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Magic: the Gathering |OT4| Izzet Me; Izzet You? A Love Story

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I wonder how many Hangarback Walkers I'm gonna see this weekend. I'm guessing a lot. Card is really good.

Yeah, it's pretty strong. I feel bad because I had the UB and Sultai control decks built off the spoilers with Jace and Thopter Foundry but I gave up on it without enough artifacts because I wrote off the Hangerbacks lol


These feature matches have been huge duds.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ STREAM U/R THOPTERS OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

I've trying to work around this deck I've been trying to build, but having 3 colours and don't want to spend a lot of money on fetches and such it's making have a hard time getting the required mana.
I think butcher of the horde kinda slows my deck down but at the same its a big creature and my way to sac tokens, do you have any suggestions to replace him or keep him at all?


Keeper of the Lens LMAO

There is a possibility there are more copies of keeper of the lens than shaman of the pack in the standard portion at the pro tour.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Really awkward amount of time being spent showing bad CGI instead of people playing Magic.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
nah man red is a sucky color everyone knows that
Abbot of Keral Keep -> Mountain, for two untapped Mountains total
Bait opponent (at 1) with Lightning Berserker, opponent responds with Mardu Charm(?), respond with Wild Slash

That was a pretty great play. (First time watching a match)

EDIT: It's rather annoying how the life total display doesn't update quickly enough. It's hard to tell who did what.


How is Rally the Ancestors getting results? I've not seen Rally do anything of worth and I've been watching the stream for a couple of hours.


How is Rally the Ancestors getting results? I've not seen Rally do anything of worth and I've been watching the stream for a couple of hours.
It's just like value junkpod decks that happen to have a combo in them. And now they get to play the pod at instant speed and have 8!


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";173707260]Do you ever have opinions on what good ideas are? You just seem constantly frustrated.[/QUOTE]
I'm just tired of seeing mono-red mirror matches on camera at every Modern/Standard Pro Tour while the actual interesting decks and games are happening off camera.

They also keep pushing mono-red cards/strats to such a degree that it's a powerhouse in Modern because it has ridiculous amounts of redundancy. They also keep pushing and pushing these cards to increasingly silly degrees- and you can see that in the power of the deck in Standard despite us coming out of a Gold/Dragons block. I don't think that having large amounts of top-level pros going "fuck it, playing Mono-R" at every PT is a good look for the game.


I'm just tired of seeing mono-red mirror matches on camera at every Modern/Standard Pro Tour while the actual interesting decks and games are happening off camera.

They also keep pushing mono-red cards/strats to such a degree that it's a powerhouse in Modern because it has ridiculous amounts of redundancy. They also keep pushing and pushing these cards to increasingly silly degrees- and you can see that in the power of the deck in Standard despite us coming out of a Gold/Dragons block. I don't think that having large amounts of top-level pros going "fuck it, playing Mono-R" at every PT is a good look for the game.

It's the same problem SCG had in the Caw-blade error- they eventually decided to stop having feature matches of only undefeated/top tables, because they were having nothing but Caw-blade mirror after Caw-blade mirror, but would then run into problems of having lesser players on camera just doing aggravating stuff. It was a problem that got fixed when Caw-blade got banned, but there isn't a great solution for it.
Primeval Titan has trample and if he lands he always hits lands and hits them when he attacks in addition to the ETB trigger. That thing is nowhere near Primeval Titan levels of good. That said, it's a solid card and probably interacts well with whatever the land mechanic happens to be.


Great art or greatest art? It's no Valor in Akros, that's for sure.

Only if you're the one with Emrakul.

Yeah, that's awesome. Is it a playmat yet?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
2-3 at FNM with regular 'ol Rhinos.

Fuck it, I should show up to the GP next weekend with 5C DRAGONLORDS

When was the last time mono red was this viable in standard?

The last PT was won by a mono-red deck >_> <_<


New standard.....

Far worse than old standard. If the best decks are u/r ensoul artifact / affinity, pray my mana dorks don't die before whisperwood g/r decks , or mono red then I guess I'm entirely done with standard for awhile. Just looking at the metagame page is so disappointing.
Not sure how accurate this is, but one of the comments on this Blogatog post has one of the first concrete details I've seen of the Duel Masters manga, back when it was about Magic. Apparently Shobu (the main character) ran a Sliver deck with Shivan Dragon as the finisher. How disgusting.

If there was ever a modern Magic anime about people playing the game, I think it should go like this:

MC plays red/green (of course) with Dragonlord Atarka as the finisher, because the MC always has to have a dragon.
First rival that turns good plays white/blue control.
Comic relief guy tries to force Slivers.
Love interest runs white/green life-gain.
Second rival that turns good plays monoblack with demons.
Pegasus-style villain somehow gets away with playing Black Lotus. All of his underlings have a single copy of Black Lotus in their decks that they pull out as an evil power-up.
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