Well I'm guessing there is some sort of difficulty or uncertainty in successfully either becoming the 10-tails jinchuriki, or being able to perform the infinite tsukuyomi, when the 10-tails is summoned in its incomplete (no 8 or 9 tails) form.
Guessing (/ hoping Kishimoto actually has a good explanation and will eventually give it) really is all we have, at this point, right?
I don't think Kisame really stood a chance in his fight vs Bee once the Raikage showed up, even if he wasn't told to throw it.
But he
had won. The Raikage showed up because Obito interrupted the summit and told him his brother was alive. Obito shot himself in the foot three times over, there.
And when you have Obito's abilities (teleportation, sucking people in a pocket dimension, seeming invulnerability), how hard can it really be to abduct Naruto? Catch him off guard, Obito. Like you did in that inn, for example. You had 16 years to do that, dude.
These last two jinchuriki were also under much tighter lock and key after all that had happened up until the war.
And it got far worse when the war was declared. Which is my point: how was declaring that war (and detailing your objective to your enemies) supposed to help in any way?
(And again, Obito didn't even have Kabuto's (odd) help yet, back then.)
Maybe if Obito had put all of his energy into capturing Naruto in part 1, none of this would've been a problem. But back then he was a piddling little shit, and didn't seem particularly high-priority.
Then again, what
was "high priority"? What were they doing, back then? Seems they waited for Part 2 to get to work. Why?
Pain destroyed an entire village to try and get him, and got fucked up.
Pain destroyed the village for shit and giggles, not because he needed to.
If taking out a village isn't gonna do it, full on war has gotta be the next step.
I'm afraid that doesn't make sense, sorry...
I'm also not going to discount the possibility that the war is somehow necessary for the infinite tsukuyomi in a way that hasn't yet been disclosed. Like maybe it needs the people to all be in the same place, or needs them to have exhausted a certain amount of chakra, or any number of random things.
Same thing as above: "
hopefully, there's a good reason for that, because in the mean time, it makes no fucking sense."
But if Obito needed something like that, maybe it would have been wiser to try and get the major countries to fight
each other. Man, that would have been sneaky. Almost ninja-like.
But we'll see if anything ever comes of that when they finally get around to casting it.
If they do...