And is it only my impression or the CPU is more smart and aggressive ?
I don't remember actually trying to hit anyone (except sometimes in antigrav mode for the boost, but I guess this would be fair? I thought the game was designed this way...) I'm rusty, and I have indeed hit a couple of karts, especially when there's many karts around (besides, I can't play with the stick on the Upad, and the D-pad feels strange... I have to try a different control scheme).Who's Koren in the game? Anyway hitting people when running by them just because. I wasn't even in your way and you just drove by and hit me out of the tracks into the dirt 3 times.
Don't worry. It was just that one race. We played together for about 15 races and you only hit me a lot on that one and I posted right after it. Sorry for posting like that! And yeah, we will definitely be seeing each other in the game a lot I guessI don't remember actually trying to hit anyone (except sometimes in antigrav mode for the boost, but I guess this would be fair? I thought the game was designed this way...) I'm rusty, and I have indeed hit a couple of karts, especially when there's many karts around (besides, I can't play with the stick on the Upad, and the D-pad feels strange... I have to try a different control scheme).
If I hit you three times, I'd like to really apologize for this. Trust me, it wasn't my intent (even if I know it could seem difficult to believe in this case). I hope we'll be able to play again together so I can prove you I don't have any intent of ramming anyone just for the sake of it.
You probably have a point, but I have forever been a green shell magnet, so I didn't assume it was a problem with the gameLAIR, because nothing in this post has any hatred for the green shells
Why are we apologising for ramming now? Ram those fuckers off the road, I say!
Why are we apologising for ramming now? Ram those fuckers off the road, I say!
Has it been discussed yet why this RACING game features no LAP TIMES at all?
Every previous iteration had lap times. What the hell gives? When it's neck and neck I want to know how close it was.
Mmm. Well you came in first and then that guy came in second.
BY HOW MUCH, IWATA! Tell me! I must know!
Join the gold wheel club.might need to look into an alternative.
I'd say there is pointless ramming and "competitive" ramming. I may do it when I know well the opponent, or when struggling for the first places, but I won't get out of my trajectory just for hitting an opponent without any reason. Especially several times in a race.Why are we apologising for ramming now? Ram those fuckers off the road, I say!
Don't worry. It was just that one race. We played together for about 15 races and you only hit me a lot on that one and I posted right after it. Sorry for posting like that! And yeah, we will definitely be seeing each other in the game a lot I guess![]()
I have added my NNID on the spreadsheet. And there is a way to remove my favorites on MKTV ?
Definitely... I've been off-road (or at least off the normal trajectory) many times this morning, trying to adjust to a slippery kart and new drifting mechanics. Especially when chasing coins, and the fact that I don't know the tracks doesn't help.It's just not cool when you are ramming someone that's just been hit by other stuff and you put him right out of the track without him being able to do anything, and when he's in a place that's not even the main path(I assume he slipped like me or something).
Differently. And it's actually pretty annoying that you can't press (+) to see their base stats in the character selection screen.Never played the games besides the original, but do each character behave differently? Or are they all the same?
Why are we apologising for ramming now? Ram those fuckers off the road, I say!
All's fair in Mario Kart. When you want to beat as many people as possible, ramming one player off the road is a perfectly valid tactic, especially in a world where weight and off-road are stats. You in your kart are just one more weapon with which to decimate everyone else on the track. No prisoners. No sympathy.
Has it been discussed yet why this RACING game features no LAP TIMES at all?
Every previous iteration had lap times. What the hell gives? When it's neck and neck I want to know how close it was.
Mmm. Well you came in first and then that guy came in second.
BY HOW MUCH, IWATA! Tell me! I must know!
Why and when did Nintendo decide to get rid of the fake item box?
Very early impression:
+ Brilliant core racing design.
+ Seems very balanced.
+ Online is dope.
+ Slick graphics.
- Though it doesnt break the game, I absolutely notice the frame judder in single player.
- Barebones single player, modes, and general options/features is very disappointing and makes the game feel rushed.
Excellent game systems, excellent tracks, weak package in terms of solo features and content. Series is almost exclusively reliant on multiplayer now, which isn't terrible, but I'd love to see more modes and options.t
I (Koopa Troopa) BARELY lost to wasd yesterday in a race. I was sad![]()
- Though it doesnt break the game, I absolutely notice the frame judder in single player.
Reminds me of this
TBF not much is new under the sun. I never really considered Mario Kart as a single player racing games since it's something that's never really engaged me.
It's certainly something could and should improve on eventually, but what they did to battle mode would likely be my biggest potential issue with the game.