Was the London killing of a British soldier 'terrorism'?
Was Nagasaki and Hiroshima 'terrorism'?
My answer is yes and I think is the biggest act of terror ever perpetrated in human history and the man who command it (twice, not the least) is the greatest terrorist of all time!
If your answer is no, then what definition of 'terrorism' you use to exclude it?
My reasoning can be seeing as simplistic but I have a logic behind it as follow...
- Life is the most precious thing in the world for me (my own and those of any human being, even animal).
- Killing a human being is wrong in ALL circonstances. Any death is a tragedy for me because is the instinction of an life experience, the end of an accumulation of bad or good memory, a sort of memory cart who have been erased.
For gamer like us, imagine if an artificial intelligence program you use can learn through succes or mistakes and be able to form a distinct personality (good or bad) over time (said 2-5 years) and can independently interact intellectualy and emotionaly with you because of it. How would you feel if one day you realise his memory have been erased? you going to feel pain because you are aware of his individuality (again, good or bad) and the road you (as an external influence) or himself take to create this unique individuality. Human being are the same, they are just the sum of their personal experience in life who shape their personality. Is that who make me see the life of ANY individual as precious behond anything else, those of my worst enemy included. Nobody grow up in a vacuum, everybody is shape by his environment and that make us all who we are...unique.
Still, it make me ask myself a philosophical question, if life experience shape our personality, are we really free to our decisions? free will really exist? think about it for a second, every decision we take (good or bad) in any given situation is influence by our life experience, our judgement itself is influence by the lesson we previously learn or didn't learn. The key point here is that we have no control to what situation we encounter in our life, we just have an illusion of control. At the end of the day, we just react to what life throw at us.
Can we really in control of the decision we take in our life? or the only power we have is the power of rationalisation, like a wheel car who try to understand and explain to himself why sometime he roll; or a GTA character who try to explain to himself why he always need to go from point A to point B over and over again.
I think Free will can not bet proven, just the illusion of it. The only way to prove the existence of free will is through "time travel" (take one decision, come back in time and take a different decision for the same problem) another way, is to be able to foreseen the consequence of any action you take through "parallel universe" and be able to jump on the one you see fit.
Of course both can't be done.
All this to said everybody should have had the same starting point about the valour of a human life. As long as the expendability of a human life will be relative to human judgement and perspective, the world will stay in chaos.
I'm not religious anymore (ex catholic) but in the Bible I still hold dear in my hear 2 of the most revolutionary idea ever wrote in the history of human kind:
- "love your enemy"
- "don't do to others what you don't want done to you"
Many even say the later way before the Bible:
Confucius: "Do not impose on others what you do not desire others to impose upon you." (Confucius, The Analects. Roughly 500 BCE.
Hindu sacred literature: "Let no man do to another that which would be repugnant to himself." (Mahabharata, bk. 5, ch. 49, v. 57)
Zoroastrian sacred literature: "Human nature is good only when it does not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self."
(Dadistan-I-Dinik, 94:5; in Muller, chapter 94, vol. 18, p. 269)
Buddhist sacred literature: "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." (Udanavargu, 5:18)
The Greek historian Herodotus: "If I choose I may rule over you. But what I condemn in another I will, if I may, avoid myself." 
(Herodotus, The Histories, bk. III, ch. 142. Roughly 430 BCE.)
Isocrates, the Greek orator: "What things make you angry when you suffer them at the hands of others, do not you do to other people."
This is the key for world peace, unfortunately people choose (they really do?) to not follow this simple "golden rule", instead, people and governement all over the world compete in a senseless exercise of justification of any kind of barbaric instinction of human life and while doing so, accused other to be the most vile and cruel.
Hiroshima, Nagasaki, 9/11, boston bombing, IRA bombing, woolwich, drone strike in Pakistan, a gang murdeur, a criminal executed by capital punishment, etc, all of this for me are at the same level, decision by human being to take the life of another human being, is that simple! it doesn't matter to me what justification all this killer give for their action because at the end of the day, every killer have his own reason to kill and none of his victim agree with it.
The spin need to stop, I abhor and most of all pity any human being who is willing to take the life of another human being for whatever the reason. I prefer die than do so because even if I value my life as much as enybody else, Nobody give me the power to shut down this marvel of nature call human life, I'm not big enough for that. It will be like ask me and give me the power to destroy the sun. Is a power I refuse to possess. Truman, Obama, Bush, Laden, Saddam, Zimmerman, Hitler, Adebolajo, etc are all the kind of men I'm not...
I guess, at the end I'm just a
"radical pacifist"
PS: Sorry for my english, not my first language.