[QUOTE="God's Beard!";165810356]
- Take high-quality colorless cards and hard removal first like Dismember. Arrest and Narcolepsy are not mega-premium because many players will maindeck naturalize effects or have sac outlets.
- Bounce lands aren't as high a priority as you think unless you're a grindy deck, don't worry about them in the first couple packs. They can be a liability on the draw, forcing you to discard with awkward hands.
- It's fine to maindeck naturalize in this format, try to make sure you have one in the board either way.
- Colorless manafixing and ramp is huge, wayfarer's bauble is a better early pick than rampant growth.
- Take the highest raw quality cards you can early, many build around me cards are useless if you're fighting over an archetype and bombs are easily splashable.
- Overall card quality is high, so getting card advantage spells like Vengeful Rebirth or Tezzeret's Gambit can help you pull ahead in grindier games. It's easy to run out of gas and get run over by Ulamog's Crusher.
- Save your removal as long as possible. Your opponent's deck will have one or two crazy cards. Every deck has Ulamog's Crusher as flood insurance, so watch out.
- There are a surprising number of low toughness creatures, so don't be afraid to take mortarpod or an off-color gutshot for the board. Similarly, Skyreach manta can be a fine sideboard card against spirits or metalcraft even as a 2/2 or 3/3.
- Again, don't get too greedy with engine cards like Bloodthrone Vampire or Metalcraft stuff until you know it's open. And no, Tukatongue Thalid is not a good card in any deck.
- Try to prioritize the high quality stuff at lower mana costs, the set is full of 6+ mana bombs but not so many Nest Invaders and Sunspear Shikaris.
- Use your removal on your own turn if possible. The set is full of protection spells and Apostle's Blessing is a colorless card so a RB Bloodthirst deck can still blow you out and lose you the game.
Important cards for my two favorite archetypes in my experience:
Tokens: Scavenger Drake and Algae Gharial are the cards that make the deck tick. Without them you're just a bad ramp deck. Play as many Nest Invaders as you can pick up. They'll trade with low drops while ramping you into your engine cards.
Ramp: Vengeful Rebirth and Sylvan Bounty are both key cards. Sylvan Bounty is huge because the ramp deck tends to play 3+ colors and double or triple splash bombs, and it will save your life against aggro in the late game. Vengeful Rebirth combos with the landcycling for an efficient 6-point burn spell, but more often it lets you witness back a savage twister or Pelakka Wurm. Cards like Nest Invader are good in this deck, but colorless ramp is better because you're going to play a ton of colors and won't have the right sources early on. It means the difference between great hands and hands where the majority of your cards are uncastable. Have a way to kill fliers in your deck. Once you hit a certain density of artifact-based mana fixing, the colorless domain cards can become nutty. Don't rely on basic lands for splashing in a 16-land deck, though. It will mess up your hands.[/QUOTE]
Thanks bro.
If I can't get goodstuff.dec, I'll try to force tempo like bloodthirst, equipment or even affinity. Not too comfortable with ramp or tokens because sometimes you just draw too many blanks. All Sun's Regrowth is awesome tho. Are counterspells good in draft? Because Stoic Rebuttal saved my ass a couple of times.