It was on a day just like this, 17 weeks ago. The enigmatic Mr. Acid08 was doing a read through the sinister Necronomicon series known as Kimi no Iru Machi. A dark interest awoke within me. I wanted to see for myself how evil this fictional story could truly be. I attempted to create a band of like minded adventurers to take on this beast. In the end, only myself and Sir Big Krev were up to the challenge. I told him that such a dark deed is in need of a solid agreement; we would do this together, or die together. I suggested a blood pact, and told him that he could no longer back out. We agreed to start our expedition at dawn. I began just as the sun started to rise. I made it through the first book, and was not truly filled with rage. I looked to the base camp of NeoGAF for my cohort, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Hours passed, but he was still nowhere to be seen. I trusted my companion, though, so I decided to move on without him. I read on. Sentences turned into pages, pages into chapters, chapters into volumes, but I still saw no sign of my blood oath comrade. I was waiting only volumes up the Rage Mountain, but it felt like I had been climbing for much longer. I spotted Krev! I yelled out to him, "I'll wait here! Try to catch up soon!" Unfortunately, it was too much for him. He solemnly cried out to me, "I read one volume... Ehhh... I don't think I can do this." I screamed with all my strength, "Krev! We made a blood oath! You can't turn back! Don't you know what will happen if you turn back?!"
Ever since, I've been shouldering this burden alone. I don't do it because I want to, but because I must, for the memory of our oath. It's been 17 weeks since he and I spoke. I may never forgive him, but I am glad that he needn't see the horrors that I've witnessed.
Since I could find no one else, and had little faith that I could still complete this task alone, I turned to a few friends. They were ecstatic. We made up a schedule to conquer Rage Mountain at the rate of one volume per week. We feared that if we went faster than this, we may quickly turn to alcohol to comfort us from the madness we may encounter due to the monster we endeavored to face. Every week, we get a bit closer. Every week, we feel a bit weaker. Every week, I curse my past self for ever considering this execrable idea. One day, though, we shall reach the top of Rage Mountain, and it is there that we shall slay the festering mass of tendrils and destruction known as Seo.