it creates better image quality than native taa at 4K
there's no arguments there you can win, DLSS is also another thing you pay for, and if you paid for it, you may as well use it, especially if it is both beneficial for performance and image quality
it also destroys imsomniac's bespoke temporal injecetion. even I had beliefes that it would rival DLSS, but it has failed colossally, not even close.
even DLSS performance at 4K looks better than IGTI quality at 4K. this speaks volumes on how good DLSS is.
initial arguments console users had against DLSS was that it wasn't going to be widespread. although me and many people like me told that any game that had TAA in place can easily get DLSS, people refused to believe it. now we almost have DLSS in most major AAA games, especially the ones that need it (ray tracing etc)