Rosewater has a very specific design philosophy that is very effective at achieving a specific set of goals. There are other designers who would disagree with him on a lot of points, but the number of people with his experience and skill who've been able to refine and document their approach to that level is very, very low. He's not the be-all-end-all of Magic design (a number of particularly good ideas from the last decade originated elsewhere) but it's hard to see how it could've gotten this far without someone ably filling that role.
I agree pretty much. I just think its interesting that his design philosiphy isnt...articulated elsewhere? Especially in the CG space. It's hard to look at games outside of maybe Netrunner and not see the comparative lack of a link between emotional resonance and design that Rosewaters best designs, like Innistrad, achieve
Game design as storytelling is something a lot of the great games tend to understand, but you're right, few of them have the chance to articulate it as much. But then...has any game had its design documented as thoroughly as Magic? Has any other game even close?
EDIT: Its worth explaining that I'm pretty drunk right now, which means...I think about Magic design for some reason. I dunno. I find Magic design and Rosewater especially absolutely fascinating. On the one hand, his recent trend towards defining the success of a game as a correlation of its popularity is something I disagree with, even if I understand. On the other hand, its hard to view something like the idea of lenticular design, which honestly blew my mind a bit when I first encountered it, as anything less than the output of a mind focused on game design to an extent that few others ever will.
But Magic absolutely would not be the game it is now without him. Over the last few years he's become more of a PR mouthpiece than ever before, sadly, and I think he's gotten conservative with age, but reading his articles about resonance in design revolutionized how I thought about games when I first encountered them when I was younger.