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Magic: the Gathering |OT4| Izzet Me; Izzet You? A Love Story

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The nicest way I can put this is, yes, it actually is.

And Snapcaster's ability is both red and blue. The color pie isn't as narrow as you're suggesting. Nor is it here or there, really.

Agree to disagree then. BBE being banned is a joke.

Lol. Have you even played with the card?

I played UW extensively for the standard duration it was legal and I've played Stoneblade in Legacy for several years now. SCM is a powerful card but it's not a hard card to use.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if the initial plan was to put them in Dragons of Tarkir, and then they moved them out when the rest of the development team convinced Mark Rosewater to switch away from enemy colored dragon broods to allied (at which point no cycle was needed since allied fetches were in Khans)

How would they have done enemy coloured broods? I mean, the clans->Allied Broods makes sense, but each enemy pair was in 2 clans.


Owen Turtenwald's latest article LMAO

I guess CFB doesn't pay articles by word count.

So who's (or will be) in Vegas? Help me root for someone!

Bootleg FoW that's only ever Misstep or Spell Snare is still a really damn good card, it turns out, for exactly that reason.

I was testing the card back when I was playing Bogles, but I never got a list with the requisite density of blue cards for me to be happy with it. I wanted it for countering Inquisition on the draw as well as explosives on one but ultimately went with Leylines. The side effect of turning burn from can't lose to really can't lose was nice as well.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Agree to disagree then. BBE being banned is a joke.

I played UW extensively for the standard duration it was legal and I've played Stoneblade in Legacy for several years now. SCM is a powerful card but it's not a hard card to use.

There are about a billion more lines of play with Snapcaster than there are with BBE, which is just "cast BBE."


Snappy and BBE are both f-ing stupid cards that never should have been printed in their current form. Snappy should not have had flash, Cascade is an abomination.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165445388]All valid criticisms aside, Cascade is an insanely fun mechanic to play with and against outside of the top tables.[/QUOTE]

My only experience with it is being hit with a Bloodbraid Elf -> blightning in Modern, so i'm not a huge fan :p


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165445388]All valid criticisms aside, Cascade is an insanely fun mechanic to play with and against outside of the top tables.[/QUOTE]
I mean, I qualified for the PT with it and almost did it twice, so I'm not pissing on it because I just lost to it over and over. :p
It's worth pointing out that there's a difference between a card being a development mistake and a card being banworthy. There are plenty of cards that never should have been printed (eg, Snapcaster Mage) that shouldn't ever be banned. It's a fine line, for sure, but part of the appeal of formats like Legacy and Modern is that you get to play with these kind of cards.

Personally, I'm in the camp that thinks that BBE isn't banworthy, despite all of the valid criticisms of the card and the cascade mechanic altogether. It's certainly a very high power level card, but I don't think that's enough to ban it all on its own. It was banned for metagame reasons above all else; admittedly, actual Jund decks are slowly coming into favor again, but I think the card is fine in a world of Siege Rhinos.


There are about a billion more lines of play with Snapcaster than there are with BBE, which is just "cast BBE."

In most given game states the optimal path of play is fairly straight forward. I'm not disagreeing that there are more possibilities but again I don't understand your point of view. BBE is random and more straight forward but deserves to be banned?


It's worth pointing out that there's a difference between a card being a development mistake and a card being banworthy. There are plenty of cards that never should have been printed (eg, Snapcaster Mage) that shouldn't ever be banned. It's a fine line, for sure, but part of the appeal of formats like Legacy and Modern is that you get to play with these kind of cards.

Personally, I'm in the camp that thinks that BBE isn't banworthy, despite all of the valid criticisms of the card and the cascade mechanic altogether. It's certainly a very high power level card, but I don't think that's enough to ban it all on its own. It was banned for metagame reasons above all else; admittedly, actual Jund decks are slowly coming into favor again, but I think the card is fine in a world of Siege Rhinos.
I think this is the best argument for it. (And watch decks play both. :p )


It's worth pointing out that there's a difference between a card being a development mistake and a card being banworthy. There are plenty of cards that never should have been printed (eg, Snapcaster Mage) that shouldn't ever be banned. It's a fine line, for sure, but part of the appeal of formats like Legacy and Modern is that you get to play with these kind of cards.

Personally, I'm in the camp that thinks that BBE isn't banworthy, despite all of the valid criticisms of the card and the cascade mechanic altogether. It's certainly a very high power level card, but I don't think that's enough to ban it all on its own. It was banned for metagame reasons above all else; admittedly, actual Jund decks are slowly coming into favor again, but I think the card is fine in a world of Siege Rhinos.

100% in agreement here.
The MtGO flavor of the week is definitely Assault Formation.

The only thing about it which gives me trouble is Hornet Nest. Can't wait for that to rotate out, R only really has Anger of the Gods to counter it.
You just have to Wild Slash or Seering Blood it, then push through the two tokens.
Eh, it's risky though because the archetype I run (Atarka sligh) shoots for a turn 8 or so win. Those hornets can really hurt Shaman of the Great Hunt.

Although most AssForm decks can be shot down with Destructive Revelry (I got 3 boarded), I just don't like how chancy it is with the long game in my deck.


I don't know why anyone cares about a format nobody can actually play except for people who blow all of their disposable income on Underground Seas and Volcanic Islands. Seriously, the entire format revolves around cards which were printed in tiny numbers 20 years ago.
I enjoy playing Legacy, but watching it is pretty boring. You watch two people shuffle for 10 minutes and then something interesting happens. As the player, it's super interesting figuring out all the different lines for play; as a spectator it's awful.
MTG lore is interesting. Like, Uncharted Realms is often pretty awful, and no-one I know reads it, but we all care enough about the story to find out second hand. Everyone in my playgroup has a handle on what's going on, and we all talk about it, but none of us actually want to read it.

The setting creation and visual/thematic character design are miles above any other tabletop property and most fantasy properties in general, so for anyone who's into that sort of thing there's a lot to like. Back when they were doing novels they were generally long, ponderous, horribly written, and almost completely disconnected from the actual cool stuff on the cards, so there wasn't really a good in.

Now that it's 5,000 word short stories on the website, though, they range from amateurish to surprisingly competent, they have to produce plotlines that you can convey in a series of 5,000 word short stories, and every one of them gets vetted by the creative team before it goes out, so it's just generally a less shitty project. I usually burn through 'em on the bus in to work on Wednesday morning.

I thought the novels had actual novelists at the helm.

I mean in the sense that someone who's published a novel is an "actual novelist"... but otherwise lol no.

We've known for a while, but I still think it's bunk that they're not going to reprint the three original Eldrazi in standard.

Since Chronicles they've reprinted, like, around 15 legends total into Standard, and over half of those were just in Time Spiral.

Snappy and BBE are both f-ing stupid cards that never should have been printed in their current form. Snappy should not have had flash, Cascade is an abomination.

The most I've ever questioned Rosewater's judgment is when he said Cascade was a good mechanic that would probably reappear* but I don't think Tiago is nearly as bad. He's actually fun in a non-zero number of formats, Cascade is just an anti-skill funsuck no matter what you do with it.

*Thankfully he has backed the fuck away from that one since.


Since Chronicles they've reprinted, like, around 15 legends total into Standard, and over half of those were just in Time Spiral.

Been holding out for the return of General Jarkeld for a decade now.


What a stellar design.


Holy shit guys

So my journey into magic started about 1.5 weeks ago. Today I decided to goto a draft at my local shop. I was super nervous about it. Im already an anxious person, and also not confident with my magic knowledge/abilities yet.. so this was all pretty out of my element.

When I got there, I had some people just come sit down with me and offered to play, we then had 2 others show up so we started a 4 player free for all. I had never done 4 players before, or even played with anyone other than my girlfriend.. so it was a all new experience for me.

After that, we did the draft and the guy just let us play with his boosters, no entry fee, just return the cards when we were done. Super cool of him.

It was a modern masters draft, so I didnt really know alot of the cards or their abilities as I have been mainly playing with m15, tarkir, etc.

I built a white/black deck and just picked cards that I sort of understood/knew already. Once we picked all our cards, people knocked their decks down to 40ish cards, but I kept mine at 60 like the filthy casual I am. I probably looked super dumb, but oh well.

My first game I went 0-2. Second.. 0-1 (we ran out of time in the 2nd game, but he was going to beat me anyways, so basically I went 0-2 again).

My third and final game though, I WON!

I couldnt believe it actually. I thought for sure that Id go 0-3 and never win an actual game. It was really cool, and this experience encouraged me to keep learning and playing. I should be in bed now, but im high off of that 1 meaningless win. lol.

Now that I have done a draft and have a tiny bit more experience with how a game in real life goes, I feel like I will go back for more soon, maybe even a FNM at some point.

However, I want to have an ACTUAL deck that I can play with. My collection currently doesnt really allow me to create a viable deck. Ive been looking at this devotion black deck on ebay, its 16 bucks, and it has cards that I dont have in it. Devotion and Black seem to be my favorite right now.

Does anyone recommend or not recommend this deck?


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's worth pointing out that there's a difference between a card being a development mistake and a card being banworthy. There are plenty of cards that never should have been printed (eg, Snapcaster Mage) that shouldn't ever be banned. It's a fine line, for sure, but part of the appeal of formats like Legacy and Modern is that you get to play with these kind of cards.

Personally, I'm in the camp that thinks that BBE isn't banworthy, despite all of the valid criticisms of the card and the cascade mechanic altogether. It's certainly a very high power level card, but I don't think that's enough to ban it all on its own. It was banned for metagame reasons above all else; admittedly, actual Jund decks are slowly coming into favor again, but I think the card is fine in a world of Siege Rhinos.

I'd let it slide if they unbanned Jace, the Mind Sculptor, which remains banned for no sensible reason.

However, I want to have an ACTUAL deck that I can play with. My collection currently doesnt really allow me to create a viable deck. Ive been looking at this devotion black deck on ebay, its 16 bucks, and it has cards that I dont have in it. Devotion and Black seem to be my favorite right now.

Does anyone recommend or not recommend this deck?


I'd say to buy Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 and figure out what kind of cards you like playing and then report back. We can get you straight on what to play, but I recommend against just buying whatever because its cheap. That's not usually a good way to spend money efficiently at the game. You can get set up with a deck that's competitive at virtually any price level, really. You just need to know what you like about Magic and how you want to play.


Holy shit guys

So my journey into magic started about 1.5 weeks ago. Today I decided to goto a draft at my local shop. I was super nervous about it. Im already an anxious person, and also not confident with my magic knowledge/abilities yet.. so this was all pretty out of my element.

When I got there, I had some people just come sit down with me and offered to play, we then had 2 others show up so we started a 4 player free for all. I had never done 4 players before, or even played with anyone other than my girlfriend.. so it was a all new experience for me.

After that, we did the draft and the guy just let us play with his boosters, no entry fee, just return the cards when we were done. Super cool of him.

It was a modern masters draft, so I didnt really know alot of the cards or their abilities as I have been mainly playing with m15, tarkir, etc.

I built a white/black deck and just picked cards that I sort of understood/knew already. Once we picked all our cards, people knocked their decks down to 40ish cards, but I kept mine at 60 like the filthy casual I am. I probably looked super dumb, but oh well.

My first game I went 0-2. Second.. 0-1 (we ran out of time in the 2nd game, but he was going to beat me anyways, so basically I went 0-2 again).

My third and final game though, I WON!

I couldnt believe it actually. I thought for sure that Id go 0-3 and never win an actual game. It was really cool, and this experience encouraged me to keep learning and playing. I should be in bed now, but im high off of that 1 meaningless win. lol.

Now that I have done a draft and have a tiny bit more experience with how a game in real life goes, I feel like I will go back for more soon, maybe even a FNM at some point.

However, I want to have an ACTUAL deck that I can play with. My collection currently doesnt really allow me to create a viable deck. Ive been looking at this devotion black deck on ebay, its 16 bucks, and it has cards that I dont have in it. Devotion and Black seem to be my favorite right now.

Does anyone recommend or not recommend this deck?


You should never play 60 cards in a draft deck . The reason is because you want to draw your best cards consistently and by putting more cards in your deck your actually lessening your chance of drawing your best cards. I hope someone at the store told you that. Also its really weird they used someone else's packs, you sure you opened packs ?

How did you play 4 player free for all, do you have a commander deck ?? Playing duels of the planeswalkers 2014 is probably the best way to learn how to play magic.

I can't really recommend going to Friday night magic until you know what you want to play and your willing to spend a little bit of money to get decent cards. Otherwise you might end up going 0 - 5 and feeling frustrated.

The best 3 ways to get better at magic are

#1 draft , this will teach you how to build a deck, evaluate cards, and learn the intricacies of the current standard format.

#2 watch streamers on twitch, normally the ones with a lot of viewers are at least decent at magic and most will explain why they are making the plays that they are . Channel fireball haa sone good videos and I think you should read Reid dukes articles on the main wizards website.

#3. Play a lot if magic and realize you will lose , a lot at first, if you're playing against good people who seem nice ask them for advice on your deck and the game you just played. Most magic players are friendly but occasionally people can be assholes.

Hope some if this helps , play dotp 2014 and learn the rules and then go draft !


Seth Manfield's "Top 10 Decks In Modern:"


In a case of "I called it" (alongside a number of people), take the Tarmogoyf out of RUG Twin, replace it with Tasigur, and keep the black splash light. Presto; apparently you have the best deck in Modern.

The addition of Kolaghan's Command makes a great tradeoff too. Command has been picking up steam the past week, doubled from last week up to around $3-4 on eBay now which is pretty cool, I love jamming the command in standard but it seems way better with affinity running around.
The addition of Kolaghan's Command makes a great tradeoff too. Command has been picking up steam the past week, doubled from last week up to around $3-4 on eBay now which is pretty cool, I love jamming the command in standard but it seems way better with affinity running around.

It's like a Rakdos Electrolyze. Such a sweet card, and I made the mistake of underrating it when it was first spoiled.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Don't listen to that guy's top 10 decklist. Infect isn't even good. Why even bother sideboarding for a deck that is so bad?


I'd say to buy Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 and figure out what kind of cards you like playing and then report back. We can get you straight on what to play, but I recommend against just buying whatever because its cheap. That's not usually a good way to spend money efficiently at the game. You can get set up with a deck that's competitive at virtually any price level, really. You just need to know what you like about Magic and how you want to play.

Ive been playing DOTP15, but I feel like I want to run a black deck. I like the devotion aspect where my creatures are as powerful as my lands, which is why I linked that pre-made deck. I could actually probably make like 1/3 of it off my collection alone, so maybe buying the rest as singles is the better option. What would you suggest I run if I like mono-black? I also did enjoy black/white last night. Being able to hurt myself as well as heal was a godsend in the end.

I probably still need more experience to really determine what color I want to play. But as of right now, its definitely black.

You should never play 60 cards in a draft deck . The reason is because you want to draw your best cards consistently and by putting more cards in your deck your actually lessening your chance of drawing your best cards. I hope someone at the store told you that. Also its really weird they used someone else's packs, you sure you opened packs ?

How did you play 4 player free for all, do you have a commander deck ?? Playing duels of the planeswalkers 2014 is probably the best way to learn how to play magic.

I can't really recommend going to Friday night magic until you know what you want to play and your willing to spend a little bit of money to get decent cards. Otherwise you might end up going 0 - 5 and feeling frustrated.

The best 3 ways to get better at magic are

#1 draft , this will teach you how to build a deck, evaluate cards, and learn the intricacies of the current standard format.

#2 watch streamers on twitch, normally the ones with a lot of viewers are at least decent at magic and most will explain why they are making the plays that they are . Channel fireball haa sone good videos and I think you should read Reid dukes articles on the main wizards website.

#3. Play a lot if magic and realize you will lose , a lot at first, if you're playing against good people who seem nice ask them for advice on your deck and the game you just played. Most magic players are friendly but occasionally people can be assholes.

Hope some if this helps , play dotp 2014 and learn the rules and then go draft !

Yeah they recommended to go down to 40, but im still new and wasnt sure what to cut. So I just kept it around 60. Next time I definitely wont do that. And everyone was really cool so they were helpful at every turn.

The 4 player free for all was just a casual fun thing. We just all played and attacked who ever we wanted. It was super weird, and they definately took it easy on me when I said I was new. I probably could have died by turn 3 otherwise, lol.

And yeah, Im not gonna goto an FNM for a long while. Not until I truly understand more about the game. But I was happy going 1-2 for my first event ever with a very mediocre understanding of the game. I made some good plays and am proud of that. Its a big accomplishment for me personally, even if it was meaningless.

Ive been playing more DOTP lately to help learn certain rules and what not, but at the same time, it isnt the same as playing in person or with cards you actually own. But it is a nice starting point. I just need to play it more.

As far as how the draft worked, the guy running it bought a MM booster box, then gave everyone 3 packs, we drafted those, then at the end of the tourney we gave all the cards back to him rather than keeping what we drafted.


Seth Manfield's "Top 10 Decks In Modern:"


In a case of "I called it" (alongside a number of people), take the Tarmogoyf out of RUG Twin, replace it with Tasigur, and keep the black splash light. Presto; apparently you have the best deck in Modern.

Is Grixis Twin really that strong? i never tried it and I only need to pick up a few cards if I want to give it a shot but I like the manabase of UR and the semi-control playstyle. Plus, Blood Moon out of the sideboard always feels good.


The Cube community was crazy on Kolaghan's Command when it was spoiled (I cut Murderous Redcap and I love Redcap :( ), nice to see it's also good in constructed. Lots of value at instant speed.
The Modern metagame is looking nice.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Tron is like, my favorite Modern deck I never played. It used to be Birthing Pod, but the banhammer beat that out of me.

I used to play infect on MTGO and Pod IRL. Now it's all infect, all the time. Though I do have UWR Geist as a back-up/meta call. I do miss Pod.

Agreed! But have you told the kids about what happens when Tron meets Twin?

Well, see kiddies, Twin beats the everliving crap out of Tron, takes its lunch money and tells it that if it tells anybody, it will totally give it a wedgie after 4th period.


I used to play infect on MTGO and Pod IRL. Now it's all infect, all the time. Though I do have UWR Geist as a back-up/meta call. I do miss Pod.

By the time I was ready to invest in Pod it was already too close to banning. I'm glad I never bought in, though, the pieces are being used in Company decks now. So I guess it wouldn't have been all bad.
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