In what way is Starring Role the first real Marina song on the album? O_Oquick thoughts
- Starring Role is a monster. why does it take 5 songs to get to the first real Marina song.
- Marina's new direction doesnt totally work for me.
- The Kurstin tracks are money (Starring Role, P&C, Living Dead)
- State of Dreaming will sound awesome stripped down. The album version is nice in bits and pieces.
- TEEN IDLE!!!!! what a song. this is how I imagined her second album would sound if she stuck w/ the same style.
- really want Radioactive (love the hook, the poppy stuff actually works here)
- Hypocrates...*hits next button*
- F&L is a great closer. Props to Liam Howe for his songs on here.
to put it simply, i love the Kurstin and Howe tracks. split on the others.
solid album all in all. i'm left wanting more though.
i'd give it a 6.5/10 if i had to put a number on it.
the first album would get like an 8/10 by comparison.
In what way is Starring Role the first real Marina song on the album? O_O
I would've loved to see Radioactive on here instead of Homewrecker. Would've made the album a bit more well-rounded me thinks. And what's with all the Hypocrates hate? I actually really like it! It's kinda cheesy, but I like the fact that amidst all the hard-hitting songs, she slipped in a really light and airy one. The first thing I thought of when I heard it was it could be a song on Gwen Stefani's LAMB album.
I think maybe Kurstin did Homewrecker, too? Rick Nowels did 5 songs which I believe are Bubblegum Bitch, State of Dreaming, Teen Idle, Valley of the Dolls, and Hypocrates.
This is a really in-your-face breakup album, huh? I feel like she's yelling all this at me. But then again, I felt that way with The Family Jewels, too. lol
Hmm... And I thought Homewrecker sounded better in the context of the album.Starring Role is the one that grabbed me on first listen and made me think "Okay, Marina made this." It fits what I've come to expect from her over 3 years. Lies sort of gave me that feeling. In the context of the album I feel a lot differently about the big pop songs (Primadonna & Homewrecker) than I did as stand-alones. I like them a good bit less.
I like parts of Homewrecker...well the parts that aren't the hook.
My production comments were based off the wiki prod. credits so I could be wrong but it says Kurstin only did those 3 tracks.
As for Hypocrates, it's not really a bad song or a good song to me.
I'm just not fond of tracks that don't fit in.
It's as jarring as Another Song All Over Again from FS/LS.
I'm surprised she didn't include The Archetypes as a intro/interlude to State of Dreaming.
sn: i've never heard Scab and Plaster before. nice song. i've never really looked into her unreleased tracks and demos before.
Yup.She's so beautiful man:
The deluxe edition tracks have just leaked.
Lonely Hearts Club is here.
Buy The Stars would be right at home on The Family Jewels.
She's so beautiful man:
Give it some more listens. The amazingness that is Teen Idle wasn't apparent until after a few listens for me. Not sure which album I like better... yet.I've only given the whole album one listen (and haven't heard the deluxe edition bonus songs) so far. Got some great singles and the rest is fine. Not as awesome as the first LP to me but still great pop with an amazing voice.
Didn't know Marina had a fan base here. I'm pleasantly surprised. Teen Idle is no doubt my favorite from her new album.
I see now why it's track number 1. Dat chorus.I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch
The only problem with this album is that it makes me really sad listening to it - her lyrics are quite a bit darker this time around, at least to me.