I've completed 150cc. Hooray. Now I just have 6 cups left in mirror mode and I'll move on to time trials.
I come to share an amazing gif from SomethingAwful's MK thread:
I've completed 150cc. Hooray. Now I just have 6 cups left in mirror mode and I'll move on to time trials.
I really like Cheep Cheep Beach. Not enough people choose Cheep Cheep Beach.
I hope you're ready. The cpu will show no mercy.
yup, dem green shells in 150cc are deadly.
Just confirmed it with Koodo.. After 1030-1050 VR, the system resets the number to 0 so we have to start all over again.
YYYYESSSSS FIRST PLACE!!!FIIIIRSSST.with only 6 players but still
That red shell would have fucked me if I wasn't spamming a and the item box didn't give me a bannanna. How do I save replays?
Coins are secretly the best items in the game. The reason why it's so difficult to catch up to first place is because of coins. First/second place rarely loses coins and they easily get them back so they are always at top speed. Whereas players in a lower positioning frequently have to fight for coind and lose coins quite often.
If you play mario kart wii 150cc and compare it to mario kart 8 it's very funny how different the two are.
Not just you. Getting constant errors.Anyone else getting a ridiculous amount of communications errors tonight, or has my Wii U decided to not play well with my router all of a sudden?
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Gib rosalina つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
stupid random-ass unlock system
Have to admit, as much as I'm not a fan of Waluigi, I actually heard the WAH here and died laughing.
the unlock system is random? I got 50 points somehow and unlocked more car parts, how many until I start getting characters?
Gold Cup GP only is what unlocks charactersthe unlock system is random? I got 50 points somehow and unlocked more car parts, how many until I start getting characters?
is it me or do lightning strikes always happen on the third lap near the finish line