What? Four Hooting Mandrills? I... What?
lol I posted the decklist yesterday as a JPG.
To quote myself:
Uh oh...
Hooting Mandrills winning Modern Opens...
What? Four Hooting Mandrills? I... What?
Uh oh...
Hooting Mandrills winning Modern Opens...
10 years from now, are people even going to be playing Legacy? The entire format revolves around 1st to 3rd edition duals which haven't been printed in 20 years, large numbers of which were probably destroyed ages ago.
I'm hoping beyond hope that some sort of system will be put in place for Legacy reprints. Otherwise the format will just fade away.
Tri-land variants.
It would change the landscape of the format so much if that happened.
Lmao, Id welcome it, but that's coming from someone that owns only 2 duals and doesn't much care for their value if it meant more people playing the format.
Angry Grimace,
I just recieved the Godless Shrines, which lands should make room for the set? I already took out the 2 City of Brass for 2 Sorins.
Likely both, and in addition, it's unlikely you'll be able to activate Tasigur often.
If Tarmogoyf ends up getting dethroned (even partially) by a common, that's really good for Modern.
Wait, which card would partially dethrone him? Gurmag Angler? Or Hooting Mandrills?If Tarmogoyf ends up getting dethroned (even partially) by a common, that's really good for Modern.
If Tarmogoyf ends up getting dethroned (even partially) by a common, that's really good for Modern.
I'm hoping beyond hope that some sort of system will be put in place for Legacy reprints. Otherwise the format will just fade away.
So our MM15 drafts have been $30, but it's pack per win for standard packs. Seems fair?
Scapeshift would like this a lot. As would mono red. Being able to run 16 shocks that don't take up a spell slot and can't be countered or prevented is really good.Painland
As this ETB, your opponent lose 2 life.
T: R or B, you lose 1 life.
Ours were $35 and the payout was:
3-0= 5 Packs or $50 Store Credit
2-0-1= 3 Packs or $30 Store Credit
2-1= 2 Packs or $20 Store Credit
*Modern Masters 2015 packs
The payout was different at the other store that did 4 rounds.
Ours were $35 and the payout was:
3-0= 5 Packs or $50 Store Credit
2-0-1= 3 Packs or $30 Store Credit
2-1= 2 Packs or $20 Store Credit
*Modern Masters 2015 packs
The payout was different at the other store that did 4 rounds.
Hixus, Prison Warden 3WW
It really is best to quit while you are ahead when it comes to cracking packs.
That booster art is U-g-l-y.
That's just the outer packaging for wal-mart boosters
10 years from now, are people even going to be playing Legacy? The entire format revolves around 1st to 3rd edition duals which haven't been printed in 20 years, large numbers of which were probably destroyed ages ago.
As long as it keeps finding Omniscience + Show and Tell, that foil price will keep rising lolI still have my foil Dig Through Time that I pulled from a pack. I thought that with the banning it wouldn't be worth much but I'm glad that it is still decent.
Either 8, 6 or 9 or ideal (2 4-man games, 2 3-man games or 3 3-man games). An actual box will support up to 12 players, but more than 9 people tends to make any draft format a little weird in terms of signals and wheeling.I've been sitting on a box of Conspiracy for about a year now with the intention of drafting it for fun with some friends I've made at the LGS. With just the single box, what's the ideal number of people to have in the draft? I really don't remember the ideal numbers for this? Does it work best with a single 8 man pod? Or does it run better as a series of 4 mans? Cause with 36 packs, I could possible run three 4 man pods since I'm not playing any prize support. We're all opening my packs so I can use the cards to create a Conspiracy themed cube.
Oh, and I plan to have 3 packs in reserve to select for Lore Seeker: Darksteel, Modern Masters 2015, and Lorwyn.
I still can't figure out why people lose their shit over demanding Bloodbraid Elf being unbanned. Cascade is literally the dumbest mechanic ever printed in Magic. No, its seriously dumber than Storm.
To sum up my feelings on Cascade, I will just quote:Free spells are broken for combo. BBE is only good for beatdown/midrange decks which aren't really that viable in Modern.
BBE just had to take the first bullet that was aimed at Jund when it was meant for DRS but hasn't come off the unbanned list. One free random spell is still not as powerful as answer this aura at instant speed or lose the game.
I'm guessing they're going to do another cycle of Legendary creatures similar to M13 as the intro pack rares. Apparently, this guy is Gideon's mentor, so more than likely, each one will have a connection to the respective walker. Maybe we'll see Liliana's brother.
I still can't figure out why people lose their shit over demanding Bloodbraid Elf being unbanned. Cascade is literally the dumbest mechanic ever printed in Magic. No, its seriously dumber than Storm.
Noob question, why would it being etb make it weaker? Can't you just then exploit cascade by cheating/blinking stuff into play?
You can counter it if it's ETB and not get the ability. You could further fix it by having a "ETB if played from hand" trigger.
Or even if Cascade wasn't tied to the spell's casting cost. Like a 6cmc creature that has Cascade 2 and only pulls spells with cmc <3