[QUOTE="God's Beard!";170256086]This is going to see a lot of sideboard play if See the Unwritten into Eldrazi is a deck.
Half that deck is x/1s that trade with the wayfinders and visionaries and languish kills everything even after Obelisk. It leans hard on the sweepers, but it's a control deck, it's probably not going to win a lot of game ones against sligh. That said, I am working on the curve and probably want a bile blight or two main.
So far I haven't tested against the full gauntlet but I have played against a variety of aggro and midrange. A lot of the deck is still a work in progress.
It's not like it's a midrange mirror or anything, Sultai control only cares so much about Siege Rhino. I'm stealing a lot of work from Shaheen Soorani for this list, and he echoed that sentiment at the open this weekend. 4 languish main, worry about rhino with the other cards.
That said, fighting Polukranos was pretty annoying and it's the same thing. Some people like a split with Crux, but I want to start with 4 to maximize my testing.[/QUOTE]
There are 3 different goblins that give unblockable, all of which I expect to see in the Piledriver deck.