Not a chance.
Unless I get a lot better at Magic in between now and then.
Hypergenesis with no Force is just too strong. The shortest list you can have and still have a functional format with many decks is imho:
- Hypergenesis (this is a 3 mana i-win card, if the format had FoW it wouldn't be as stupid, but as it is it can't be answered at all on T2 on the play except by blue and MM doesn't do anything against it)
- Skullclamp (this legal would kill control in any shape or form, and Elves! would be the best deck in the format by far)
- Treasure Cruise (Ancestral recall good card)
This format would have imho:
- Elves! best deck in the format but relatively easy to hate (MM, forked bolts, chalices etc..)
- Splinter 2nd best combo, but way harder to hate
- Dredge, easier to hate than splinter, but need a completely different set of hate to stop
- Miracle (Countertop + Terminus + Entreats. Brainstorm loss is huge compared to legacy miracle, but you get MM and the format in general is much less powered)
- Stoneblade variants with Sword of the meek/thopter foundry etc..
- 12-Post , worse against other control lists and against combo, but crush anything "fair" that does not play hate for it
- Uxx MM+delver-based tempo decks. The usual stuff, Goyfs, Forked bolts, MEntal missteps, Snapcasters, Pyromancers etc... predate mostly on elves!
- BUG cascade is still viable i think, being pretty much the legacy deck (no therapy or twists hurt though)
- Jund variants? Mass B discard to stop post/combo, cheap removals to stop elves, and efficient value cards like BBE, GSZ and shit
- Burn is always viable in a format with shocks+fetches as manabases
- Affinity is completely legal, and incredibly fast, but is incredibly easy to hate out
- Whitehate decks with cavern, Thalia and shit would probably be pretty good considering how many counterspells and how thigh mana curves would be in this format
The problem with this format is that it's essentially Legacy without wastes, Duals and FoWs, without lot of the broken and accelleration like Petal, LED, Monolith, Ritual etc... It would be like only half a turn slower than legacy (possibly more thx to MM being legal and not as broken as it was in legacy due to average much higher curve), and would probably kill legacy straight since it'd be so similar to it. Don't think the format would be just comboland because non-blue midrange existed in legacy for the longest time (at least until TC and DTT were printed) and were viable and hated combo decently with just thalia, kotr, teegs, chalices, spheres etc...
I haven't played magic seriously in like two years besides the on and off drafting on MTGO. I didn't even have enough PWPs to play the WMC qualifiers last year. (two points short!)I haven't really been playing the last month or two (too much work) but going to Utrecht on Thursday. Should be good.
You would have control(ish). Bitterblossom with Skullclamp for the brokens.
If Hypergenesis was too good just run Chalice on 0.
waitaminute, the karoo lands are uncommon? err... i'm not going to get any of them, aren't i?
If chalice on 0 was a problem I'm sure they'd find a way through it. Ingot Chewer would become relevant in modern lol.
And then all get countered...They could, but they'd have to sit around digging for hate. Opponents would probably have 4 Chalices too, which would all be free to cast.
And then all get countered...
So then they only have to Ingot once to cascade their Hypergenesis out. I'm not sure what your initial point was with having multiple Chalices...I don't think they'd cast Chalice of the void for 0 with a Chalice of the void for 0 out.
They could, but they'd have to sit around digging for hate. Opponents would probably have 4 Chalices too, which would all be free to cast.
I still think Skullclamp Faeries or Elves would be the dominant deck. Hypergenesis is broken because of Cascade; Skullclamp is broken because its fucking Skullclamp.
So then they only have to Ingot once to cascade their Hypergenesis out. I'm not sure what your initial point was with having multiple Chalices...
Well I'm sure they'd have 4 ingot chewers and possibly more artifact hate bringing it up to ~50% or more chance of it being in the opening hand. I'd definitely be betting on the hypergenesis player even if 100% of his opponents are playing 4 chalice in the side. Skullclamp is very broken but if it dies quickly the game goes on. If hypergenesis resolves it's almost always game over.
Hypergenesis isn't a play on t2/3 or bust, dude. They can wait just like Living End. And they have Krosan Grips in the sb on top of Ingots.You're a lot more likely to have one. You literally cannot cast multiples on 0, dude.
They play multiple cascade spells, one of them being instant. Good luck leaving mana open to counter three of them. If you really want to shut the deck down, play Blood Moon.Hypergenesis has to draw into relevant cards to drop into play + get up to the mana to play it. Pretty much any counter magic for Hypergenesis and the Hypergenesis player is pretty much fucked since they're not gonna suspend it and hope to win.
Most played top 3 modern cards from the past 30 days.
Fetches have been climbing a few cents here and there the past few weeks, you should be buying those now if you have any interest in owning them. Right now is probably the cheapest you will be able to get them since their bottom has already passed.
I could see them dropping a bit in the future though at either rotation or the printing of zendikar fetches. A lot of people are using replacements for catacombs and tarns right now.
Most played top 3 modern cards from the past 30 days.
Been wanting to pick up Tasigurs for a minute. Now is probably the time to strike, huh?
I would strongly recommend picking up a set of Disrupting Shoals if you don't have them. That Modern deck using them was probably not a fluke.
I actually don't like filterlands and wish they would avoid rotating them through Standard.
Most of the removal is 1 or 2cc, as are the counters.But Shoal is a shitty Force of Will.
You don't want too many taplands in standard if they're gonna print manlands in Zendikar thoughThey make tracking mana in pool and availability difficult for both players, enable wonkiness, lead to more draw/manascrew variance- I think a variant on them (maybe CIPT w/ Tap: Add B or G or (B/G), Tap, add BG) could function better.
God's Beard was right!But Phantasmal Bear dies to anything anyway.
Or is there a Modern Merfolk list that showed up out of nowhere?
What? Four Hooting Mandrills? I... What?
Likely both, and in addition, it's unlikely you'll be able to activate Tasigur often.So.. I'm not even going to pretend to understand legacy, but is Gurmag better than Tasigur due to the non legendary or the 5 power instead of 4, or both?