There you go, Red!


I'm expecting them to also run out of room at rare. I'm curious to see what gets downshifted to uncommon this time around. Last time we saw kind of a motley crew of downshifts: Auntie's Snitch, Epochrasite, Feudkiller's Verdict, Mad Auntie, Masked Admirers, Pardic Dragon, Reach of Branches, Take Possession, and Worm Harvest. This wasn't anything particularly important from the perspective of the Modern format - it was just a way to plug gaps in the limited format. I'm interested to see what happens this time around.
Which is why we've gotten almost to the end of the article and I've talked almost no strategy. There is no strategy for Shadowmage Infiltrator. If you put it in a serious Constructed deck, you are wrong. If you take him highly in a Cube draft, you are also wrong. If you play him in a Cube draft, you are likely, but not definitely, wrong. I haven't seen the rest of Modern Masters 2015 Edition, but I suspect Shadowmage will be playable but unspectacular. Which is about the best he's been in a very long time.
Haha. Finkel saying how bad Shadowmage is is really funny. I totally wanted more "new art" salt though.
There you go, Red!
It could, but the card isn't really in need of a reprint anymore- she's now only a one of in the super fringe G/W Hatebears, and the even more fringe/theoretical Death and Taxes.
It makes me wonder... Elspeth and Sarkhan were in MM and were hugely central to the stories that followed. Will Tez and Karn be important at some point during the next few blocks?If we assume that Tezzeret Agent of Bolas is in (based on the MTGO avatar), we only have room for 3 mythic rares left. We still need a Red card and at least 1 more Planeswalker (They could do Koth and kill 2 birds with one stone). I'm guessing the Walker is Ajani Vengent, and the Red card is Kiki-Jiki, which just leaves one more hole, likely to be filled by either a White or Blue card.
I caved and bought a MM15 box at 249$
Probably gonna split with some friends
Where's all the people saying, "yay I'm gonna enter $30 drafts twice a week!"
This is a bad take and you should feel bad.
So basically all things that should make Magic players happy.
Except God's Beard. He's pissed off for no actual reason other than reasons.
Then don't. Just buy singles.
Why are PRM cards worth so much less than regular cards on MTGO? Was trying to move some Stoke the Flames last night and the PRM cards are not worth even half what the M15 Stokes are worth. Do people really care about art that much on MTGO? Just find it weird. Personally think the promo versions look much nicer too.
I get it in real life because I personally don't like foils in my deck and will never play with them outside of limited but just feel its weird online.
Why are PRM cards worth so much less than regular cards on MTGO? Was trying to move some Stoke the Flames last night and the PRM cards are not worth even half what the M15 Stokes are worth. Do people really care about art that much on MTGO? Just find it weird. Personally think the promo versions look much nicer too.
I get it in real life because I personally don't like foils in my deck and will never play with them outside of limited but just feel its weird online.
lol did somebody ask for a Leyline?
EDIT: Also full reveal this Friday? wtf
Ask and ye shall receive.
lol did somebody ask for a Leyline?
EDIT: Also full reveal this Friday? wtf
They've been doing full reveals on Friday since at least Theros.
Dealers need the information pretty badly here. It keeps people from busting early to find the spoilers.lol did somebody ask for a Leyline?
EDIT: Also full reveal this Friday? wtf
lol did somebody ask for a Leyline?
EDIT: Also full reveal this Friday? wtf
It's like they picked one junk rare and showed it on day one to throw everyone off.
It's like they picked one junk rare and showed it on day one to throw everyone off.