This was spoiled earlier, but I haven't commented on this until now. Same with some other ones I'm noting. This seems like it could be really good.
Surprised to see Kirins returning.
This seems like a good card. The flavor is a bit odd, though; my guys are being assaulted by sandstorms, and thus they are better at guarding?
This also seems good in limited. I am a bit surprised to see protection at common after the only M15 protection card was at rare; I figured they were phasing it out.
Rebuke didn't seem out-of-flavor, so I'm surprised they would choose not to just reprint that.
Odd to have this and the black morph deathtouch 1-drop in the same set.
This seems good in limited.
This is pretty powerful in limited.
Use this guy to bring back the above guy. Pretty good.
Hey, a Lammasu! Not worth its mana cost, but it will still do some good in limited.
This should be pretty good in limited.
This is pretty good, especially since any creature can get the hexproof effect.
I knew there had to be a morph defender in this set!
This is common? I'm a bit surprised.
Surprisingly, this effect appears not to have appeared as a sorcery before. Totally Lost is 5 mana as an instant, so to get to an appropriate sorcery cost, I suppose you just have to exile 2 cards to bring this down to 4 mana.
I thought the art would be for a dodge spell, but it's actually a Vulcan Neck Pinch effect. This seems good.
So, I guess Taigam is going to be an important character. This seems really good; mostly, you'll be putting 4 cards in the graveyard and just leaving the best at the top.
I was going to say it was odd that they didn't reprint Inspiration, but this one does not target.
A blue elk that lives in a swamp? How odd.
This is something I didn't expect: a raid effect where you actually are punished for not triggering it.
The effect is powerful, but this is probably too expensive, even with delve.
Amusing how this and March of the Returned have similar names.
This mix of effects is a bit odd in monoblack.
Tarkir vampires are creepy.
Odd how Magic actually has more than one zombie crocodile. This seems decent.
This effect is kind of weird.
Wow, zombie elephant! Wow, huge butt! This is actually one of the few big butt creatures that actually had its power + toughness be equal to its mana cost.
This is pretty good.
Blech. Anyway, I can see this creature getting pretty big, but only sometimes.
I guess they liked Lash of the Whip so much that they gave it a generic one-word name, which is a hot commodity.
And there's our morph first strike!
This seems good in limited, especially as a Lava Axe that can target creatures.
For some reason, it always seems like making boulders fall uses up more mana than it should. Still, this is decent enough in limited.
I like this card.
0/5 in red without any other red effects? OK...
This is a neat effect.
I like this card. It should be pretty good in limited.
Well I suppose that happens when you set it on fire. For the effect and rarity, I would have liked at least higher power.
Not Smelt? OK then... I suppose this is because so many of the artifacts you see will be mana fixers.
After it was revealed that Temur ogres are white and fuzzy, I was worried we wouldn't get any yetis, yet here it is!
I like this effect.
I thought Wild Guess was decent enough, but I'm happy to see a less color-restrictive version!
This is a nice reprint.
A red 2/2 for 2 with haste at common!
A more appropriate power for grizzly bears!
This is pretty good in limited.
This seems pretty good.
I think this is actually a decent life gain card. In limited, of course.
This is another nice reprint, and it doesn't have those creepy-looking plants!
This is an interesting card, and at common too!
I like these effects.
Grisly Salvage gains one mana and becomes a sorcery by losing black. Still not bad.
Another "look at target face-down creature" effect? At least this is on a non-Tarkir bear.
Another powerful outlast creature. It really seems like they should have played up the sliver aspect of the mechanic in the early spoilers more.
This is a good limited card.
Another named Sultai character! How odd. This is OK.
I like the art. The effect seems decent.
Oh, another mantis. Well, the other one didn't actually have the insect creature type. This is OK.
This is pretty decent, especially with the reduced randomness from similar effects. Also, I misread this at first as "Master of the Way", so I was confused by it not being a creature.
This is pretty good, especially on a common.
This seems pretty decent.
This seems like a decent mill effect, especially when it includes lands, though it would have been better if it could target yourself.