Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Checks out

Checks out
Why is this happening
modern prices are all sorts of fucked
basically if it was printed in mm2015 then its at an all time high right now.
seems super healthy for the format
Well that's stupid. SCG probably has a hand in it too. Capitalism at its finest.Because Tron just took down the SCG Invi.
Play Blood Moon, guys
I miss the days when you could fetch Worldspine Wurm with her. And then do it again, +3 5/5s for your trouble.
modern prices are all sorts of fucked
basically if it was printed in mm2015 then its at an all time high right now.
seems super healthy for the format
Whelp I think it is time to sell my 4 Oblivion Stones. I've always loved the it gets its due!
Blood Moon is actually beatable because of Oblivion Stone, Karn and Ugin. Now Fulminator Mages coupled with Tectonic Edges... gg.Real talk: sell them right now, before next week everyone shows up with Blood Moon and fucks Tron up.
Blood Moon is actually beatable because of Oblivion Stone, Karn and Ugin. Now Fulminator Mages coupled with Tectonic Edges... gg.
Blood Moon does nothing against Tron unless you present a sizable clock and even then they're not completely defenseless. Whereas a resolved Blood Moon spells gg for amulet. Not really comparable. People like to think Blood Moon is a free win against most decks with nonbasics which is not true.
They play 4 Pyroclasms. The only thing that can be construed as a considerable clock is Goyf. Wurmcoil Engine says hi.
What? Did you miss the part where I said you need a clock? Delver gets killed by Pyroclasms unless you have Spell Snare and Twin is a control/combo deck. My point is, contrary of what you said, no, Blood Moon does not single-handedly fuck over Tron, especially not after sideboard with 8 Chromatic Stars and 4 Nature's Claim.
Firemind speaks the truth. Blood Moon is almost not even worth bringing in against Tron. They will be playing 4 Nature's Claim and a pile of stars/spheres to dig through their deck, find the Claims, and fix for green to cast them.
Tron will win the long game. Don't think that you can lock them out with Blood Moon. Ghost Quarters and Fulminator Mages are much more effective (and even those aren't GG when they hit).
This is why you play 4 Disrupting Shoal alongside it, of course.Firemind speaks the truth. Blood Moon is almost not even worth bringing in against Tron. They will be playing 4 Nature's Claim and a pile of stars/spheres to dig through their deck, find the Claims, and fix for green to cast them.
Tron will win the long game. Don't think that you can lock them out with Blood Moon. Ghost Quarters and Fulminator Mages are much more effective (and even those aren't GG when they hit).
This is why you play 4 Disrupting Shoal alongside it, of course.
The only (good) decks that even play Blood Moon are Delver and Twin, neither of which have as big of a problem as you're apparently envisioning.
As much as you want it to be good, it's not gonna happen, man.This is why you play 4 Disrupting Shoal alongside it, of course.
All you guys pissing and moaning about how "boring" Origins looks is why they shouldn't start spoiler season off with commons and uncommons![]()
Maybe to commemorate they wont print anything constructed playable.
Hexproof's blue![]()
Lightning Bolt reprinted at Mythic.
I guess you and I have very different definitions of what is considered a death knell.
Leyline of the Void is one against Dredge.
Kataki is another against pre-banning Affinity.
Blood Moon is not one against Tron. The reason why Blood Moon is played because it screws over a number of decks. That Twin is the most popular deck in Modern and plays Blood Moon has no relevancy on Tron's perceived weakness to Blood Moon.
Let's clarify here: Blood Moon is useful against Tron if you are extremely assertive. It generally buys 0.5-2 turns (more if you can protect it); if that's what you need, then great. It will not lock them out of the game (which is a common misconception).
It gets 3 for being an expensive lightning bolt, and the 1/2 is because it's sorcery speed.
Scry evergreened? Ehhhhhhh. Not a fan of that. I like seeing them come up with various filtering mechanics like Cycling
Origins super boring so far.
Note how you had to say "like Cycling" because Scry and Cycling are the only good filtering mechanics they've ever come up with.
Checks out
Just play Ugin instead if you can't afford O-Stone. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I actually prefer cycling as a mechanic, but it makes more sense (by a mile) to evergreen Scry since it has more knobs to tweak.