I think they've made some good stabs at getting away from Red's depth problem. I think that they just, for some reason, don't want to ever swap Chandra out of the main lineup for another monored Planeswalker who's entire strategy won't always be limited to "burn the shit out of everything"
I think they're not going nearly far enough. There's been talk in this thread previously about red supposedly being a creative, passionate and artistic color and we've seen nothing much of that ever. There has to be design space in this. I also liked the commander deck bringing a strong artifact theme -- perhaps red should be the color to take on this mantle more regularly. Something to get away from Aggro and AggroBurn variants every single standard season.
Chandra needs a break, 100% for sure. Koth was a nice diversion -- maybe bring him back? Him caring about lands was a cool way to get around THROW FIRE I HAVE A TEMPER red seems to be stuck in. Tibalt could be cool if they would maybe play with the design, make him rely a bit more on high-stakes chance? But then Rosewater recently said he's red-black so probably not.
As an aside, it would do well for the diversity of the lineup to bring Koth back, too. Right now, the five PW in origins are White, White, White, Mediterranean-ish and Mythological. They've gone so far as to have a trans-gender character so it just seems odd to me that they aren't using this to widen their footprint a bit and spotlight at least one non-white real-race character. That said, they don't have a lot of non-white, non-mythological recurring characters. Aside from Koth and Narset (who have yet to recur) we have Tezzeret and Sarkhan. Teferi is no longer a 'walker.