Just moving this to a new post, since I keep noticing things.
In chapter 188 Isshin says "If there's anything I've truly hated for 20 years without thinking twice, it'd be the fact that I failed to save Masaki on that night." She didn't die 20 years ago obviously, since Ichigo is only 15 then--he's actually referencing what just happened in these new chapters. I wonder if anyone realized that when that chapter first came out, so many years ago, that the timeline didn't match up for him to be saying he regretted not saving her from Gran Fisher, and that it must've been for something else.
Reading on here though, he also talks about the Vizards as a group who use forbidden techniques gain the power of a hollow. He describes it like he wasn't introduced to them by Urahara 20 years prior, who very clearly said how they got their powers: from him. Then he talks about how he "saw" Gran Fisher "over ten years ago," presumably when Masaki died. But he shouldn't be able to see hollows in that gigai. So a couple inconsistencies here, unless we're gonna see a flashback to Masaki's death at some point (I'm sure we'll get one) and he does actually see Grand Fisher somehow.
There´s no inconsistencies. In chapter one Karin says that Yuzu has a weak spiritual pressure like her father. So Isshin could feel riatsu, and see shimmers and unclear vision. Isshin saying see might also mean i recognized your riatsu from that time, and not necessarily see the Grand Fisher.