I'm not sure it makes much sense to do a new thread, necessarily, but we can try an experiment and bounce it back for a week at the BFZ launch if you guys remind me.
*thumbs up*
I'm not sure it makes much sense to do a new thread, necessarily, but we can try an experiment and bounce it back for a week at the BFZ launch if you guys remind me.
Two thingsI'm not sure it makes much sense to do a new thread, necessarily, but we can try an experiment and bounce it back for a week at the BFZ launch if you guys remind me.
"God's Beard" better not watch the video of the SDCC panel or he'll see some kid get a Liliana signed by Karla Ortiz and die of jealousy.
Two things
* I feel like it would make more sense to have the topic in OT during the spoiler weeks, since that's where all the news is.
* Since part of the goal is to bring in new people, the OP would have to be overhauled both to better introduce the game and direct people to the point where discussion of the new block starts. Not sure if I want to put this burden on The Technomancer.
Otherwise, I'm fine with that deal.
We could break off from |OT4| early if someone wants to do the heavy lifting to put that kind of OP together.
MTGO streamer event last night. Holiday Cube. Scotty Mac drafts a Storm deck with Brain Freeze as the only win condition. He plays against Kenji, who figures this out due to winning game one with Sword of Body and Mind, and in game three decides to board in 1200 lands. :lol
MTGO streamer event last night. Holiday Cube. Scotty Mac drafts a Storm deck with Brain Freeze as the only win condition. He plays against Kenji, who figures this out due to winning game one with Sword of Body and Mind, and in game three decides to board in 1200 lands. :lol
...what do you think "camwhore" means? lol.
...what do you think "camwhore" means? lol.
Still not what a camwhore means though. Can't call an actor a prostitute because they get paid to pretend to have sex, guys.
Cause I'm at work and won't be home for an hour and half. I wish I was a camwhore, tbh.
Magic Origins survey, so you can feel free to alert Wizards to how bad some of the art is.
What are the chances of the origins deckbuilders tool kit being on walmart shelves today? I wanna pick one up On my way home
Casuals love mill. It's bound to happen.Well I let them know, along with a few choice comments about the planeswalkers.
I mean, is anyone ever going to activate Jace's ultimate ever?
Casuals love mill. It's bound to happen.
Well I let them know, along with a few choice comments about the planeswalkers.
I mean, is anyone ever going to activate Jace's ultimate ever?
Casuals don't run removal.Four turns of giving something -2/-0? Nah, its not
I'm sure he's good, but no-one's ever going to get him to his ultimate and even if he does he's never going to win the game with it.
Magic Origins survey, so you can feel free to alert Wizards to how bad some of the art is.
are there any ultimates that are actually cool and practical? it might as well be flavour text.
are there any ultimates that are actually cool and practical? it might as well be flavour text.
are there any ultimates that are actually cool and practical? it might as well be flavour text.
Casuals love mill. It's bound to happen.
Took me awhile to narrow down my favorite card from the set, but I finally settled on Scab-Clan Berserker.
magistermystax asked: Does the move towards a main cast mean we'll have the Origins planeswalkers in every block?
It does. Not forever, but for the time being. These are the main characters who we are going to be following. That doesnt mean we wont see other planeswalkers (because we will) but these five will be the focus.
We did mention at the panel that all of the Origins 5 save Liliana (who well see soon) is in the Battle for Zendikar block story.