No one cared so it's dead. rip
No one cared so it's dead. rip
It's reserved for Himekawa or something like thatBeelzebub 211
Number 4? Was there even a number 3?
I dunno man, I remembered liking the school festival because some of the fights were pretty good.
Needless end
Cruz stays a girl, Blade and Eve fuse, and being naked becomes a fashion style for young women everywhere!
Yep, that's about what I expected for this series.
Nisekoi 81
What the fuck that was so dumb. I feel like we're gonna reach KNIM levels of stupidity soon.
The festival was fine when it focused on the tournament and the final part with the invasion. It was pretty creative how they handled the invasion.
Since the damage is done i'm honestly ok with the bold since I've always said that it strangely fits that character.
Is it in English already and I didn't realize, or are you reading the raw (which should always be marked as such in this thread so as to not cause confusion, frankly)?Nisekoi 81
Nobody that supports the mangaka can be a bad person.I dropped Soul Eater after volume 6 and Fairy Tail around volume 11 or 12, yet I bought the Soul Eater Soul Art and Fantasia artbooks. Why am I such a bad person?
Yeah, I've been rereading up to the end of the festival now, and it's amazing how fast you can read if you just skip all the harem stuff.
Though I have a soft spot for nodoka and negi scenes.
The fights were as good as I remember them to be though. Goddamn takamichi is a beast.
Beelzebub 211
I kind of wish Toujou hadn't gotten the seal and had just remained normal.
In light with this new season anime, i was trying to start a new series. I started checking out Brother's Conflict, but the conflict was between brothers who will get the sister or that what i assumed after watching the damn intro dialog. I really fucking hope that Japan get over this fucking incest fetish really soon.
There's only one way to find outNisekoi 81
I don't know why I subject myself to this stuff anymore but a Town Where You Rage can't be worse than this.
This is a bad pun and they should feel bad for making it.
In lighter news
Prison School 68
North American manga publisher Viz Media announced at Anime Expo on Thursday that it is expanding its availability for its Weekly Shonen Jump digital magazine. The digital magazine is available now for readers in the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Readers must subscribe to the magazine through Apple's Newsstand app. Subscribers outside of the United States and Canada will not be able to access back issues, and will not be able to receive the physical Yu-Gi-Oh! card bonuses, but will have access to all other digital bonuses.
Starting today Weekly Shonen Jump will be available in UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand & South Africa via AnimeExpo
If we just accept the fact that this will be Ippo length, and nothing will ever happen as far as plot progression, would we feel better?
Starting today Weekly Shonen Jump will be available in UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand & South Africa via AnimeExpo
Starting today Weekly Shonen Jump will be available in UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand & South Africa via AnimeExpo
Denied, France can't have everything.I have an iPad, now let me have it too Viz pls
(Sasaki is responsible for international manga rights for Shueisha and used to be editor in chief for WSJ)
Why can't American manga fans appreciate a manga for its writing? You guys and your obsession for pretty graphics is killing this industry.
(Sasaki is responsible for international manga rights for Shueisha and used to be editor in chief for WSJ)
Why can't American manga fans appreciate a manga for its writing? You guys and your obsession for pretty graphics is killing this industry.
(Sasaki is responsible for international manga rights for Shueisha and used to be editor in chief for WSJ)
Why can't American manga fans appreciate a manga for its writing? You guys and your obsession for pretty graphics is killing this industry.
(Sasaki is responsible for international manga rights for Shueisha and used to be editor in chief for WSJ)
Why can't American manga fans appreciate a manga for its writing? You guys and your obsession for pretty graphics is killing this industry.