nissa, so I would love to hear some insights in your use of her.
I'd want Garruk in the board for the mirror.
That card is so much fun against U/W.
Aaron/Mark have both said she was a last minute pull due to Mono-B being too good w/ her. She's not overpowered for Standard in the least, its just this standard has issues.Is that the first official confirmation she was supposed to be in the set? I thought they hadn't commented on it before
Is that the first official confirmation she was supposed to be in the set? I thought they hadn't commented on it before
Sorry if this is kinda off base:
Is this game still really popular? I'm pretty sure I have a bunch of cards from when it first came out...Do you think I can get much for them?