If you love this concept and haven't read jojo yet you should give it a shot.
Read through both Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency. Thanks for reminding me of another daunting task I have left to do in my "read all the 'legendary' manga" queue.
If you love this concept and haven't read jojo yet you should give it a shot.
I agree, Tatsumi's time with the Jager's also amplifies the mood after they die because they aren't inherently evil but rather fight for a different faction. I think Seryuu or Serieux in the new translation was always shown to be "good" just batshit crazy after modifications and trauma.Akame ga Kill 38
One thing I love about this series is the guy isn't afraid to humanize everyone by showing the people left behind after a character dies, even if said character committed some pretty despicable acts. Makes it tough to pick a side sometimes.
akame -
death flag raised
Reminds me of the hell boy in Jigoku Shoujo, also a pretty terrible idea.Nah, not yet anyway. I'm assuming his existence'll be explained in that volume. Looks like he'll sub in for Yomi in some chapters, which means less Yomi, which is obviously a terrible thing.
Excuse me, I meant that I reached the most recent chapter there. Btw, the final arc means that it ends soon? Or on a few years?But Bleach is still ongoing.
Excuse me, I meant that I reached the most recent chapter there. Btw, the final arc means that it ends soon? Or on a few years?
Usually he has sagas that are comprised of arcs; this thousand year blood war is probably a saga with the same deal; so it's not that bad. It's expected for this final saga to take some years.Knowing Kubo's definition of an "arc", it could take a few years.
akame -
death flag raised
You two shut your whore mouthsAkame ga KillDeath Flags 38 - So many people are going to die. Night Raid, Jaegers, whatever that other group was, etc. So many people are going to die.
RIP in peacein pieces probably
HnngghhThere's a new "chapter" of Priscilla (Dark Souls) moe on B*t*t* brought to you by dramatis.
There's a new "chapter" of Priscilla (Dark Souls) moe on B*t*t* brought to you by dramatis.
Lady Snowblood Vol 1
Written by Koike Kazuo, the same guy who did Lone Wolf and Cub. Basic formula: she gets hired to kill someone/gets "caught," stripped naked/kills everybody. It's a bit repetitive and very exploitative, but damn if it isn't super stylish and great looking. Guess it was an inspiration for Kill Bill, which was a turnoff for me. Oh well, you can't choose your descendents.
Harem member +1
(°∀°)bThere's a new "chapter" of Priscilla (Dark Souls) moe.
Another manga this week pulling off a "found the ecchi thing" trope (although I think Silver Spoon did it better). While I enjoy this bite sized chapters, I really want to see the culture festival already.
Which chapter was this again?
Not sure. I found the pic on some forum when I google searched Green Bull. Apparently this chapter is the first mention of Green Bull as well.Which chapter was this again?
No one reads the credit pageIf I'm reading the scanlator's team right, I'm guessing we have to thank akito for uploading this?
No one reads the credit page![]()
Well I can handle melodrama so I don't mind that aspect that much. Beside Hagio has some really interesting ways of drawing sex scenes that are visually creative. So if the story tilts more towards that side then at least I can appreciate the visuals.I'll be interested to see how you take the story as it progresses. I read a huge amount of this purely because Hagio is an excellent mangaka in terms of visual design, but I felt it became too melodramatic (and almost pornographic in its melodrama) as it went on.
Holy shit these One Piece spoilers, but someone has to help me what or who was/is green bull.
And a new TLR chapter? YISS
holy shit.
Really? I also thought about that but I'm/was pretty sure we heard already the term Green Bull in One Piece beforeGreen Bull is most likely the name of the new Admiral .
Don't forget all the Admirals names translate into a color and animals people just don't bother with it lol .
Akainu Red Dog
Kizaru Yellow Monkey
Aokiji Blue Pheasant
Fujitora Purple Tiger also Wisteria Tiger
?????? Green Bull
Lady Snowblood Vol 1
Written by Koike Kazuo, the same guy who did Lone Wolf and Cub. Basic formula: she gets hired to kill someone/gets "caught," stripped naked/kills everybody. It's a bit repetitive and very exploitative, but damn if it isn't super stylish and great looking. Guess it was an inspiration for Kill Bill, which was a turnoff for me. Oh well, you can't choose your descendents.
holy shit.
Really? I also thought about that but I'm/was pretty sure we heard already the term Green Bull in One Piece before
Normally I try not to indulge in this kind of thing, but this time I don't care.
Your thinking of Ussop's new weapon Pop Greens or the place Green Bit(I think that was a place).