Doesn't tell us much but it sorta sounds like he's not on the run since he still has a home life.
They wear a suit that lets them turn invisible and intangible.Does Ghost have ghost powers?
They wear a suit that lets them turn invisible and intangible.
Doesn't tell us much but it sorta sounds like he's not on the run since he still has a home life.
I think the codename has been taken by a bunch of people, but in this incarnation, Ghost is a she.They? So it's an organization, not just a woman?
I'd imagine that Scott's hometown is anti-Accords & supports Scott's choice.Sokovia Accords, something something steaks
Honestly though, I don't care how they explain it away - if they even do
Nah, I just tried to use gender neutral pronouns as the comic Ghost is male but the movie's is going to be female.They? So it's an organization, not just a woman?
I'd imagine that Scott's hometown is anti-Accords & supports Scott's choice.
I got 17 days to finish Daredevil season 2, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage.
Didn't know Elektra is going to be in this. Is Claire showing up too?
Thus she aimed to answer, Who are the characters? What do they say? What do they want? And how can I show that cinematically and creatively?
One method was through the palette she established: scenes with each lead are awash in their signature primary color (red for Coxs Daredevil, blue for Krysten Ritters Jones, yellow for Mike Colters Cage, and green for Finn Jones Iron Fist). Hopefully thatll draw you in and then when they all come together its an even more exciting and bigger payoff.
Yeah. She's the one who is going to die.Is Claire showing up too?
Not sure if this was posted but Deadline reports that Marvel and Netflix are gonna film 135 episodes by the end of the year.
Apparently they are currently filming a total of 26 episodes for Jessica Jones S2 and Luke Cage S2 and added 23 more for Daredevil S3 and Iron Fist S2.
(You will also notice the lower total for DD S3 and IF S2)
It's about damn time.
your link phrasing is misleading, they arent filming 135 episodes by the end of the year, they will have filmed 135 episodes, which includes all their shows until now (or until then)
Ant-Man and The Wasp |OT| It's about damn time
Has a nice ring to it.
You doin that one too?
Funny enough, I just booked it, but I'm open to collaboration or stepping aside if someone else wants to do it.
I can pitch in somewhere. We'll talk about it as it approaches.
That film didn't have enough Michael Douglas in it. He deserves a more prominent role in the MCU.
They? So it's an organization, not just a woman?
That film didn't have enough Michael Douglas in it. He deserves a more prominent role in the MCU.
What's up with Charlie cox's pose.
Doesn't tell us much but it sorta sounds like he's not on the run since he still has a home life.
Personally, I think the MCU could do with more burgers.
"There is no legitimacy, you are just trolling" is a cheap way to brush off criticism, whether or not there is a group that is guilty of that/whether or not ultimately legitimate or not. I'd also say that (at least at GAF) it seems to be way more often that Marvel fans bring this up to joke about it, but then I don't pay much attention to those squabbles. As for Reddit or Youtube, maybe I'm just too old to know what people there say about MCU.
I'm fairly certain that no one means that there are *literally* no stakes or no consequences at all.
If none of that is brushed away in a trivial manner, but lasts, then you are right. I don't think they have necessarily done a great job at dealing with the consequences of the movies though. To give an example, people bring up Hydra as a justification for Cap's irratic behavior in CW, but this enormous revelation doesn't really seem to have had much as much of an impact (not counting Agents of Shield) as one would have expected. I think the same could be argued for many other events in MCU. That's not per se bad, but I understand if someone is disappointed. People bring up death as the ultimate example of consequences because it is the ultimate consequence, the one you cannot get away from (barring shenanigans) and (as people here rightfully say) also in a way the cheapest way to have stakes.
I mean I just sort of wonder why we set up strawmen to knock down before anyone even levels a criticism. It's not like the MCU community thread is a hotbed of haters.
So where has Carol been all this time? We are told that the comments by Marvel Stuidos physics consultant, Dr. Spiros Michalakis, about the Quantum Realm playing a major part in Captain Marvel have an awful lot to do with where shes been and why she sat out the events of Infinity War. With Captain Marvel releasing between Infinity War and the as-yet-untitled Avengers 4, we believe we have an answer to Danvers location and see her return to join the fray in Avengers 4.
Long time members of the Carol Corps are going to love the way the story pays homage to her long history. We know the Kree will have a large presence in the film and, according to the source, the film will absolutely include the Kree hero Mar-Vell! Its well-established in Marvel Cinematic Universe mythology that the Kree have been to Earth before, so we arent surprised to find out that Mar-Vell might have been on Earth in the past to observe and report on the activities of humans especially given that films plot is expected to be driven by the longstanding Kree-Skrull war.
Though we dont know if well be seeing him on Earth as Dr. Lawson, we are told to expect to see a version of the Psyche-Magnitron accident from the comics and that accident will be responsible for altering her DNA and giving her powers. Furthermore, we are told that her unique half-Kree/half-human DNA will be used to explain why she hasnt appeared to age since her disappearance, meaning they wont need to age/de-age Brie Larson. Just like Thor and the Asgardians before her, Carol wont necessarily age in the MCU.
Additionally and in somewhat of a surprising move, the earliest drafts of the script include references to her functioning as Ms. Marvel and that there will be a version of her early Ms. Marvel costume seen onscreen. Marvel Studios have been great about updating classic looks that respect the mythology without causing too much controversy and we expect something similar will be done here.
This could be interesting...
I still don't know what Black Sky is. Does anyone else know?
I dunno if MCUExchange is legit with their scoops