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March is a pretty big month for gaming, what are you buying?


Good god - out of all the months to be bombarded with games I want, March is the absolute worst for me.

Hoping some of these surprise me by being PS+ games. Out of all of these, Bloodborne and La Mulana are the only games I MUST have on launch.

DMC, Jamestown and Axion Verge will most lkely wait if my schedule this month is bad. STEAM will have to wait a bit till I have my fill of Montster Hunter.

Mario Party will probably get for my son - that's the only way I can justify buying it at launch. :)

I'm not even sure what FF Zero is about at the moment, so that will likely be last on my list.

La Mulana EX (Vita) - March 3
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition (Xbox One, PS4) - March 10
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (3DS) - March 13
Final Fantasy Type-0 (Xbox One, PS4) - March 17
Jamestown+ (PS4) - March 17
Mario Party 10 (Wii U) - March 20
Bloodborne (PS4) - March 24
Axiom Verge (PS4) - March 31


Bloodborne is a definite buy. I'm not entirely sold on Oreshika and Tokyo Twilight Ghosthunters but I want to keep an eye on both.

I was initially interested in Toukiden as I'd like to play a Monster Hunter game that actually looks good but I'm pretty sick of the formula at this point.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
- Shiftlings
- Zombie Army Trilogy
- Shelter 2
- Assassin's Creed Rogue
- Cities Skylines
- Ori and the Blind Forest
- Payday 2's Overkill DLC
- Grand Theft Auto 5
- Pillars of Eternity
- Dead or Alive 5
- Bloodborne (maybe)

Type 0

Bladestorm Nightmare (If it's not shit...considering how bad the performance of the demo is)

Oreshika (If it's good)

Pillars of Eternity (backed it)

Sid Meier's Starships (If it's not a shallow mobile game)


Hotline-miami 2 for sure..

Interested in Cities Skyline as well.

May get Bloodborne but after the intial reception..

Already backed pillars of eternity.


If the gold version of Bloodborne is... golden, with nil load times like it seems it will be, then: Bloodeborne.

I don't really see a need for more, for quite some time.


Bloodborne, Type-0, and by extension FFXV. It's still so bizarre to me that in a few weeks I'll have my hands on that fucking game.

Oh, and Heists in GTAV. Equally bizarre.


Atelier Shallie only and even that I'm considering canceling. The only game that truly interests me is Bloodborne but I don't have a PS4 yet.
Nothing for me as we're in the middle of moving halfway across the country and all our spare cash is tied up in new house/move/ fixing up old house to sell. Which makes me really sad because both Pillars of Eternity and Ori and the Blind Forest both look awesome.


Bloodborne and Type-0 are the only ones that appeal to me there. Maybe Ori too but might wait for a steam sale.
Sadly it looks like most of those games are just rereleases of games that I've had for years. The only ones that seem interesting are Hotline Miami 2, and Ori and the Blind Forrest, but I'll just have to wait to see how those games actually are. I don't preorder anything.
Only shoe-in is Bloodborne, though I'll probably be downloading the F&F expansion for Forza Horizon 2 since it's free.

REvelations 2 and Hotline Miami 2 are toss ups. REv2 is going to likely be a love/hate thing for me as has been typical for recent RE titles, and I didn't even know Hotline Miami 2 was dropping so soon. Definitely waiting on Ori and Helldivers, as interested as I am.
Only Hotline Miami 2 for me this month. But that's my most anticipated game of the year, so it's more than enough for March.

Probably would buy Bloodborne if I would have more money and if my brother would lend me his PS4 for more than 3 days just once.


I got the complete season of Revelations 2, so I'll be getting all of those episodes. I'll probably go ahead and drop cash on the Life is Strange season pass before the second episode comes out at the end of the month. Only full retail title I'll be getting is Codename: S.T.E.A.M. Had a few I had my eyes on, like DmC: DE and Type-0, but eh, I'll probably just get those when they drop in price.
Right now I'm planning on:
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Final Fantasy Type-0
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters (depends if there is a day 1 sale)

Not definite, but I also want:
Borderlands Handsome Collection (never got either of the games included)

Waiting on:
Codename: S.T.E.A.M.


FF Type-0
Yakuza Zero
Dragon Quest Theatrythm

Not releasing in March but will probably get the following during that month:

Dragon Quest Heroes
Monster Hunter 4
The most important release of the month:
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea (PS3) - March 10

And also:
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines (Vita) - March 3
Hotline Miami 2 (PS4, PS3, Vita, PC) - March 10
Final Fantasy Type-0 (Xbox One, PS4) - March 17
Axiom Verge (PS4) - March 31

Pending sale or impressions:
OlliOlli 2 (PS4, Vita) - March 3
Flame Over (Vita) - March 10
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters (PS3, Vita) - March 10
Jamestown+ (PS4) - March 17
Bloodborne (PS4) - March 24


Oh, I just thought of White Night. That's suppose to be out in March, too, right? I was looking to get that as well.


Toukiden Kiwami (Vita and PS4)
Hotline Miami 2
La Mulana EX (Vita)
Pillars of Eternity

And that will probably be all I buy for most of the year until Arkham Knight drops.

Anyone else thinking March 2015 is what December 2014 should have been???


Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
MBL 15: The Show

Great month! It's rare that I ever "need" this many titles in a month :)
Hotline mutha fuckin Miami 2. Most stoked I've ever been for a game (and the ridiculously dope records with artwork by El Huervo)
Code Name S.T.E.A.M.
Flame Over
Slender: The Arrival
Final Fantasy Type O
And Bloodborne if Vita controls are alright since i have no tv atm.

Those are the ones would get if I was rich, which I am not. :p

I however have enough for one and decided on Code Name S.T.E.A.M. After playing the demo. It looks to be one of the best games this year for me.

Will most certainly try and get the others down the road. Also thanks for letting me know of Slender finally coming out to PS4. Seems like thats been coming forever. Too bad the first one didn't make it apparently. I can finally start playing some one of these horror games I've watch so many LPs on. :p
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