Saturn Apartments vol 7 End
Well, that wrapped up nicely after all this time reading it. There was some amazing anticipation and build up to Mitsu's descend into Earth. I have been waiting for that moment about about a year and it was well worth it. The few pages of when Mitsu finally arrives at Earth were
fantastic. They have a bigger impact when you realize this is the only time Iwaoka decided to use colour pages.
Emotions and tension ran high in this volume compared to pretty much the previous volumes, but it's understandable given that there is a war about to break loose between the lower level residents and the high level rich residents. Pretty happy with the Sachi-Makoto developments and the manga didn't totally forget about them, but slowly progresses their relationship. Nishimaru was really an interesting villain because even as he went through with his plans he wasn't completely sure what exactly was he trying to accomplish or whose dreams is he following, his wife's or his deluded ambitions. I suppose the one thing I didn't like was this glasses dude trying to fuck everything up for everyone. I don't even remember him from the previous volumes or what exactly is his goal beside having fun screwing up everything.
This is probably my third favourite sci-fi manga. Starts out with a very laid back episodic nature about window washing, but slowly develops a large and ambitious narrative with great cast of characters and themes.