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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT3| 80.8 % Certified Fresh


Hey all, I'm looking to finally get caught up on everything Marvel with regards to the movies and TV shows. I've watched some like Iron Man, Avengers, Spiderman (the first two) and maybe a couple others. I stumble across this reddit thread and wanted some input if this is a good watching order. I'm gonna start over from the beginning as it's been a while. Hopefully this is the right thread to ask in.

That watching order sounds exhausting. My vote is for release order for movies and then just watch whatever TV you want (the Netflix stuff would also be better in release order).
Yeah I don't know why anyone would suggest a bloated viewing order that includes all the TV stuff.
Imagine doing that with comics though.
"Hey, I wanna get into Marvel comics, where should I start?"
"Read all 40,000 issues in chronological order, here's a list."

Although personally I've been thinking about going through a slightly different order once all the movies are out based on what the credits teases lead into.
For example in phase 2 instead of
Thor 2 -> Cap 2 -> Guardians -> Ultron
it would be
Thor 2 -> Guardians -> Cap 2 -> Ultron

Thor 2 has a mid-credits scene featuring the Collector, leading into Guardians and Cap 2 has a scene featuring Strucker and the twins, leading directly into Ultron. This has a more "logical" flow to me. Might also put GotG2 right after the first one.


Iron Fist Season 2 Aims to Begin Filming This December
Sacha Dhawan debuted as Davos in the back half of Iron Fist season 1, and was asked by ScreenGeek about the potential for season 2. Even though Marvel has yet to officially confirm Davos' return for the sophomore season, Dhawan believes that the new season is scheduled to start filming this December

Marvel's Jeph Loeb On Why 'Iron Fist' Has A New Showrunner
”What happened, really very simply, was Scott Buck was on [ABC Marvel series] Inhumansand we were delighted to get another order from Netflix and knew that Scott was not going to be available to us," Loeb said in an interview with Tracking Board. ”We set out to find a new showrunner. Raven came in, told us a story and we thought, ‘that's the next epic adventure for this character' and got very excited about it."



Edgar Wright is someone who writes and directs his own films, develops them extensively before shooting, and likes to supervise his own storyboards for every scene before they are shot. He works with people he trusts, and he knows what he wants. There's no question that someone like that will feel annoyed or hindered by a process where other people suggest ideas which they have zero interest in, especially when said people are the ones who have the final say.

The same can be said about Gunn, Waititi or Coogler... It was a bad timing for Wright, but it's clear that Marvel learned how to work with their directors.


The same can be said about Gunn, Waititi or Coogler... It was a bad timing for Wright, but it's clear that Marvel learned how to work with their directors.

Nah, considering they were more than happy to collaborate with Marvel Studios from the start and joined all those projects after there were already scripts being developed internally before them, I don't think the same can be said about them at all. It's silly to think that everyone has the same mentality when it comes to creative freedom. I don't think Marvel's approach to handling projects have changed at all. They just found more suitable partners.
There was nothing wrong with that Finn Jones quote at all. Especially when you read the actual article.

A lot of you have reached, "look at that bitch over there eating her crackers" level with regards to Jones. There's no reason for the animosity.


Tony Stark
Steve Rogers.

Two characters have to die permanently following the events of Infinity War. Only one character can live. Choose who.


Tony Stark
Steve Rogers.

Two characters have to die permanently following the events of Infinity War. Only one character can live. Choose who.

If Steve goes he has to lift Mjölnir first.

If Tony dies, I expect it to be in saving Steve's life, and I also expect him to "live" on as an Ultron/Vision or a Jarvis/Karen.

I don't think Thor dying makes the same amount of narrative sense as the other two, but Ragnarok could change that. Thor hasn't had a really solid character arc yet, Tony and Steve have, and both feel headed for a heroic death.

We're at the part of the story where surprise twists are gonna be less satisfying than getting resolution on arcs, so while I'd be way more surprised if Thor dies, I doubt it'd land as hard as the other two.


Say enough dumb shit and everything you say starts to sound dumb.

Pepsi >>> Coke

Oh jesus fucking h christ, this thread just turned into a war.....Pepsi over Coke? are you trying to be more evil than satan? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Conventions


though Coke > Pepsi is fact

As for the Edgar Wright thing...it's fairly simple. He had a vision for what he wanted to do with Ant-Man, Marvel said "sure, go for it!" and then Wright asked if the project could wait while he did something else. Marvel agreed...then Wright asked to put it on hold again while he did another thing. Marvel agreed, even though it meant changing Avengers. Then, by the time Wright decided to actually do Ant-Man, the MCU had been established. Marvel asked for some changes in Wright's original vision, Wright was against the changes. And that's that.

So, yeah, Marvel wasn't against what Wright wanted to do, but by the time Wright got around to it, it wouldn't work. Mind you, it wasn't Wright's style that Marvel was against, it was story and character.

With Coogler, Russos, Waititi, Reed, Black, etc...they come in, present Marvel with an idea, and then make it. I guarantee that if any of them waited 5+ years, some changes would be requested in their design.


Tony Stark
Steve Rogers.

Two characters have to die permanently following the events of Infinity War. Only one character can live. Choose who.

Thor and Cap.

Thor's never been compelling or interesting - his character arc ended with The Dark World, where he's proven his worth to inherit the throne by forsaking it. Replace him with a new, female Thor. Probably not Jane, but Valkyrie or Sif or even some weird out there character like... I dunno. Hawkeye's wife.

Cap's boyscout routine has gotten old and the "man out of time stuff" has run its course. Pass the shield onto someone more dynamic. I'd love Falcon but the movie version is a bit flat and I doubt Marvel would tell the story that deserves to be told, so sure, Bucky, why not. Or maybe Black Widow or something. Captain Russian-America.

Tony's still the most interesting, dynamic character in the MCU. Move him to the background as a supporting character who suits up for the big events.


I feel I'd be totally up for Thor dying, if purely because I really want to get to Jane Foster Thor, which has proved to be a version of that particular character I've gravitated towards much more strongly, in comparison to Thor Odinson, who to me just comes across as a slightly uninteresting, generic, muscle-bound hero we've seen in various superhero media countless times. Conversely, Jane as Thor is just a much more interesting spin on the formula.

Obviously, Jane Foster herself probably wouldn't be the one who would get to wield the hammer...Natalie Portman has seemed increasingly disinterested in continuing on with these movies and most fans aren't a particularly huge fan of her version of the character....even though, like with the previous Thor films, I think the problems with the character lie predominately in the writing, there's only so much an actor can do with flimsy material.

But even so, a cancer-ridden woman who takes up the hammer as a means of doing some real good in the world, even though it comes at the ultimate price where assuming the mantle is actually revealed to be slowly killing her? Sign me the hell up for that franchise.


Actress from two recently cancelled television shows would like more work.

Speaking with IGN, Atwell said ”I'd love to see [Peggy] more in films. I'd love to see her in her own film. And if we can keep evolving it so that she does new things so that I can surprise myself and she can keep surprising me then I'd love to do it. I feel very privileged to be part of something that people really love and that entertains them. But also, you're going to these conventions and meeting people who've named their son Carter and people who have a tattoo of ‘I Know My Value,' the tagline."

She then spoke a little more about the impact that Peggy has had on fans. ”She's a force of good and there are a lot of social media sites where girls and guys have come together and become good friends on an international scale because of their belief in some of the values that Peggy talks about," she explained. "And that provides them with a different connection that a family situation or school situation that they don't really feel they have a place in. That's really cool to me. So I'm very happy to be a part of that world and keep that going."


semen stains the mountaintops
Someone hire Hayley please, she's talented but this is sad.

To be fair, she was asked about it, it's not like she brought it up out of nowhere.
I spoke to star Hayley Atwell, at the Television Critics Association press tour where she appeared for her Howards End miniseries on Starz, and asked her whether or not she'd love to return to the MCU.


Yeah, I was just goofing. Atwell's a wonderful actress and she'll be fine.

Her version of Peggy has also had a brilliant run. What started as a character who was viewed as little more as cursory interest in the first Captain America film has blossomed into a richly detailed and roundly engaging character with her own deep sense of personal history. Not only did she get her own television show, but she also went on to earn one of the most satisfying character arcs in the MCU, first being introduced to us when she was a young woman in the 1940s, whilst leaving us on her deathbed as a near centennial in 2016.

The MCU has been extremely good to Carter, as well as Atwell as the actress that got to play her. That said, I wouldn't say no to an Agent Carter two hour Netflix movie tying up some of the series' loose ends though, perhaps dealing with Carter's marriage to Daniel, intermixed with Carter leading the formation of the organization now known as S.H.I.E.L.D.


RUMOR: John Ridley's Secret Project Might Be Ms. Marvel (MCU Exchange)
Take it with a grain of salt. Comicbookmovie.com has also written about it.


The pilot of the show is being written by John Ridley, who worked on 12 Years A Slave and American Crime. While it was originally written with the intent for the character to debut on ABC, ABC Studios is also considering Freeform and Hulu as potential platforms for the show. The original pitch began development in the Spring of 2015, but following Marvel's success on platforms outside of ABC, as well as changes to the schedule of Marvel Studios, in particularly the development and delays of the Captain Marvel film, have altered both the original script and the expected release timeline significantly. The script has undergone several rewrites since its initial commission over two years ago, but development is expected to be officially announced soon, as John Ridley will be able to showrun the project himself following the cancellation of American Crime, which he had previously been working on during the show's long development.

I've since checked up on Reddit and the original post seem to have been removed. Personally I think this is just some random dude being bored on a Saturday evening. That said, I really want Marvel to do something with Kamala Khan soon.
Interesting. It's been rumored for a while hat was his secret project.

That would explain the fact that Marvel is pushing Kamala in their merch.


There was nothing wrong with that Finn Jones quote at all. Especially when you read the actual article.

A lot of you have reached, "look at that bitch over there eating her crackers" level with regards to Jones. There's no reason for the animosity.

It really has. The guy seems like he's really trying his best and he seems to have some good chemistry with Colter already. I'm new to the young Danny angle but he made me like it more than I thought I would going in.


Mike Colter And Finn Jones Tease A Rocky First Interaction For Luke Cage And Iron Fist
“I think that’s a little bit surprising, because everyone knows us as being bffs and actually the first time we see each other there’s conflict, and it grounds and roots the characters into reality a little bit better, which I think is really interesting,” said Jones.

“I think it’s just one of those things where Luke has the advantage of years of experience. He’s a little older than Danny, he’s sort of been around, done that. He’s been in prison! He’s got some miles, he’s got some experiences… I’m from the streets, and that’s where we operate,” added Colter.


Seems fake, but Kamala being wasted on TV Marvel purgatory would be the absolute worst thing to happen to her.

eh, she's in weird place because she's not really worth making films out of but her powers aren't suited for TV either. An animated cartoon is probably the best place for her.

El Topo

I think he means that she is to small scale. Even smaller the Streetlevel stuff Spider-Man does usually.

We've had Spider-Man movies with low level villains that worked just fine. Made a shit ton of money actually. There's no reason they couldn't adjust things in that regard anyway.
I see plenty of reasons why a Kamala Khan movie might be years away or never happen, but none of it has anything to do with her not being worth it.
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers.

Two characters have to die permanently following the events of Infinity War. Only one character can live. Choose who.

Tony and Steve.

Tony dies first by saving either Steve or Peter. This would bring one of his two big connections in the MCU to a close (either he dies saving his long-time friend/rival and resolves their conflict from Civil War or he dies saving his protege). Steve then also dies when he finally faces Thanos (and has had a chance to wield Mjonir at some point in the final battle).

Thor lives and goes off to rule Asgard.
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