Isn't Deadpool a copy of Deathstroke too??
He's like a shit Batman because people can see him.
*Phew* Finally maxed out all the vendors. Time to start rolling in the credits.
What is the max level for vendors?
For Vampirella, the ones I've read have all been full color. The B&W ones must be really old series. I would give the current ongoing series a try from Issue #1 (2010):
For Red Sonja, try the new series (2013) by Gail Simone. I've read a couple issues so far and it seems cool:
*Phew* Finally maxed out all the vendors. Time to start rolling in the credits.
Isn't Deadpool a copy of Deathstroke too??
A bit off-topic but I'm midly interested in the Marvel Unlimit susbcription but heard it's crap. Anyone have any experience with it?
A bit off-topic but I'm midly interested in the Marvel Unlimit susbcription but heard it's crap. Anyone have any experience with it?
I finally hit 60 with the Punisher last night. My altitis had me playing a dozen different characters up through 30ish to get a feel for them, before I finally settled down and went ham on Frank.
He's a really fun character, and he has a passive ability that makes him suprisingly durable. I don't really die on him, although I'll admit I haven't run any cosmics or the like. He puts out very solid damage, and just generally feels different than most of the other characters in the game.
While I wait for Dr. Strange's release, I'll try to push another character (or two) to the level cap. My closest right now are Captain America, Colossus, Jean Grey, and Nightcrawler. Right now I'm leaning towards Jean since she seems to be ridiculously powerful and very easy to play. Stuff around her just melts and I can zone out with a podcast or something while I level her.
I've heard Storm is similarly powerful, but I have her at level one.
Kepow, sorry bout yesterday. Went to do stuff and never came back, will def. be on tonight. we can do cosmics and XDEF all night. maybe a few terminals?? i need some shards.
Hey broski, we rocked!! I didn't know you get uniques all the time lol
What about THING?
Are you a huge comic fan of THING??
Hey broski, we rocked!! I didn't know you get uniques all the time lol
we will get more today. I NEED SOME MORE.
I'm saving all my splinters for Dr. Strange so I don't think I'll buy anyone else prior to that. I have a lot of characters that I've not really tried yet who may be right up my alley, but there are only so many hours in the day.![]()
He's one of few characters that I don't own, along with Cable, Iron Man, Luke Cage, Moon Knight, and Loki. I'm not super interested in those guys. My opinions of Thing are based on how he was during launch, but he never struck me as interesting. I had more fun tanking on Colossus.
I'm saving all my splinters for Dr. Strange so I don't think I'll buy anyone else prior to that. I have a lot of characters that I've not really tried yet who may be right up my alley, but there are only so many hours in the day.
Thor, for instance, was a ton of fun to play in the beta. I'll play him some eventually. Right now I'm just focused on characters that I've already invested some time into to try and get them to the level cap. Captain America is sitting in the mid-40s, so he might be the best choice.
I spent all day playing Thing.
In just ONE game of Xdefense, I found six Uniques!
Did you purchase the pack on the Marvel Heroes website or through Steam?
If you purchased it on the website, were you logged into your account when you purchased it? Did you log into that same account when you started with Human Torch? If you, check your account management on the site.
I have no idea about Steam purchases for this game, sorry.
All else fails, contact customer support. They're pretty good about getting you what you need.
if you bought a pack from marvel heroes, i think everything goes straight to the stash. basically, play with torch until you get to the avenger's tower. then go to the stash, there should be a spiderman tab, and in there should be the token for spiderman. could also be in inventory. basically the hero doesn't automatically activate. there should be a token that you right click in your inventory or stash.
Dayummm... I need that Legendary!
Dayummm... I need that Legendary!
if its like the credit and SIF artifacts, you will be drowining in them
Im interested in how "lucky" the chest is, but otherwise, I'll probably just drop this on a character I don't like/play often :[
As soon as you activate the token, you can start playing that hero immediately. You just go to the roster and switch.
new legendary for weekend event (special event drop, you dont buy it aparently)
new Rocket costume (video)
new legendary for weekend event (special event drop, you dont buy it aparently)
Worked like a charm!
Had to play through Black Cat and Green Goblin again, but that's ok.
From initial impressions, this game is like a Marvel skin for D3 - so...I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy playing it immensely.
Sounds like you have to find 3 of the event drops, and then combine them at a Crafter for that new Legendary?
Hope the event drops come thick and fast haha.. My gaming time this weekend will be limited!
This is kinda frightening indeed. I just remembered this is saint patricks weekend. I will probably only play sunday and drunk. Fuck.
I didn't know they celebrate St Pattys day in thailand, lol
WTF... hacker!!
Crafted a couple of costumes.
1st try got Squirrel Girl Aviator costume, which I already owned. Bummer. Put that back in the blender and got this:
And when are they ever gonna add starktech? I thought that was gonna come out feb. I need something to dump these extra uniques into.
The service is, conceptually, amazing. In practice, it has been a giant piece of crap.
This stems almost entirely from the Android and iOS app being horrible. Constant crashes, poor resolution and transition on the comics, limited functionality...pretty much everything that makes an app bad.
BUT, Marvel just announced that they've updated and fixed it for iOS, which a similar fix coming out on Android very soon. Word of mouth from people using it is that everything is great now. I'm eagerly awaiting the update so I can go back to reading comics on my Nexus 7 again.
If you are interested in giving it a shot, there's month trial for only $0.99 in honor of SXSW, so you can see what's out there. It's an enormous catalogue, and even the new series get added six months after publication. As long as you're okay with delaying your reading that long, the value is unbeatable. I read all my Marvel comics through Unlimited (on my PC, since the app is garbage). Once they fix the app it will be an amazing value.
Agree *100%* with Tragicomedy
It would really be a great value for what you get... if the fucking reading methods were worth a shit.
Both the Android app and PC Browser reader are fucking horrible. Such a shame because the amount of content for the price is great.