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Manga News/Discussion |OT13| Don't bite the dog that feeds the hand.

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Which is why people expressed the need of a King-sized bed in order to sleep comfortably, unless you're going diagonal with a double.
I dont actually know the size of my bed ( its pretty small ). But im 5"9 and can sleep comfortably, well i can almost insta sleep anywhere even in a car


I dont actually know the size of my bed ( its pretty small ). But im 5"9 and can sleep comfortably, well i can almost insta sleep anywhere even in a car

Well, it was mainly scy responding to hekk complaining about small mattresses with his 5'9'' and I just clarified that such a scenario is possible when you add a pillow. I can't claim to know how everyone's bed is so I wasn't exaclty speaking for everyone here.


Boku Girl 22

This artstyle... I mean, whenever I see one of these more hotblooded panels, 5 words in particular come to mind instantly



(of Loki)


Which is why people expressed the need of a King-sized bed in order to sleep comfortably, unless you're going diagonal with a double.

I mean, this is sounding more like just giving yourself half a foot or so of clearance from the end of the mattress to where you lay down (and/or laying on your stomach). In which case, sure, yeah, you'll hang off but I would imagine that to be the case if you're effectively reducing the length to use by ~10% :x


I mean, this is sounding more like just giving yourself half a foot or so of clearance from the end of the mattress to where you lay down (and/or laying on your stomach). In which case, sure, yeah, you'll hang off but I would imagine that to be the case if you're effectively reducing the length to use by ~10% :x

Hey, don't blame me, blame hekk and his terrible sleeping habits.


Haganai whatever-43

I think this was better when it sort pretended to kind of not be a harem. At least then it wasn't apparent that Kodaka suffered from the crippling ignorant-harem-protagonist disease.

Also that part with Maria and Yukimura in the bath... just no. That is never okay.

This gets resolved to an extent at some point. The manga is way behind the novels.


Miss Sunflower ch4

A pretty adorable chapter with a breathtaking spread. I have to wonder whether such bookstores exist though. Can't be great for business if you specialize this much.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";123516464]I stopped reading years ago, did they get to the mainland to fight the dragons yet?[/QUOTE]

Its never happening.


Miss Sunflower ch7-8

To be honest I was hoping for more development. New guy might make things more interestings if he makes more appearances though.

Everything's my fault. I've already given up

H-hey now, Don't cry, I-I was just teasing you, okay? I don't really hate you or anything. ( ´д`)ノ(´;ω;`)


Hajime no Ippo 808-818

And there we go, it's the Sendo vs Miyata spar that everyone's waited for. WOW what a way to begin, I've not seen Miyata act this childish probably ever before in this series. Nobody in Kamogawa gym has been able to get such a reaction from Miyata, that is amazing. Bravo Sendo
Sort of predictably for this series, Miyata looked almost overwhelmingly powerful with his jabs on the first round, but Sendo downright downloaded his ass for the second round and almost knocked him out for the rest of the day. Sendo doesn't even need to block Miyata's jabs because they're so easily baited and dodged, how fucked up is that? I am a bit disappointed that Miyata has not encountered and taken note of this predictability issue before.
Even this far into the series we're getting more in-depth information about Miyata's start in becoming a boxer using his dad's style. That's just so bananas. Given how protective his father is now, I couldn't have imagined him in a constantly drunk, angry, depressed straight where he'd straight up hit his little kid. Miyata's godly memorization of his dad's patterns saved both their lives from a downward spiral. I almost shed a tear, and I know I will actually cry when/if this part gets turned into anime in 6+ years. Scenes where fathers become emotionally overwhelmed like this after long periods of bad parenting always get to me for some reason.
I want to see Ippo in diet hell. Now I'm curious how he'd handle


Miss Sunflower ch9-14

Although character development is slow, I kind of like the relaxed pace of every chapter, even if they're still rather straightforward stuff.


Wagatsuma-san 101

...eh? Another time slipper?

Well, this could be interesting. I just pray the authors don't screw this one up

Also, lovely drawing of Wagatsuma in the second page.


Going to the Manga Museum today, then I'm going The Museum of Kyoto to see the Space Brothers exhibition. Can't wait!
Yo its been a long ass time!


Obito dies.... Ok


WTF! WTF! WTF! Whoa that scream of despair I heard was probably from Hitsugaya fans over in Japan LOL. Kubo I dunno what you are doing but keep doing it!


I really loved the humor and how the battle is progressing.

One Piece

Urgg Oda you are ruining the pacing once more! :( Make up your mind please. Its really hard to care for those fairy/dwarfs all that much. Law and Mingo are much more interesting. Hell give us more Admiral time.

Dragons Rioting

Whoa Rintaro flashing everyone his dong! lmao But we now go to a new arc and Rintaro has a new friend he can relate to, can't wait for the next arc. Need to see best girl as well since new competition is on the field.

UQ Holder

I realized what has been missing all this time! Touta need to have the clothes ripping off sneeze Negi had! ;P Anyways seeing an arrogant prick get rekted is always fun.

Off to read the newest Monster Musume.


Nisekoi 133

A swimsuit I guess.

Koe no Katachi 47

Neat backstory. Why is Ueno in Ishida's room?

One Piece

Dwarf sidestory this time. I'm tired of this arc.
Kuro no Tentei 09-10

Sweet case. I always like cases where the twist was pretty different and had a nice ending.

And of course back to the whole doppelganger story.


What's the manga that had the subplot about the dude being dead in the future and the main girl having some letter from the future with instructions to save him?


Eyeshield 21 - Vol. 35-37 (End)
What a manga. I loved it. The
World Cup
seemed a bit rushed because all of the teams, except one, were no challenge at all. I don't mind that, but it felt a bit odd. Why did this series end, anyway? I would keep reading it ;_;

Actually, if it did get a sequel, I would hope that it would take place in the NFL. They could make up some reason to put an all-Japanese team into the NFL. I'd accept it. That way, we could get a bunch of returning characters.


Good Morning Call volume 5


My first foray into Shojo stuff....the story is about this girl who lives with this guy who just happens to be her crush. They go to school together but they can't reveal that they are roommates nor can they reveal their relationship. The girl likes the guy a lot but the guy isn't too sure, but goes along with it anyway. Almost nothing happens in the story (so far), but with that said, the 2 main characters aren't too bad. Although some other characters come into play and they all look very similar so sometimes I get them mixed up. A decent shojo manga to pass the time I would say.

Big One

So I got some more Dragonball volumes in. Yah!

Dragonball Z Vol. 1-5 (Saiyan Saga)

You know as someone who has loved the series for years, I've always wondered why they couldn't have put the Z-split before the final tournament arc in the series. Reading them back-to-back like this rather than splitting it a few years apart like I did in the past, I understand this a lot better. The tone of the series really takes a drastic turn.

Characters are murdered left-and-right, and there's the ominous feeling with the new stipulation that came up saying the dragonballs can only revive someone ONCE, which is a plot point I've forgotten about.

I also love how useful Kuririn and Yajirobe was in this arc. Surprisingly competent especially considering it was Kuririn who was truly the one who defeat Vegeta, and he could've killed him if Goku didn't stop him.

The battles in this arc was top notch. I also really enjoy how aura is depicted here with the swirls unlike in the anime where it's just spikey-looking energy.

The final battle between Goku and Vegeta was great, especially since this is pretty much the first time Goku has lost against a major antagonist even though his battle with Piccolo Jr. was close.

The alien stuff is kind of out there, but to be fair if the series were to continue soley Earth-based I think you wouldn't have much stuff to cover whatsoever. Plus little weird things like Piccolo and Kami speaking to each other in an unknown tongue was never truly explained till this arc.

Probably my favorite arc in the series thus-far, however. Next is the Freeza arc...

Terra Formars Chapter Whatever

So I picked up this series and so far it's been hilariously awesome. It's a basic battle manga that employs Mars mythos and silly looking cockroach men. What's not the love?

I love all the bug powers, especially since it gives me a lot of nostalgia about series I used to watch as a teenager like Kamen Rider.


the holder of the trombone
Good Morning Call volume 5


My first foray into Shojo stuff....the story is about this girl who lives with this guy who just happens to be her crush. They go to school together but they can't reveal that they are roommates nor can they reveal their relationship. The girl likes the guy a lot but the guy isn't too sure, but goes along with it anyway. Almost nothing happens in the story (so far), but with that said, the 2 main characters aren't too bad. Although some other characters come into play and they all look very similar so sometimes I get them mixed up. A decent shojo manga to pass the time I would say.

You want a real way to get into shoujo manga?

Read glass mask.
Tora Kiss 1-24

Relatively interesting premise ruined by basic harem tropeyness, unremarkable battles, and the fact it likely got cancelled before anything good could happen. Too bad since the art is pretty good.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Bleach F

Terrible chapter.

Naruto F

Even fucking worse.

Goddamn I can't will myself to read One Piece. I'm sure it's better than the crapshoot that is these other two (or probably not). And HxH has text bubbles equivalent to a book so I'll be damned if I take the time to try to catch up now.


I hope he saved before quitting.

Red Blood Red Legacy

This thing has chapters that are too short. Way too short.

Peephole 33-34

Sister fries as a side dish to the brother burger? Any other time I could have enjoyed this, but here I can only feel bad for this poor sister.
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