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Spider-Man is Entering The Marvel Cinematic Universe


Basically they'll have recast Spidey twice in under ten years and they want to leave it at that.


To be fair, he don't look 13 there.


While the likes of Dylan O'Brien & Logan Lerman would be awesome, they wouldn't be able to pull off the teenager look for long (maybe 1, 2 movies tops).

Perhaps. But then, both of those actors are at that nice sort of interstitial period where they could convincingly play either high school or college students, which makes for a natural transition from, say, two (solo) movies in high school and appearances in other films to further solo films in college. If Marvel is still going with the convention that the movies are set approximately in the years that they come out, there should probably be only two movies set in high school, unless Sony goes ahead with that rumored movie a year plan. If they did the movie a year thing, that eliminates the argument that you need an actor who appears prepubescent, and in either case I have to question whether Mateus would be believable as a college student given that he has a baby-face and will likely be read as a 14 - 16 year old teenager for the next seven or eight years?

I'm sure that Marvel and Sony have considered these arguments in making the decision to go forward (or not) with a younger actor, but I've never really understood the calculus in deciding to go forward with a teenager instead of an actor in their early twenties, given how casting is usually done and how the Marvel timeline constrains how many movies can be set in high school in the first place.


I was watching Parks & Recreation yesterday and it occurred to me that Adam Scott would be a perfect grown man Peter Parker.


It makes sense for the MCU, because otherwise you'd have to explain where Spider-Man has been the entire time.

That and it's a different angle for an MCU movie. Or even a superhero movie at this point. How many of the big superhero franchises today star someone in high school? How more unique would Parker's interactions be with other adult superheroes if he's an actual teen instead of someone in the same age bracket? It allows for unique scenarios and settings and problems, and Spider-Man specifically has a history of starting as a teen.


Junior Member
That and it's a different angle for an MCU movie. Or even a superhero movie at this point. How many of the big superhero franchises today star someone in high school? How more unique would Parker's interactions be with other adult superheroes if he's an actual teen instead of someone in the same age bracket? It allows for unique scenarios and settings and problems, and Spider-Man specifically has a history of starting as a teen.
Exactly. The MCU doesn't really have any young heroes, & Marvel doesn't have very many good ones to choose from. Sure there's Kamala, but you need Captain Marvel & the Inhumans first.
As if this movie wouldn't make a ton of money in the first place.

yeah, but they want spiderman to do really well on his own, too. It's partly the reason they went with Marc Webb and a young-looking Andrew Garfield for those 2 Amazing films, Sony wanted the younger audience. And though Marvel has a more direct hand in it all now, it doesn't mean they're not angling for the same thing as well.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Kid looks ok to me, I'm not familiar with his acting work though.

If it's not Dylan I'm good with them going with someone younger. The dynamics with the Avengers will be more fun that way.


Would be cool if they went for an actor that actually looks like a teenager instead of a twenty-something that obviously looks too old for the role.
I think it depends on the artist how he's depicted. here he looks young.
the one constant is his age 16

I'm not that familiar with Ultimate beyond reading it some when it was new... Did MJ go to Midtown High with him in that universe? Does that mean Harry and Gwen did too?

I always liked how in the original 616 he had shitty "friends" in high school like Flash and Liz and then got real friends in college. It's kind of like real life is for a lot of people.


WTF am I crazy or did that youtube video I just now posted above... suddenly become private? I can't play it now.

Maybe this adds legitimacy to the rumors.
Dylan is still the best choice. The MCU takes place in real time, which means he can he high school Peter for Civil War and the first solo movie, then college afterwards. He looks the part of a high school student but could also be older.
It probably was made private because dude doesn't want people seeing that video and having a bunch of Spidey fans clowning the living shit out of him for having made it.
Marvel has done nothing wrong so far, casting wise (outside of maybe Natalie Portman) so whoever they pick, I'm sure it'll be good. This is especially true considering how important this casting choice is for the next 10 years of the MCU (at least)


It probably was made private because dude doesn't want people seeing that video and having a bunch of Spidey fans clowning the living shit out of him for having made it.
He's gotta own it man. It's the only way. Cover-ups like this never work. I find it kinda endearing anyway :p
But then, why cast an actual sixteen year old? What's the rationale?

I'm struggling to answer this question, actually. I've written several paragraphs only to erase them, and the only rationale I can give at this point is "Why not?" Mateus will be 17 during shooting and 18 by the time the first movie comes out, and since the MCU moves in real time assuming he starts as a high school sophomore in the first one, and ~2 years later we get another movie he'll either be a senior or freshly graduated. I wasn't making the statement that casting younger than Dylan would be better, I just can't think of a reason NOT to

Plus the guy I was replying to made the statement that after two movies they'd just recast Peter for someone younger anyway, which I think is preposterous
Who says they want him to stay 16? The MCU moves in real time

I don't recall any mention of anyone aging as we move along in these movies but then again there has been to reason to. At best, they will establish his age and never talk about it again.
I think they do want to keep the character very young though.


I'm struggling to answer this question, actually. I've written several paragraphs only to erase them, and the only rationale I can give at this point is "Why not?" Mateus will be 17 during shooting and 18 by the time the first movie comes out, and since the MCU moves in real time assuming he starts as a high school sophomore in the first one, and ~2 years later we get another movie he'll either be a senior or freshly graduated. I wasn't making the statement that casting younger than Dylan would be better, I just can't think of a reason NOT to

Plus the guy I was replying to made the statement that after two movies they'd just recast Peter for someone younger anyway, which I think is preposterous

Right, I was talking about that earlier. The thing is, just because he would actually be eighteen or nineteen doesn't necessarily mean that he would be read as eighteen or nineteen. When I was twenty-two, I was mistaken for a fourteen year old when I tried to pay for gas inside the station. Around a year ago, when I was 27, I was carded three times in a bar because apparently someone thought I had somehow managed to sneak in.

So when I see someone who looks like those pictures, that's what I'm envisioning. Whereas someone in their early twenties who looks like a sixteen year old or seventeen year old now is on the verge of being able to play older.


I was watching Parks & Recreation yesterday and it occurred to me that Adam Scott would be a perfect grown man Peter Parker.


Sorry for going off-topic with this post, but


holy shit this guy would make the perfect cast for Ging Freecs from Hunter X Hunter.

On topic:
Wonder which movie Spidey will appear in. Hulk would be a good fit imo, but I'm not even sure if a new Hulk film is planned. Lately he's just been a plot device...


Captain America: Civil War is confirmed as his first appearence since the first day....
And there wont be a Hulk movie before 2020...
Right, I was talking about that earlier. The thing is, just because he would actually be eighteen or nineteen doesn't necessarily mean that he would be read as eighteen or nineteen. When I was twenty-two, I was mistaken for a fourteen year old when I tried to pay for gas inside the station. Around a year ago, when I was 27, I was carded three times in a bar because apparently someone thought I had somehow managed to sneak in.

So when I see someone who looks like those pictures, that's what I'm envisioning. Whereas someone in their early twenties who looks like a sixteen year old or seventeen year old now is on the verge of being able to play older.

I understand what you're saying. Never hire me as a casting director
But then, why cast an actual sixteen year old? What's the rationale?

Because a 16 year old playing a teenager means 10 years later when they make the 3rd movie, the guy will be a 26 year old playing a 20-something guy, vs a 36-year old or whatever doing the same. And 15 years later the actor still wouldn't be too old. It's for longevity's sake I'd imagine.


Eh, I think the need to cast the same age is a little silly. Garfield is 31 and the dude was pulling off a 17 year old perfectly fine. I really don't think Dylan is going to look drastically different in 4 years since both him and Logan still have younger faces. I mean, the dude is still playing a teenager in Teen Wolf.

Anyways not a fan of the look of the kid but hey, I don't know much about him so I'd have to wait and see.
In response to the MCU happening in real time and how that would affect Spider-Man:

My guess, is that the stand alone movies are going to have very few ties to contemporary events in the MCU after his debut. You could then have stand alone Spidey movies that take place chronologically before current or already released MCU movies. Then you could either catch him up when he shows up in the crossover movies, write around anything that would reveal his current personal circumstances that would be "spoilers" for events that haven't taken place in stand alone movies yet, or even tease events that would be explored in later stand alone movies that effectively act as prequels (hopefully that makes sense). If that were they route they took, then I think it would lead some validity to casting more O'Brien's age where he can better skirt the line between "movie" teen and adult.
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