Is it cheaper to get into Modern or Standard? to keep it short i quit constructed play like 12 years ago but have been playing limited play off and on for the last 10ish years on MTGO but MTGO is fine for that because i can draft and do sealed in the comfort of my own home and it's cheap and fine but we got a nice new store here thats big and full of enthusiastic players and it's making me want to get back to the physical game to kind of force me to go out and be social with the game.
My problem comes down to i have no idea what to play. I know Legacy/Vintage is out of the question because i don't want to set fire to my savings and i know Standard is constantly changing so much you are constantly putting money into the decks so i kind of gravitate towards modern since the card pool is so large and i can play at a competitive level (competitive as in against other players here and weekly play) without breaking the bank. A buddy of mine mentioned a "soul sister" deck since i tend to lean towards W or W/G. I'm sure you people get annoying dumb questions like this all the time.
The answer to the bolded question is, it depends. Do you want to play decks that are competitive with the best in the format or are you just looking to play some games? If we're talking about competitive decks then Standard decks are likely to be noticeably cheaper but you'll have to add cards or change to an entirely new deck as blocks rotate or the meta shifts. A Modern deck on the other hand might cost double (or even more) that of a Standard deck but the deck will probably be playable for a considerably longer time barring any card in the deck being banned. So over the long haul Modern is
probably cheaper if you're okay playing just one deck or slight variations on that deck. This assumes that you would want to play very competitively in Standard and you would be changing your deck frequently. Like Modern, you don't have to change your Standard deck if you don't want to it just means that you aren't going to be as competitive as you could be as the meta shifts.Now, Modern doesn't
have to be expensive it kind of depends on what deck you run. I'll give you some examples.
Here's an example list of Abzan/The Rock. The TCGPlayer price on the blue button is the average price of the paper version of the deck. As I linked that it was sitting at just under $1500. That price is slightly high because it's using the average price of each card rather than the lowest price but it should give you a pretty good idea of the price range of that deck.
On the other hand the deck you mentioned, Soul Sisters,
can be assembled for considerably less ($180-300 depending on deck composition). That basically puts it in the price range of a Standard deck. My advice would be to see if you can play with some of your friends decks, get a feel for each format, and then decide which you would like to go with. Hell, build some cheap, budget decks for $25-50 and play with that for a while.
Edit- Also, double bagging cards?? Buddy told me if i do get back into physical i should double board my cards and that confuses me since when i used to play it was you just bought sleeves and that was it. Is there a kit? preferred brand? Is there a site where i can just order it ?
Double sleeved cards provide the maximum amount of protection and when you're spending several hundred dollars you want to make sure that no matter what happens your cards will be safe. Remember you might treat your cards well but that won't protect them from someone else spilling a drink at the table.
Here's an old video Tolarian Community College did about double sleeving. That video is a little dated as he's using KMC Supers instead of the newer, and more recommended (including by him) KMC Hyper Mat sleeves. His channel is a pretty good resource for answering some common questions from new players.
I like to play anything that isn't overly convoluted cause i like to just have some fun. I am not looking to try and be some pro player i just wanna play at local shops and have some fun.
Depending on how competitive you want your deck to be you could play Standard (or Modern) with some pretty budget decks and be pretty happy just getting to play some games. You might even do well if your deck happens to exploit the meta in your store.
Also, worth it to buy any boxes? fat packs?
I like Fat Packs but as far as "value" goes you'd probably be better off going with a Booster Box. If you split the cost you could even use the boosters for limited with some friends. You get a ton of fun from opening the packs and at the end of the day you still have a box worth of cards that are potentially playable in decks. That said, unless you really like opening packs or you plan on using the packs for limited purposes you'd get much better value from buying singles.
buy bulk common/uncommon/rare standard lots from like ebay to kind of start off the collection? i see huge common/uncommon lots for like $20-30 that come with like 800-1000 cards from all the standard sets.
Nooooope. The vast majority of the time those lots are some mixture of; too many of each card, picked through for any potentially valuable/playable cards, or in less than NM condition. They're something I would consider getting a little kid just getting into the game but not something I would ever consider buying for myself. Even if there were a few of the playable Standard commons in those lots you'd be much better off buying those in singles and saving the money on the junk.