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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT3| 80.8 % Certified Fresh


Swedish Netflix sucks a bit too.
Yeah, we got nothing here in Scandinavia.

By the way. We just got confirmation that Peter's classmate Sally (Yeah, do you remember her too?) from Spider-Man: Homecoming will appear in Avengers: Infinity War as well, so I wonder if the Midtown High school will appear in the film? Maybe one from the Black Order will attack their school? Maybe Ned Leeds has an infinity stone hidden in his lair!?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Incredible Hulk is such a weird movie. It's like a sequel to a movie that doesnt exist. You get a little "origin" in the opening credits and thats it.

Unless its half-supposed to be a sequel to the Ang Lee one, which isnt MCU (well there wasnt a MCU back then). Or they just went "Look you know the Hulk's origin, get over it". But then again the next movies all had proper origins, so...yeah its weird.

edit: completely forgot they were setting up Leader, I gues for a sequel that never happened.


Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit, this is good.

I have trouble with the 3 year gap b/w Avengers and Iron Man 3. Coulson wasn't dead that long, and Tony wouldn't have gone untreated for his PTSD for 3 years.


This is Tony. It's in character for him to force that down for an unhealthy length of time.

The Coulson bit is a valid concern....

Don't forget Iron Man 3 is a flashback.
It's all broken because Tony says Iron Man 3 happens only 6 months after Avengers. Which means Avengers happens in June of that year.


It's all broken because Tony says Iron Man 3 happens only 6 months after Avengers. Which means Avengers happens in June of that year.



Unconfirmed Member
Text I got from my dad this morning after him and my mom went and saw Spider-Man last night...

Well we saw Spider-Man last night. Pretty good. Like to see it again. Liked how they popped in the head of the Terminator as one of hero trash.

My dad is awesome.


I can't just ignore such things. I'm very much invested and interested in the timeline and for the whole thing to fit. So when an issue like this pops up it concerns me. I hope we at least get an explanation, or that they fix it for the home release if there ain't an explanation. It is very strange this happened, since Kevin Feige and his team has the whole timeline and future plans laid out plain.


I can't just ignore such things. I'm very much invested and interested in the timeline and for the whole thing to fit. So when an issue like this pops up it concerns me. I hope we at least get an explanation, or that they fix it for the home release if there ain't an explanation. It is very strange this happened, since Kevin Feige and his team has the whole timeline and future plans laid out plain.

George is right though, in the end, when it comes to these films it's really the storytelling that matters. As fans, it's important not to let ourselves get too bogged down in the trivial fan-wankery stuff surrounding the universe building if it just ends up detracting from our enjoyment of the movies themselves and the stories they're trying to tell. Continuity mishaps is always something of an inevitability when it comes to these kind of long-running franchises, and they'll just keep resurfacing as this universe gets bigger and bigger. We just have to learn to take it on the chin and not get too worked up over it.


You don't want to end up like Star Wars fandom where the first question now is always "is this canon?" There are more important things to focus on.

I can take the odd hiccup - it's not like trying to sort out Fox' X-Men continuity.
Incredible Hulk is such a weird movie. It's like a sequel to a movie that doesnt exist. You get a little "origin" in the opening credits and thats it.

Unless its half-supposed to be a sequel to the Ang Lee one, which isnt MCU (well there wasnt a MCU back then). Or they just went "Look you know the Hulk's origin, get over it". But then again the next movies all had proper origins, so...yeah its weird.

edit: completely forgot they were setting up Leader, I gues for a sequel that never happened.
I assume it's the same as ASM and Civil War/Homecoming. Ang Lee Hulk was only 5 years before MCU's Hulk. The basics are pretty much already known by most; no need to cover that ground again.
A+ Tier
Doctor Strange
Captain America Civil War
Captain America The Winter Solder

A Tier
Spider-Man Homecoming
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Guardians of the Galaxy
Iron Man

B+ Tier

B Tier
Iron Man 3
Captain America The First Avenger

B - Tier
Iron Man 2
Thor The Dark World

C Tier
Avengers Age of Ultron
Incredible Hulk


Age of Ultron was a chaotic nightmare blemished further by an unnecessarily dark filter and that strange Bruce/Natasha pairing.
Doc Strange was kind of a bore and a bit bland on a recent rewatch. It carries its inspirations on its sleeve, the magic has no real sense of mystery and, worst of all, the titular character doesn't grab me at all. Would have loved to see Joaquin Phoenix in the role, Cumberbatch is wearing thin.

On the other hand, I think Ant-Man is really underappreciated and I'm super excited to see what Peyton Reed will do in Ant-Man & The Wasp.


semen stains the mountaintops
I liked Age of Ultron almost as much as the first, my big grip with the movie is just how quip heavy Ultron way. The trailers made him seem really cool and menacing but he was never that in the actual movie. It's maybe the only time the "too many quips" criticism has rung true for me.
I liked Age of Ultron almost as much as the first, my big grip with the movie is just how quip heavy Ultron way. The trailers made him seem really cool and menacing but he was never that in the actual movie. It's maybe the only time the "too many quips" criticism has rung true for me.

I was able to forgive the quips mostly because Ultron was based on Tony after all but goddamn, I'd have loved for him to be built by Michael Douglas' Hank Pym.


Junior Member
I was able to forgive the quips mostly because Ultron was based on Tony after all but goddamn, I'd have loved for him to be built by Michael Douglas' Hank Pym.
The world wouldn't be ready for James Spader basing his Ultron characterization after Michael Douglas' Hank Pym.


Spidey Homecoming was awesome, I'm interested in seeing the future plans in the sequels
I wonder if Michelle's real name is Mary Jane or if she is just going to be MJ with a different name. I feel like JJJ is going to be in the sequel but I don't expect Harry and Norman until the third at the very least.

I feel like the option is always there for Marvel to someday bring back Ultron with his classic comics look and a more serious, dark-humored tone. Spader would kill it, he deserves better and Ultron too. AoU just made me sad in so many ways, including the fact that there will never be an on-screen pairing of Bucky and Natasha.


I ain't even gotta watch this movie because I know it'll be my favorite CBM period Tier
Black Panther

S Tier
Civil War
Spider-man Homecoming
Winter Soldier

A Tier
Guardians 1 and 2
Iron Man 3
Doctor Strange
Cap 1
Agents of Shield season 4
Daredevil Season 1
Jessica Jones
Luke Cage

B Tier
Daredevil season 2
Agents of Shield season 2 and 3

C Tier
Shield season 1
Iron Man

D Tier
Iron Man 2
Thor 2

Ay why am I even watchin this shit anymore, oh wait I quit because it was ass
Iron Fist


Our God is an Awesome God
Guardians of the Galaxy

Well, Hot Damn
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Spider-Man: Homecoming

Pretty...Pretty, Uh....Pretty Good
The Avengers
Iron Man
Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Iron Man 3
Doctor Strange
Captain America: The First Avenger

You Feelin' Good There, Big Fella?
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 2
The Incredible Hulk
Thor: The Dark World

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Captain America: The First Avenger


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Captain America: Civil War
Iron Man 3
Iron Man


Guardians of the Galaxy
Doctor Strange


Avengers: Age of Ultron
Thor: The Dark World
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2


Junior Member
I think Professor Thorgi has the best analogy for this movie. Spider-Man: Homecoming is like the student that got every question right on the exam, but didn't do any of the extra credit. It's still in the top tier of the MCU in my eyes (up there with Winter Soldier, both Guardians movies, Civil War, & AoS Season 4) & a solid-ass movie in general, but I didn't go absolutely apeshit over it. It was just a great movie, & one of the MCU's best (if not the best, though I'm gonna watch it again to be sure).
Since everyone is giving rankings:

Top Tier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Captain America: Civil War
Guardians of the Galaxy
The Avengers
Iron Man

Great Tier

Spider-Man: Homecoming
Captain America: The First Avenger
Ant Man
Doctor Strange
Iron Man 3
The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Thor: The Dark World
Iron Man 2

Good/Reasonable Tier

The Incredible Hulk

Overall I love them all apart from The Incredible Hulk, which whilst I enjoyed it, it was pretty by the numbers. Also, The Winter Soldier is still the best for me.
Going to go (fairly) low with 76%. Higher than the ASM movies but a low one for the MCU.

I'm feel like with this being the 6th Spider-Man movie overall it's not going to score any points for newness/novelty. Probably going to be a lot of people going in knowing exactly what they expect from a Spider-Man movie and unless the movie throws some curve balls at them they're not going to respond the way they did to something like Doctor Strange/Wonder Woman, where expectations were generally uninformed/low.

Well... There's a trophy for participation at least, right?

Absolutely loved Homecoming. Everything I wanted from a teenage Spider-Man movie.
I haven't done a ranking for a while.

Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Spider-Man Homecoming
The Avengers

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Doctor Strange
Captain America: The First Avenger

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 3

Iron Man 2
The Incredible Hulk
Thor: The Dark World

I'd be surprised if Ragnarok and Black Panther aren't top tier.


Unconfirmed Member
Might as well chime in on ranking, but still haven't seen Homecoming yet.

Top Tier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1
Captain America: Civil War
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2

Great Tier

The Avengers
Iron Man
Captain America: The First Avenger

Good Tier

Doctor Strange
The Avengers: Age of Ultron

Meh/Ok Tier

The Incredible Hulk
Thor: The Dark World
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Ultimate Marvel Cinematic Universe Ranking

"I'm with you til the end of the line"-tier
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

"Come on Spider-Man"-tier
Spider-Man: Homecoming

"You killed my mother"-tier
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

"I am Iron Man"-tier
Iron Man 3

"He's my friend"-tier
Captain America: Civil War

"I can do this all day"-tier
Captain America: The First Avenger

"I shouldn't be alive unless it was for a reason"-tier
Iron Man

"They got my dick message"-tier
Guardians of the Galaxy

"I was returning something I stole"-tier

"We have a Hulk"-tier

"You lack imagination"-tier
Doctor Strange

"Nothing makes sense"-tier
Avengers: Age of Ultron

"I had it all wrong"-tier

"Where's my bird"-tier
Iron Man 2

"Don't make me hungry"-tier
The Incredible Hulk

Thor: The Dark World


Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal on whether or not Michelle is MJ:
Well, we never even looked at it as a big reveal necessarily but more of just a fun homage to his past adventures and his past love. She's not Mary Jane Watson. She never was Mary Jane Watson. She was always this new high school character, Michelle, who we know there's an "M" in Michelle and an "M" in Mary. [laughs] So we're so clever and we thought, "Wouldn't it be neat if her initials were MJ?" And then I think it leaked that she would be playing MJ and then it became a whole headache for Zendaya to have to navigate. It was never a big, "Oh my God, it's a big reveal!" There are big reveals in the movie. That's not one of them.

Pascal added to that by stating, "She is not going to end as being Mary Jane Watson," while Feige would reiterate that by reassuring fans they're not changing things up too drastically. "She's not Mary-Jane Watson. Is she going to date Peter? Are they going to fall in love? She seems to be intrigued with him. There's a nice chemistry there. Who knows what will happen in the future films?"

Writers explains why they included an iconic scene in Spider-Man: Homecoming:
”That allusion was something [Marvel Studios president] Kevin Feige really wanted to put into this script, because it sort of embodies the internal struggle that Peter Parker is facing throughout, where he is his own greatest enemy in some ways, to have to accept himself before he can do anything helpful for the world," Daley said. ”We have him starting the scene with such self-doubt and helplessness, in a way that you really see the kid. You feel for him. He's screaming for help, because he doesn't think he can do it, and then in the context of that flashback, he kind of realizes that that's been his biggest problem. He didn't have the confidence in himself to get himself out of there."

Homecoming writers insist Aunt May needed to know about Peter's identity:
When asked how Spider-Man's story moves forward now that May knows about her nephew, Goldstein said, ”It just sort of diminishes what is often the most trivial part of superhero worlds, which is finding your secret. It takes the emphasis off that, lets her become part of what's really his life, so it's not cloak-and-dagger stuff."
”It's how does he best use these powers to help the world, help himself and his family and act responsibly," the screenwriter continued. ”What's funny is, when we first went in to Marvel, we said we were imagining that Aunt May would be a Marisa Tomei type, and they kind of exchanged a look, because they were already secretly in negotiations with her. So things worked out well; we were all on the same page."

Also, Chris Pratt has just wrapped up on Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom, so he is gonna return to Pinewood Studios next month for Avengers 4.


semen stains the mountaintops
Making Infinity War 1/2 must be the most complicated movies, in terms of setting up schedules, that have ever been filmed. I bet there will be a ton of shots with people together that were filmed weeks apart.


Spider-Man: Homecoming has earned $257 million worldwide so far which is really nice. It hasn't opened in markets like China, Japan, France, Germany, or Spain yet either. And with this earning, the MCU has now passed $12 billion at the Box Office, although Marvel Studios and Disney doesn't earn anything on Homecoming besides merchandising.
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