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Marriage Equality Heads to SCOTUS - Obergefell v. Hodges |OT| The Last Days of Murica

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What does this mean for America's political future? One party is pro gay marriage and another party is allegedly bout that "protect the family" life. Anywhoo, same sex marriage is legal in the Pac Northwest. No wonder everyone's up in arms about this alleged attack on families. <---For the record, I do not agree with the alleged "attack on families" and have better things to do than protest/vote against something that does not have an effect upon me at all. Good for the LGBTQ community for standing up for their values and raising awareness on this issue (not that anyone needs to hear that from me).
Great OP. I'll never be able to thank all the people enough who have fought to get up to this point.

What does this mean for America's political future? One party is pro gay marriage and another party is allegedly bout that "protect the family" life. Anywhoo, same sex marriage is legal in the Pac Northwest. No wonder everyone's up in arms about this alleged attack on families. <---For the record, I do not agree with the alleged "attack on families" and have better things to do than protest/vote against something that does not have an effect upon me at all. Good for the LGBTQ community for standing up for their values and raising awareness on this issue (not that anyone needs to hear that from me).

GOP will just go silent on the issue like the pathetic cowards they are. They can't openly support it because of the evangelical base. In 20 years (assuming the republicans exist in their current form), they will just pretend like nothing ever happened.


There will still be a last state because various state legislatures will be butthurt and not take the laws off of the books, see, well, every other discriminatory law in the history of this country.

By that logic, Iowa doesnt have marriage equality since it hasn't repealed its statute on the issue. There are many enjoined laws on the books that don't matter since they're unenforceable.


I bet a lot of conservatives wish this issue would just go away already. Im sure a lot of them really don't give a crap about gay marriage but they'll use it as a wedge issue when they can. The less they have to talk about this topic, especially when its become clear the country has gone in the opposite direction from the GOP stance, the better off they'll be come election time.
Funny thing.. their base won't let it go. For the GOP, this is going to be one of those issues that continues to haunt them until opposition literally dies-off.

I'd bet good money that at least one state will do its best to subvert/circumvent the ruling that comes down, and that we'll see another sequence in court. And th GOP primary candidates will be forced to weigh-in as these festivities are unfolding.


Also because Time is a Flat Circle, the lawyer who successfully argued for marriage equality in 2004 in Massachusetts -- Mary Bonuato -- will be doing the oral arguments for the first question in front of the SCOTUS.
Funny thing.. their base won't let it go. For the GOP, this is going to be one of those issues that continues to haunt them until opposition literally dies-off.

I'd bet good money that at least one state will do its best to subvert/circumvent the ruling that comes down, and that we'll see another sequence in court. And th GOP primary candidates will be forced to weigh-in as these festivities are unfolding.

They have an easy out because theres literally nothing they can do about it then. Legislative branch can't overrule the Judicial without a Constitutional amendment. The base can wail and gnash their teeth but the fight is over. everyone else has gone home already.
It doesn't matter whether these laws are on the books or not; if the Supreme Court says they're unconstitutional then they're automatically invalid. In fact, it doesn't even have to be the Supreme Court, because several states have laws or amendments on the books banning gay marriage which have been invalidated by district or circuit courts in the past year or two in these very same cases.

An invalid law can still be "enforced" (or threatened) by local and state level police and courts, one supposes, such as the tantrum-throwing Alabama Supreme Court with their recent meltdown. Whether these idiots would openly defy the Supreme Court itself, as much of the South did in the wake of Brown v. Board of Education, remains to be seen.

A small part of me hopes they go full crazy on this so the rest of the country can see what they are dealing with. It would also force the 2016 Republican candidate into a corner on the issue.

They have an easy out because theres literally nothing they can do about it then. Legislative branch can't overrule the Judicial. The base can wail and gnash their teeth but the fight is over. everyone else has gone home already.

We'll get the crazies from the base pushing for a constitutional amendment.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It doesn't matter whether these laws are on the books or not; if the Supreme Court says they're unconstitutional then they're automatically invalid. In fact, it doesn't even have to be the Supreme Court, because several states have laws or amendments on the books banning gay marriage which have been invalidated by district or circuit courts in the past year or two in these very same cases.

An invalid law can still be "enforced" (or threatened) by local and state level police and courts, one supposes, such as the tantrum-throwing Alabama Supreme Court with their recent meltdown. Whether these idiots would openly defy the Supreme Court itself, as much of the South did in the wake of Brown v. Board of Education, remains to be seen.

Obviously. It's still fun to bet on when the state will finally relent and take it off the books. I don't see myself living until the 22nd century though!


The Autumn Wind
What does this mean for America's political future? One party is pro gay marriage and another party is allegedly bout that "protect the family" life. Anywhoo, same sex marriage is legal in the Pac Northwest. No wonder everyone's up in arms about this alleged attack on families. <---For the record, I do not agree with the alleged "attack on families" and have better things to do than protest/vote against something that does not have an effect upon me at all. Good for the LGBTQ community for standing up for their values and raising awareness on this issue (not that anyone needs to hear that from me).
If the GOP were smart, they'd just shut their mouths and let it go. However, considering it's the GOP, they'll probably keep harping on getting the decision overruled for however long similar to Roe v. Wade.
A small part of me hopes they go full crazy on this so the rest of the country can see what they are dealing with. It would also force the 2016 Republican candidate into a corner on the issue.

We'll get the crazies from the base pushing for a constitutional amendment.

That won't happen. It wont even register beyond Republican primaries, if it does at all.

Funny thing is that once this is legalized nothing will really change (ie. No brimstone and fire) and eventually people will wonder why they ever gave a shit about opposing it.
Republicans couldn't get a constitutional amendment passed ten years ago - it would require an absurd flip in the government for one to pass now. For one thing about half of the Senate fully supports marriage equality when it takes 2/3rds in each chamber to pass an amendment. It probably wouldn't pass in the House either.
Republicans couldn't get a constitutional amendment passed ten years ago - it would require an absurd flip in the government for one to pass now. For one thing about half of the Senate fully supports marriage equality when it takes 2/3rds in each chamber to pass an amendment. It probably wouldn't pass in the House either.

Of course they couldn't, but it would be great if they tried. The establishment just wants this issue to go away though.


South Carolina has entered the fray with one of the more "WTF?" arguments against gay marriage.


The amicus brief — filed by amicus curiae, or “friends of the court,” meaning people who are not a party to a case but who have a vested interest in a particular outcome — addressed the question, “Does the Fourteenth Amendment require a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex?”

The answer, according to South Carolina, is that it does not — because although the anachronistic “views of the Fourteenth Amendment’s framers are not those of the State today…such evidence is, nevertheless, reflective of the Amendment’s original meaning which we believe controls this case.”

The state is interpreting the Amendment in accordance with the “originalist” school of judicial interpretation, which privileges the intent of the authors at the time a law was written. According to the state, then, because the Fourteenth Amendment explicitly allowed states to determine whether married women could own property or sign contracts without their husband’s consent, it also granted states the right to determine who could be married — so long as they didn’t discriminate on the basis of race.

“The framers,” the state claims, “insisted upon leaving untouched those state laws depriving women of basic rights upon marriage to a man.” The only marriage-related Fourteenth Amendment restriction, South Carolina argues, involved cases of miscegenation. It “barred racial discrimination, certainly, but its dicta regarding the fundamental right to marriage does not suggest anything about same-sex marriage.”

Because the Amendment’s equal protection clause only originally applied to matters of race — and didn’t even apply to married women in some states — South Carolina argues, as Stein put it, that “f the Fourteenth Amendment permits discrimination against married women, it surely also allows discrimination against gay people who wish to wed.”

“In fact,” he added, “according to South Carolina, the Fourteenth Amendment forbids only racial discrimination, leaving states free to disadvantage women and gays in any way they wish.”

Gays shouldn't be allowed to married because women.


South Carolina has entered the fray with one of the more "WTF?" arguments against gay marriage.

“In fact,” he added, “according to South Carolina, the Fourteenth Amendment forbids only racial discrimination, leaving states free to disadvantage women and gays in any way they wish.”

lol South Carolina


re: one of my favorite things, polling, a new study out of UCLA shows that states with marriage equality have a more rapid progression at the polls than states without marriage equality.


In their 2014 support tabs, all but 14 states had support that was 50% or above:

DC: 86%
Vermont: 75%
Rhode Island: 74%
Massachusetts 73%
Hawaii: 73%
New York: 71%
Maine: 70%
California: 70%
New Jersey: 69%
Delaware: 67%
Maryland: 67%
Wisconsin: 67%
Connecticut: 65%
Washington: 65%
New Hampshire: 65%
Minnesota: 63%
Nevada: 63%
Illinois: 63%
Colorado: 61%
Iowa: 60%
Oregon: 60%
New Mexico: 60%
Pennsylvania: 60%
Missouri: 58%
Arizona: 57%
Michigan: 57%
Florida: 56%
Alaska: 54%
Ohio: 54%
South Dakota: 52%
Virginia: 52%
Texas: 51%
Nebraska: 50%
South Carolina: 50%
Montana: 50%
Kansas: 50%
Indiana: 50%

North Dakota: 47%
North Carolina: 46%
Kentucky: 46%
Louisiana: 44%
Idaho: 44%
Georgia: 43%
Wyoming: 41%
Oklahoma: 40%
Arkansas: 40%
Utah: 39%
Mississippi: 39%
Tennessee: 36%
West Virginia: 36%
Alabama: 35%


I am so excited for my friends who have been waiting for this moment. It's been so hard to see how they've suffered the indignity of being treated differently by his or her very own government. But as hard as it may be for me, imagine how many TRILLION times more significant their pain and suffering is... and yet they've laughed, they've cried, they've loved and hated, still grabbing life by the ears and never letting go. It's momentous and I cannot wait to see all these wonderful people have those equal rights in wages and employment, discrimination, marriage, and simple common respect. And so that maybe as a bonus that in due time - decades and centuries - hate coming from the general public may, over time, at least abate a little. Just be progressive on social issues.

And naturally, there's always a little bit because I too want to see piece by piece the dismantling of every hateful social goal people of religious faith adhere to, as well as the people who have spent years working in congress or in their own disgusting language toward the group in attempts to convert people to their dogmatic point of view. I will take some satisfaction in that.. I am only human after all.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
It always breaks my heart to see pictures of gay couples and their beautiful children looking like a perfectly happy family all while knowing that there are scumbags out there that would be happy seeing them split up.


Great OP. Some of those stories really got to me.

That Obergefell story...

Why is it so damn dusty in here?

It always breaks my heart to see pictures of gay couples and their beautiful children looking like a perfectly happy family all while knowing that there are scumbags out there that would be happy seeing them split up.
It's hard not to think of those kinds of people as flat out evil. That's probably not fair, because social attitudes can be incredibly tough to shake when you're raised with a certain view of what's normal and then told you're wrong. But look at those couples. The raw humanity in those images and stories is powerful. I'd like to think anyone could recognize that all of us are the same in our fundamental needs for love and family and people who accept us for our authentic selves.

That some people view these connections as a threat or perversion is outrageous. Everyone deserves a family that brings joy to their life.


Best of luck, I hope SCOTUS will lead by example and make this possible in the States and soon worldwide!

Maybe after this marriage equality silliness is done with, the horrific, ongoing genocide of trans people can finally be addressed.

Oh, who am I kidding. That's not gonna happen.



What does this mean for America's political future? One party is pro gay marriage and another party is allegedly bout that "protect the family" life.

I'm actually quite curious to see how this affects the 2016 election. The obvious thing to think is that it will further tank the republicans -- overall public opinion has clearly shifted to the pro side here. On the other hand, it's probably going to whip their base up into even more of a frenzy (if that's possible at this point)...like "8 years of Obama and now the gays are getting married!" sky is falling panic that will probably drive conservative funding and turnout even more than usual.

As for the upcoming ruling itself...about damn time.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I adore the new penny gif


What will we do with all the Penny gifs once this is all over. :'(

This is great news though.
We do see "I'm getting married!" posts around here pretty frequently, so maybe she'll show-up in the OPs or responses of those topics?

At the bare minimum, use of her image in this context will be a historic signpost. People who were here at GAF during this era will remember her (and the discussions around her), while those who weren't here won't be in on the joke. No matter, she'll be remembered. I might think about it a few decades from now in a random moment and just giggle to myself. :)



The American political system goes completely over my head (I struggle enough with the British one) so the finer points are lost on me, but I look forward to seeing some good stuff from this thread.


For some reason I had thought Hawaii got on the bus way back around when Massachusetts did. Must've gotten confused with another issue.

Can't wait to put the shitty old rules behind us.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
That OP is top shelf. Quality work, TC

I especially liked all the pictures of the couples. Cautiously optimistic about SCOTUS. Surely the majority is ready to be on the right side of history.

Eric C

Fantastic OP. It's really well done.

It makes me very happy to think that in less than 12 weeks the marriage equality battle will be over, and the pro same sex marriage side is almost assuredly going to win.

Heh, I remember after June 2013's Windsor decision some people were predicting 10-15 years for nation wide gay marriage ...but here we are now in 2015!


This should have been done a long time ago, but better late than never.

Cue to people marrying their dogs and their waifus!



Funny thing is that once this is legalized nothing will really change (ie. No brimstone and fire) and eventually people will wonder why they ever gave a shit about opposing it.

God is making the oceans rise because we legalized gay marriage!


Glad to see US-wide gay marriage is (most likely) almost here. Canada has had it for quite some time now and we seem to be doing just fine.


Forgot to say, great work on the OP. I really hope it's as much of a done deal as we think. When it comes to the courts these days, I don't count my chickens...


Glad to see US-wide gay marriage is (most likely) almost here. Canada has had it for quite some time now and we seem to be doing just fine.

Aside from the election of Stephen Harper, anyways. But I can't blame that on gay marriage.

I found the path for the U.S. to get nationwide gay marriage painful to watch. Up here in Canada, you could have blinked and missed it. Like we went from nothing to almost everyone. Some history for those unaware:

Ontario and BC ruled on it provincially in summer of 2003 and suddenly every other province was like "oh, we're safe to do this now without getting voted out for it? Holy shit, OK, cool, let's do it." 80-90% of the country had it legalized in the span of 2 years.

The only holdouts were Alberta, Prince Edward Island, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. But shortly after New Brunswick ruled in favor of it provincially, the vote passed federally and it was over. Even the federal bill was like "well, no sense NOT doing this, since the provinces seem in favour of it, let's just get this out of the way while the getting is good."

No painful court cases beyond the first few provincial bills being passed, most of it was purely legislative, without referendums or ballot measures. Just bills in the House that got a bit of debate and then got rubber-stamped, essentially.

So it makes the process in the U.S seem agonizing to watch, even as an outsider.

There's a wide world outside of the US, just waiting for the day Penny arrives.
Do we have a world map of this? We need to keep Penny dancing. Who are the next likely candidate countries to rule in favor of it?
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