One of the unique elements of Tezuka's work is his use of recurring cast members, characters who appear over and over in different series, with different names and different backgrounds but the same general personality and drives. For example, no matter which story he appears in, a character like Acetylene Lamp will almost always be a villain, often with Hamegg acting as his henchman or crony. By the same token, Shunsaku Ban (a.k.a. Higeoyaji) might play a wide variety of plucky middle-aged man roles.
Tezuka referred to this as his 'Star System'. The characters were like movie stars in a studio, and he a director reusing the same actors again and again after finding he liked their performances. Tezuka even jokingly made a list of how much they were paid and based them on famous western actors of the time.
Asano should just do what Osamu Tezuka did. Create a list of characters and reuse them in different stories like directors do with their favorite actors.
I mean, just read this shit.
Here's a link on how much each character is worth:
Balancing Toy 1
Manga is about a young widower and his 15 year old step-daughter. I really like the art and atmosphere so far, but I keep getting the sneaking suspicion that this will go to an usagi drop route and it's kinda skeeving me out.
I'll keep reading it though and hope that it's not going that route. Just kinda fun and fluffy so far.
Based on what I've read on 2ch, I don't believe those spoilers are accurate.Naruto spoilers
Obito recognizes Minato, Minato asks Obito
Naruto and Sasuke spot Obito and say something
Obito does Rinne Tensei, Madara comes back alive
Orochimaru does forbidden technique and takes over Obito
The Five kages arrive, Kakashi comes out of Other Dimenssion
Juubi undergoes final transformation !
Sounds great actually, especially the bolded part.
Based on what I've read on 2ch, I don't believe those spoilers are accurate.
Edit:nvmNaruto spoilers
Obito recognizes Minato, Minato asks Obito
Naruto and Sasuke spot Obito and say something
Obito does Rinne Tensei, Madara comes back alive
Orochimaru does forbidden technique and takes over Obito
The Five kages arrive, Kakashi comes out of Other Dimenssion
Juubi undergoes final transformation !
Sounds great actually, especially the bolded part.
The translation is horrid, but I believe those are the actual spoilers.Madara say Obito and get back what now calls I've Tenazuke for you to revive me.
To instruction as to stop the art of guy Naruto about pillar between the notice to Obito on ten tail. Sasuke will toward the destination
"Now I get it ... or so" Minato
First to kagebunshin tree 遁分 body, and the second generation. Minato also trigger the art something.
Issued an alter ego in order to mount the attack directly to the Madara between columns.
Obitosasuke to go far-gone moment to turn off the Aoda go to near the Obito. To attack with Susanoo also wither ashamed a black pole
Obito that recalls the memories of Minato in the sense of Fading
Notice and Obito after cut off Minatoobito flying through the air to Obito in the art of instantaneous body. Fourth generation was fly by marking it if it were given to Tsu before war comes with the body of Obito.
Obito "Say, Seng ..."
Minato "what was Obito ... you ..."
Madara "is ... a failure, ..."
Minato you did not stay to tell that the marking of the lightning protection of God will not fade and never. And it will also be said you're hoping to Hokage If you were alive.
Obito had signed a mark should be the pillar of strength ten tail.
Obito will come back to life caught ten tail Minato Naruto Madara.
It's 217 AD, several decades after the end of the "Pax Romana," and the Roman Empire is still the most powerful empire in the world. However, between corruption in the government, increasing attacks from savage hordes, and continuing resource-draining foreign campaigns, the power of Rome is on the decline. With the recent assassination of the emperor Caracalla, many things are about to change...
Holy fuck.
I did not see that coming.
What is it contained within Uchiha's blood that makes them such a masterful specimen of trolling?
It's revealed that one of the Sage of the Six path's two sons was Aizen.
The other being Urahara
Good thing it's not Wednesday on this side of the Pacific. Oh top of the page, here have this, courtesy of Akito.
She's too good for that asshole.
So, odds on Madara getting curbstomped next chapter?
Phahahaha Naruto never change.
Really liked the chapter for once. Minato was so boss just killing (genjutsu/Izanagi?) Obito like that. Why is Kakashi not back in all that time? Sasuke actually caring about the snake summon was a shocker honestly.
Anyways nice reversal on Madara with the fusion of Obito with Juubi to make the Jinchuuriki. But isn't half of Obito Madara anyways so he gets to be the Juubi Jinchuuriki in the end? lol
BTW how often can the 10 tails transform? At this rate it will beat Frieza for most transformations lol.
So much confusion, keep on driving this train Kishimoto. You already wreaked the character progression train cart. Lets see if the entire train will derail before the end.
TenTen becomes hokage.
Balancing Toy 2
Ah. Eh. Uh. Um. Hm.
Ah whatever, I'll read it and see how it goes.
Chie seems like an interesting addition if this isn't just her sole appearance. So is her son. Romantic drama!
What's this about? Incest love?
I dig the art.
Well, it seems to be like the end of usagi drop where a child has a crush on a non-blood related gaurdian, but there's this mother/son combo that came in to break up that dynamic. I think. Maybe. Kinda cute and fluffy so far so I'm just seeing how it'll turn out so far.
Yeah I do like the art.