I played a lot of Lorwyn block limited back in the day and Smokebraider always seemed subpar because Elementals were one of the worst tribal archetypes despite changelings existing. And it's a 1/1 for two. Mulldrifters just got played in the Merfolk and Faerie decks. The elementals don't seem too hot in MM2 either but maybe I'm wrong.U/R Elementals is actually a lot better than I expected it to be when I saw the spoilers.
Incandescent Soulstoke is pretty nuts in that deck. Smokebraiders almost always table and allow you to do things like play Mulldrifter for full retail on turn 3 consistently. I think, moreso than a lot of the other decks, it's dependent on the uncommons.
Haha, oh wow. Please tell me this is true.The fact that Vegas is at a standstill because they're out of paper because they printed deck registration sheets for THE WRONG MODERN MASTERS is hilarious.
My favourite general is this guy:
Repeatable tutor effect in red and Sneak Attack? Sign me up!
Scion of the Ur Dragon is dumb