10x Mountain
10x Swamp
4x Evolving Wilds
4x Lightning Strike
3x Heat Ray
2x Thundering Giant
2x Minotaur Skullcleaver
2x Goblin Roughrider
1x Deathbellow Raider
1x Cone of Flame
1x Magma Jet
1x Sering Blood
1x Burning Anger
1x Inferno Fist
4x Typhoid Rats
3x Crippling Blight
2x Flesh to Dust
2x Child of Night
2x Nightfire Giant
1x Indulgent Tormenter
1x Hero’s Downfall
1x Mind Rot
1x Caustic Tar
First of all, in a two color deck, Evolving Wilds isn't really a good card to include. As a cheap option, I'd instead recommend to replace them with Rakdos Guildgate for little time left before rotation, or Bloodfell Caves if you wait a bit. With Evolving Wilds, the land you fetch enters the battlefield tapped, but you only get to tap for one color afterward since you have to get a basic land. These other lands enter the battlefield tapped but can tap for both colors you are using, so in this deck, they are better. Otherwise, I'll leave it up to you as to what feels best.
Its your fault for playing control
So I just preordered savage knuckleblade, the RUG mana dork, temur ascendency and charm, icy blast, mindswipe, and craters claw. Trying to go against my natural inclination to go the jeskai control route. I'll pick up sarkhan and the legandaries in a week or so and the fetches once they hit $11-$12. Between the scry, tri and pain lands I think I'll be OK for a while.
Gotta say just buying singles and not playing the game of chance with boxes feels good.
I've been running some sealed deck simulators...
...Is it just me, or is every sealed pool just really awkward?
I've been running some sealed deck simulators...
...Is it just me, or is every sealed pool just really awkward?
I've been running some sealed deck simulators...
...Is it just me, or is every sealed pool just really awkward?
Go back a page or two, lol. It has the gist of it.Kirblar, please be nice and post your pre-order list so I have a guide, lol
I have 70 dollars of Amazon credit from CC rewards I'm blowing on Pre-orders.
I just read that Quinton Hoover (artist from waaay back in the day) passed away last year. He was my favourite MtG artist when I started playing. RIP.
Here's the cards he illustrated, Gatherer search is kinda weird for some reason.
Swan's Song and Searing Blood are cute together. Compliments the slower Mindswipe too. Shame Swan's Song can't counter planeswalkers and most creatures, though countering Courser for one mana seems sweet. I'll probably put Rabblemaster in there somewhere.
Swan's Song and Searing Blood are cute together. Compliments the slower Mindswipe too. Shame Swan's Song can't counter planeswalkers and most creatures, though countering Courser for one mana seems sweet. I'll probably put Rabblemaster in there somewhere.
That's what I said.Doesn't it counter course because enchantment?
I've been blowing it up on cockatrice with this deck.
Its not supposed to be an aggro deck, I think, she's saying its midrange.
Your cat is an asshole.I had two Goblin Rabblemasters sitting out and my cat just ate them both.
What apps do you guys use for cards lookup and prices? Currently, I am using MTG Familiar on my Android phone and the app is very good and it's free. I use Decked Builder on my iPad which I paid for and while it's been quite good as well, MTG Familiar just seems better as a reference source.
I am going back to the iPhone soon and Decked Builder is not a universal app and I'm not sure about ponying up again for the same app. Are there better alternatives on the iPhone?
Second pass at an Abzan Midrange:
Deck: Abzan Rhino Midrange![]()
2 Caves of Koilos
2 Forest
3 Llanowar Wastes
4 Mana Confluence
2 Plains
4 Sandsteppe Citadel
3 Temple of Plenty
1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
4 Windswept Heath
3 Abzan Charm
2 Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
2 Hero's Downfall
4 Thoughtseize
3 Anafenza the Foremost
3 Courser of Kruphix
4 Fleecemane Lion
2 Polukranos, World Eater
4 Siege Rhino
4 Sylvan Caryatid
2 Wingmate Roc
2 Hero's Downfall
2 Utter End
3 Nyx-Fleece Ram
1 Garruk, Apex Predator
2 Drown in Sorrow
2 Erase
3 Mistcutter Hydra
I think the Wingmate Roc is a lot better than its 4 dollar pricetag is suggesting. Its 6 airpower for the cost of a Stormbreath Dragon plus lifegain to offset the painlands and Confluences. Not sure about Sorin or potentially, M15 Ajani. They both could work, but I think if I were doing that, I'd run them together to increase chances of ulting out Sorin on the second turn. Probably want some Sheep in the board and more Hero's Downfall since Stormbreath Dragon would fucking wreck this deck. I considered some split of Anafenza and Brimaz, but I decided to just stick with Anafenza because careful consideration led me to believe Anafenza is a 5 dollar card and Brimaz is a 20 dollar card. I hope you guys are ready for Rhino-mania, because that Rhino is going to be everywhere.
The other problem is whether Hero's Downfall is really something I should be running vs. Murderous Cut given its double black requirement.