You know, MaRo and others have mentioned both that R&D aren't too keen on intimidate and landwalk anymore, and that they already have a replacement in mind but we won't see it fully implemented for a couple of years. Do you think the mechanic they have in mind is Scuttling Doom Engine's "can't be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less"? It's good, but the sort of thing that one can typically already handle without aggressive sideboarding, and it can easily be placed in similar flavor space as intimidate. It arguably works better than intimidate in that regard, since it's odd that any Avacyn would be afraid of a 2/1 zombie. Wandering Wolf has a similar ability, "creatures with power less than CARDNAME's power can't block it," but it becomes too powerful to use frequently on high power creatures, and it generally feels more interesting on creatures with low power.